2010-03-26 9 views



TSV es el campo Timestamp Value. Se usa junto con el número de secuencia para identificar segmentos de manera única (dado que los números de secuencia pueden ajustarse).

TSER es el campo Timestamp Echo Reply. Esto se usa en mensajes ACK. Tiene una copia del último valor de TSV recibido. Se puede usar para la estimación del tiempo de ida y vuelta (RTT = tiempo actual - TSER).

Los campos se describen formalmente en RFC 1323 (TCP Extensions for High Performance):

TCP Timestamps Option (TSopt): 

    Kind: 8 

    Length: 10 bytes 

     |Kind=8 | 10 | TS Value (TSval) |TS Echo Reply (TSecr)| 
      1  1    4      4 

    The Timestamps option carries two four-byte timestamp fields. 
    The Timestamp Value field (TSval) contains the current value of 
    the timestamp clock of the TCP sending the option. 

    The Timestamp Echo Reply field (TSecr) is only valid if the ACK 
    bit is set in the TCP header; if it is valid, it echos a times- 
    tamp value that was sent by the remote TCP in the TSval field 
    of a Timestamps option. When TSecr is not valid, its value 
    must be zero. The TSecr value will generally be from the most 
    recent Timestamp option that was received; however, there are 
    exceptions that are explained below. 
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