Aquí hay una versión de la respuesta aceptada optimizado para baja densidad de población modelos de datos. Comprueba la existencia de datos en una cadena FK antes de agregarlo a la lista de eliminación.Lo uso para limpiar datos de prueba.
No lo utilice en un db transaccional activo: mantendrá los bloqueos demasiado tiempo.
-- ============================================================================
-- Purpose: Performs a cascading hard-delete.
-- Not for use on an active transactional database- it holds locks for too long.
-- (
-- eg:
exec dbo.hp_Common_Delete 'tblConsumer', 'Surname = ''TestDxOverdueOneReviewWm''', 1
-- ============================================================================
create proc [dbo].[hp_Common_Delete]
@TableName sysname,
@Where nvarchar(4000), -- Shouldn't include 'where' keyword, e.g. Surname = 'smith', NOT where Surname = 'smith'
@IsDebug bit = 0
set nocount on
begin try
-- Prepare tables to store deletion criteria.
-- #tmp_to_delete stores criteria that is tested for results before being added to #to_delete
create table #to_delete
id int identity(1, 1) primary key not null,
criteria nvarchar(4000) not null,
table_name sysname not null,
processed bit not null default(0)
create table #tmp_to_delete
id int primary key identity(1,1),
criteria nvarchar(4000) not null,
table_name sysname not null
-- Open a transaction (it'll be a long one- don't use this on production!)
-- We need a transaction around criteria generation because we only
-- retain criteria that has rows in the db, and we don't want that to change under us.
begin tran
-- If the top-level table meets the deletion criteria, add it
declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
set @Sql = 'if exists(select top(1) * from ' + @TableName + ' where ' + @Where + ')
insert #to_delete (criteria, table_name) values (''' + replace(@Where, '''', '''''') + ''', ''' + @TableName + ''')'
exec (@Sql)
-- Loop over deletion table, walking foreign keys to generate delete targets
declare @id int, @tmp_id int, @criteria nvarchar(4000), @new_criteria nvarchar(4000), @table_name sysname, @new_table_name sysname
while exists(select 1 from #to_delete where processed = 0)
-- Grab table/criteria to work on
select top(1) @id = id,
@criteria = criteria,
@table_name = table_name
from #to_delete
where processed = 0
order by id desc
-- Insert all immediate child tables into a temp table for processing
insert #tmp_to_delete
select + ' in (select [' + + '] from [' + @table_name +'] where ' + @criteria + ')',
from sys.foreign_key_columns fk
inner join sys.columns referencing_column on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_column.object_id
and fk.parent_column_id = referencing_column.column_id
inner join sys.columns referenced_column on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_column.object_id
and fk.referenced_column_id = referenced_column.column_id
inner join sys.objects referencing_table on fk.parent_object_id = referencing_table.object_id
inner join sys.objects referenced_table on fk.referenced_object_id = referenced_table.object_id
inner join sys.objects constraint_object on fk.constraint_object_id = constraint_object.object_id
where = @table_name
and !=
-- Loop on child table criteria, and insert them into delete table if they have records in the db
select @tmp_id = max(id) from #tmp_to_delete
while (@tmp_id >= 1)
select @new_criteria = criteria, @new_table_name = table_name from #tmp_to_delete where id = @tmp_id
set @Sql = 'if exists(select top(1) * from ' + @new_table_name + ' where ' + @new_criteria + ')
insert #to_delete (criteria, table_name) values (''' + replace(@new_criteria, '''', '''''') + ''', ''' + @new_table_name + ''')'
exec (@Sql)
set @tmp_id = @tmp_id - 1
truncate table #tmp_to_delete
-- Move to next record
update #to_delete
set processed = 1
where id = @id
-- We have a list of all tables requiring deletion. Actually delete now.
select @id = max(id) from #to_delete
while (@id >= 1)
select @criteria = criteria, @table_name = table_name from #to_delete where id = @id
set @Sql = 'delete from [' + @table_name + '] where ' + @criteria
if (@IsDebug = 1) print @Sql
exec (@Sql)
-- Next record
set @id = @id - 1
end try
begin catch
-- Any error results in a rollback of the entire job
if (@@trancount > 0) rollback
declare @message nvarchar(2047), @errorProcedure nvarchar(126), @errorMessage nvarchar(2048), @errorNumber int, @errorSeverity int, @errorState int, @errorLine int
select @errorProcedure = isnull(error_procedure(), N'hp_Common_Delete'),
@errorMessage = isnull(error_message(), N'hp_Common_Delete unable to determine error message'),
@errorNumber = error_number(), @errorSeverity = error_severity(), @errorState = error_state(), @errorLine = error_line()
-- Prepare error information as it would be output in SQL Mgt Studio
declare @event nvarchar(2047)
select @event = 'Msg ' + isnull(cast(@errorNumber as varchar), 'null') +
', Level ' + isnull(cast(@errorSeverity as varchar), 'null') +
', State ' + isnull(cast(@errorState as varchar), 'null') +
', Procedure ' + isnull(@errorProcedure, 'null') +
', Line ' + isnull(cast(@errorLine as varchar), 'null') +
': ' + isnull(@errorMessage, '@ErrorMessage null')
print @event
-- Re-raise error to ensure admin/job runners understand there was a failure
raiserror(@errorMessage, @errorSeverity, @errorState)
end catch
¡Buen script! ¡Gracias! – splattne
¿Esta secuencia de comandos me permite enviar, por ejemplo, 'code = ABC AND name = dave' – ThePower
Ha pasado un tiempo, pero creo que sí! –