2009-11-10 11 views

Estoy tratando de añadir un botón de borrado al Dojo Datagrid y actualmente tengo el siguiente JavaScript:botón de añadir a dojo cuadrícula de datos

function createGrid() { 
    gridTmp = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({ 
     store: jsonStore, 
     structure: [ 
      {name: "Report No", field:"inc_number"}, 
      {name: "Incident Date", field: "IncidentDate"}, 
      {name: "Report Date", field: "reportDate"}, 
      {name: "Location", field: "location"}, 
      {name: "Delete", field: "inc_number", formatter: getDelete} 
     noDataMessage: 'No results returned' 
    }, "grids"); 

    return gridTmp; 
dojo.addOnLoad(function() { 
    grid = createGrid(); 

function getDelete(item) { 
    return "<button onclick=\"location.href='/report?command=delete&reportNo=" 
      + store.getIdentity(item) + "'\">Delete</button>"; 

cuando cargo la página solo me dan una cuadrícula vacía con un mensaje " Disculpe, ocurrió un error." Si elimino el último campo con el formateador "getDelete", la cuadrícula de datos se completa correctamente. No estoy seguro de lo que estoy haciendo mal, así que cualquier ayuda sería apreciada.



Usted cometió varios errores en su función getDelete:

  1. tienda no está definida, probablemente usted significó jsonStore elemento
  2. no se opone a que usted almacena. Es propiedad, especificado por "campo" (inc_number)

Creo que esto va a funcionar para usted:

function getDelete(item) { 
    return "<button onclick=\"location.href='/report?command=delete&reportNo=" 
    + item + "'\">Delete</button>"; 

Muchas gracias por la ayuda, su código funcionó a la perfección. Sí, todavía estoy tratando de dominar el dojo y el javascript. Gracias de nuevo – Avanst


@ivalkeen .. Señor me puede ayudar con este http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10258346/performing-action-a-button-click-event-button-being-placed-inside-dojox-grid -da –


Prueba esto:

var buttonFormatter = function(inValue, rowId, cellId, cellField){ 
    if (inValue == 'Button_1') { 
    var new_button = new dijit.form.Button({ 
     label: 'Detail', showLabel: false, 
     iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconInsertOrderedList", 
     'class': 'gridButton'}); 
    new_button._destroyOnRemove = true; 
    return new_button; 
    else if (inValue == 'Button_2') { 
    var new_button = new dijit.form.Button({ 
     label: 'Detail', showLabel: false, 
     iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconRemoveFormat", 
     'class': 'gridButton'}); 
    new_button._destroyOnRemove = true; 
    return new_button; 
    else if (inValue == 'Button_3') { 
    var new_button = new dijit.form.Button({ 
     label: 'New', showLabel: false, 
     iconClass: "dijitEditorIcon dijitEditorIconSelectAll", 
     'class': 'gridButton'}); 
    new_button._destroyOnRemove = true; 
    return new_button; 
    else return null; 

Con esta definición de la estructura:

var structureDictionary = { 
    'schoolA': [[ 
     { name: ' ', field: 'Button_1', width: '22px', 
      styles: 'margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align: left;', 
      formatter: buttonFormatter}, 
     { name: ' ', field: 'Button_3', width: '22px', 
      styles: 'margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align: left;', 
      formatter: buttonFormatter}, 
     { name: 'School', field: 'school_name', width: '160px'}, 
     { name: 'District', field: 'district_name', width: '160px'}, 
     { name: 'Address', field: 'address', width: '100%'}, 
     { name: 'City', field: 'city', width: '120px'}, 
     { name: 'State', field: 'state', width: '40px'}, 
     { name: 'Zip', field: 'zip', width: '40px'}, 
     { name: 'VT', field: 'vt_account', width: '20px'} 


var newStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({url: DataURL + fragment}); 
// May need to force a load: newStore._forceLoad(); 

Y finalmente algo de PHP en el servidor: (. Yo inicialmente no necesito todo esto, pero todo está disponible cuando sea necesario, este código casi nunca cambia)

$sql = ""; 

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT \n" . 
"'Button_1' AS Button_1, \n" . 
"'Button_2' AS Button_2, \n" . 
"'Button_3' AS Button_3, \n" . 
"us_schools.school_id AS school_id , \n" . 
"us_schools.school_type AS school_type /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.school_name_pretty AS school_name /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.district_name AS district_name /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.address AS address /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.city AS city /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.state AS state /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.zip AS zip /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.zip_plus_4 AS zip_plus_four, \n" . 
"CONCAT(us_schools.city, ', ', us_schools.state, ' ', IFNULL(us_schools.zip_plus_4, us_schools.zip)) AS city_state_zip /* varchar(255) */, \n" . 
"us_schools.county AS county, \n" . 
"us_schools.country AS country, \n" . 
"us_schools.phone AS phone, \n" . 
"us_schools.area_code AS area_code, \n" . 
"us_schools.location_FIPS AS fips_code, \n" . 
"us_schools.location_MSA AS msa, \n" . 
"us_schools.location_PMSA AS pmsa, \n" . 
"us_schools.private_school_coed AS private_school_coed, \n" . 
"us_schools.private_school_religious AS private_school_religious, \n" . 
"us_schools.private_school_religion AS private_school_religion, \n" . 
"us_schools.private_school_type AS private_school_type, \n" . 
"us_schools.higher_ed_information AS higher_ed_information, \n" . 
"us_schools.higher_ed_email AS higher_ed_email, \n" . 
"us_schools.higher_ed_web_url AS higher_ed_web_url, \n" . 
"us_schools.higher_ed_fax AS higher_ed_fax, \n" . 
"us_schools.university_type AS university_type, \n" . 
"us_schools.jr_college_category AS jr_college_category, \n" . 
"us_schools.jr_college_sub_category AS jr_college_sub_category, \n" . 
"IF(ISNULL(accounts.account_id), '', 'VT') AS vt_account \n" . 
"FROM voicethread_sales.us_schools AS us_schools \n" . 
"LEFT JOIN voicethread_sales.accounts AS accounts \n" . 
"ON (us_schools.school_id = accounts.account_id) \n"; 

$whereClause = ''; 
// Code to populate where clause 

$limitClause = ''; 
$limit = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['limit'], $conn); 
if (strlen($limit) > 0) $limitClause .= "LIMIT " . $limit; 

// append the where clause to the SQL statement 
if (strlen($whereClause) > 0) $sql .= "WHERE " . $whereClause; 
if (strlen($limitClause) > 0) $sql .= "\n" . $limitClause; 
$sql .= ";"; 

// for debugging uncomment the following two lines 
// print $sql; 
// exit; 

$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn); 

$data = array('items' => array()); 

if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { 
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    $data['items'][] = $row; 

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8'); 
echo json_encode($data); 

Y' vuelve a estar en el negocio

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