2010-12-21 6 views

Estoy tratando de instalar Graphviz 2.14.1 en OSX 10.5.8
he instalado Graphviz del binario universal aquí:Instalación Graphviz en OS X 10.5.8


$ svn co https://networkx.lanl.gov/svn/pygraphviz/trunk pygraphviz 

- Fingerprint: 43:8e:fa:75:00:60:67:07:fd:04:3c:e7:bf:25:86:fd:66:b3:f6:cb 
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? t 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/graphviz.i 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/graphviz.py 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests/graph.txt 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests/attributes.txt 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests/__init__.py 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests/test.py 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/tests/layout_draw.txt 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/graphviz_wrap.c 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/__init__.py 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/release.py 
A pygraphviz/pygraphviz/agraph.py 
A pygraphviz/INSTALL.txt 
A pygraphviz/doc 
A pygraphviz/doc/source 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/contents.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/examples.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/static 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/static/contents.png 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/static/navigation.png 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/static/sphinxdoc.css 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/static/empty.txt 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/tutorial.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/conf.py 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/install.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/download.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/news.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/credits.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/related.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/api_notes.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/history.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/agraph.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/legal.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/faq.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/reference/index.rst 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/templates 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/templates/layout.html 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/templates/indexsidebar.html 
A pygraphviz/doc/source/templates/index.html 
A pygraphviz/doc/sphinxext 
A pygraphviz/doc/sphinxext/only_directives.py 
A pygraphviz/doc/Makefile 
A pygraphviz/setup.py 
A pygraphviz/setup_egg.py 
A pygraphviz/setup_extra.py 
A pygraphviz/MANIFEST.in 
A pygraphviz/README.txt 
A pygraphviz/examples 
A pygraphviz/examples/miles.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/simple.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/star.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/django_simple.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/subgraph.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/attributes.py 
A pygraphviz/examples/miles_dat.txt.gz 
A pygraphviz/setup.cfg 
U pygraphviz 
Checked out revision 1947. 
[email protected] Tue Dec 21 07:25:18 ~/Downloads 
$ cd pygraphviz/ 
[email protected] Tue Dec 21 07:25:22 ~/Downloads/pygraphviz 
$ python setup.py install 
Trying pkg-config 
/bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found 
/bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found 
Trying dotneato-config 
Failed to find dotneato-config 

Your graphviz installation could not be found. 

Either the graphviz package is missing on incomplete 
(binary packages graphviz-dev or graphviz-devel missing?).  

If you think your installation is correct you will need to manually 
change the include_path and library_path variables in setup.py to 
point to the correct locations of your graphviz installation. 

The current setting of library_path and include_path is: 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "setup.py", line 78, in <module> 
    raise OSError,"Error locating graphviz." 
OSError: Error locating graphviz. 

Aquí es el camino a Graphviz :

$ ls -la/usr/local/lib/

drwxrwxr-x 40 root wheel  1360 Dec 21 06:22 graphviz 

$ python setup.py install --library_path/usr/local/lib/graphviz/

Trying pkg-config 
/bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found 
/bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found 
Trying dotneato-config 
Failed to find dotneato-config 

Your graphviz installation could not be found. 

Either the graphviz package is missing on incomplete 
(binary packages graphviz-dev or graphviz-devel missing?).  

If you think your installation is correct you will need to manually 
change the include_path and library_path variables in setup.py to 
point to the correct locations of your graphviz installation. 

The current setting of library_path and include_path is: 

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "setup.py", line 78, in <module> 
    raise OSError,"Error locating graphviz." 
OSError: Error locating graphviz. 

que no tuvo éxito en la búsqueda de los paquetes binarios graphviz-dev o graphviz-devel

¿Qué tengo que hacer para conseguir esta instalado?


Esto es más adecuado para superusuario – Velociraptors


El binario es en '/ usr/local/bin/dot' – mb21



2.14.1 es una versión muy antigua de graphviz. Es posible que tenga un mayor éxito con el paquete de instalador OS X oficial para 2.26 (al momento de escribir este documento) here. Entonces es probable que necesite editar el pygraphiz setup.py para usar el library_path y el include_path. Lo más probable es que necesite descomentar las versiones /usr/local/lib/graphviz y usr/local/include/graphviz, pero use ls /usr/local para estar seguro.

Por otro lado, con tantas bibliotecas dependientes y paquetes involucrados, este es un caso perfecto para usar un administrador de paquetes de terceros como MacPorts que administrará todas las dependencias por usted y le permitirá actualizar fácilmente como nuevo las versiones se vuelven disponibles. Una vez que haya instalado el base MacPorts files, puede instalar todo con:

$ sudo port selfupdate 
# either 
$ sudo port install py26-pygraphviz # with MacPorts python2.6 
# ... or 
$ sudo port install py27-pygraphviz # with MacPorts python2.7 

Como dijo Ned,

  1. localizar el archivo setup.py para graphviz. En mi caso, se encuentra en /Users/*my_username*/build/pygraphviz/setup.py
  2. Por último, elimine las líneas correspondientes a los caminos para Mac OSX y library_pathinclude_path. Estas son las líneas que contienen: /usr/local/lib/graphviz y usr/local/include/graphviz

Todo esto fue en el comentario Neds ya. –


Parece que se echa en falta el paquete "paquete-config". Se puede instalar con Homebrew

cerveza Instalar pkg-config


En mi caso, pkg-config estaba instalado, pero aún así daba error. Vincular nuevamente lo resolvió. 'brew unlink pkg-config && brew link pkg-config' – chhantyal


@chhantyal esto funcionó para mí también. – WillJones