2012-08-08 18 views

Estoy usando el paquete neuralnet en R, sin embargo, tengo problemas para guardar el trazado en el disco.Problemas para guardar un diagrama de redes neuronales usando el paquete neuralnet - R


nn <- neuralnet(as.numeric(Species) ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris) 


han intentado refere a la manual, en la sección plot.nn() Dice:

file  a character string naming the plot to write to. If not stated, 
the plot will not be saved. 

Sin embargo haciendo los siguientes rendimientos ninguna trama válida guardada:

plot(nn, file = "test.png") 


Mac OSX 10.7.3 


platform  x86_64-apple-darwin11.3.0  
arch   x86_64      
os    darwin11.3.0     
system   x86_64, darwin11.3.0   
major   2        
minor   15.1       
year   2012       
month   06       
day   22       
svn rev  59600       
language  R        
version.string R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) 
nickname  Roasted Marshmallows 

Nota: R se instaló a través de macports


Qué "problema"? ¿Lo que pasa? ¿Obtienes una trama válida en modo interactivo? – Andrie


Obtuve un diagrama, pero no puedo guardar en el disco – chutsu



Después de hablar con Frauke Guenther (Mantenedor de neuralnet), que explica el problema radica en neuralnet 's capacidad de trazar más de una red neuronal, al mismo tiempo.

El plot(..., file = "") debería haber guardado el archivo en el disco, sin embargo, no parece funcionar correctamente, una solución será parcheado pronto a las propias medidas, sin embargo, para el tiempo medio de ella amablemente proporcionó una solución rápida plot.nn() que le permiten a uno guarda la trama en el disco.

plot.nn <- 
function (x, rep = NULL, x.entry = NULL, x.out = NULL, radius = 0.15, 
    arrow.length = 0.2, intercept = TRUE, intercept.factor = 0.4, 
    information = TRUE, information.pos = 0.1, col.entry.synapse = "black", 
    col.entry = "black", col.hidden = "black", col.hidden.synapse = "black", 
    col.out = "black", col.out.synapse = "black", col.intercept = "blue", 
    fontsize = 12, dimension = 6, show.weights = TRUE, file = NULL, 
    net <- x 
    if (is.null(net$weights)) 
     stop("weights were not calculated") 
    if (!is.null(file) && !is.character(file)) 
     stop("'file' must be a string") 
    if (is.null(rep)) { 
     for (i in 1:length(net$weights)) { 
      if (!is.null(file)) 
       file.rep <- paste(file, ".", i, sep = "") 
      else file.rep <- NULL 
      plot.nn(net, rep = i, x.entry, x.out, radius, arrow.length, 
       intercept, intercept.factor, information, information.pos, 
       col.entry.synapse, col.entry, col.hidden, col.hidden.synapse, 
       col.out, col.out.synapse, col.intercept, fontsize, 
       dimension, show.weights, file.rep, ...) 
    else { 
     if (is.character(file) && file.exists(file)) 
      stop(sprintf("%s already exists", sQuote(file))) 
     result.matrix <- t(net$result.matrix) 
     if (rep == "best") 
      rep <- as.integer(which.min(result.matrix[, "error"])) 
     if (rep > length(net$weights)) 
      stop("'rep' does not exist") 
     weights <- net$weights[[rep]] 
     if (is.null(x.entry)) 
      x.entry <- 0.5 - (arrow.length/2) * length(weights) 
     if (is.null(x.out)) 
      x.out <- 0.5 + (arrow.length/2) * length(weights) 
     width <- max(x.out - x.entry + 0.2, 0.8) * 8 
     radius <- radius/dimension 
     entry.label <- net$model.list$variables 
     out.label <- net$model.list$response 
     neuron.count <- array(0, length(weights) + 1) 
     neuron.count[1] <- nrow(weights[[1]]) - 1 
     neuron.count[2] <- ncol(weights[[1]]) 
     x.position <- array(0, length(weights) + 1) 
     x.position[1] <- x.entry 
     x.position[length(weights) + 1] <- x.out 
     if (length(weights) > 1) 
      for (i in 2:length(weights)) { 
       neuron.count[i + 1] <- ncol(weights[[i]]) 
       x.position[i] <- x.entry + (i - 1) * (x.out - 
     y.step <- 1/(neuron.count + 1) 
     y.position <- array(0, length(weights) + 1) 
     y.intercept <- 1 - 2 * radius 
     information.pos <- min(min(y.step) - 0.1, 0.2) 
     if (length(entry.label) != neuron.count[1]) { 
      if (length(entry.label) < neuron.count[1]) { 
       tmp <- NULL 
       for (i in 1:(neuron.count[1] - length(entry.label))) { 
        tmp <- c(tmp, "no name") 
       entry.label <- c(entry.label, tmp) 
     if (length(out.label) != neuron.count[length(neuron.count)]) { 
      if (length(out.label) < neuron.count[length(neuron.count)]) { 
       tmp <- NULL 
       for (i in 1:(neuron.count[length(neuron.count)] - 
        length(out.label))) { 
        tmp <- c(tmp, "no name") 
       out.label <- c(out.label, tmp) 
     pushViewport(viewport(name = "plot.area", width = unit(dimension, 
      "inches"), height = unit(dimension, "inches"))) 
     for (k in 1:length(weights)) { 
      for (i in 1:neuron.count[k]) { 
       y.position[k] <- y.position[k] + y.step[k] 
       y.tmp <- 0 
       for (j in 1:neuron.count[k + 1]) { 
        y.tmp <- y.tmp + y.step[k + 1] 
        result <- calculate.delta(c(x.position[k], 
        x.position[k + 1]), c(y.position[k], y.tmp), 
        x <- c(x.position[k], x.position[k + 1] - result[1]) 
        y <- c(y.position[k], y.tmp + result[2]) 
        grid.lines(x = x, y = y, arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, 
        "cm"), type = "closed"), gp = gpar(fill = col.hidden.synapse, 
        col = col.hidden.synapse, ...)) 
        if (show.weights) 
        draw.text(label = weights[[k]][neuron.count[k] - 
         i + 2, neuron.count[k + 1] - j + 1], x = c(x.position[k], 
         x.position[k + 1]), y = c(y.position[k], 
         y.tmp), xy.null = 1.25 * result, color = col.hidden.synapse, 
         fontsize = fontsize - 2, ...) 
       if (k == 1) { 
        grid.lines(x = c((x.position[1] - arrow.length), 
        x.position[1] - radius), y = y.position[k], 
        arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, "cm"), 
         type = "closed"), gp = gpar(fill = col.entry.synapse, 
         col = col.entry.synapse, ...)) 
        draw.text(label = entry.label[(neuron.count[1] + 
        1) - i], x = c((x.position - arrow.length), 
        x.position[1] - radius), y = c(y.position[k], 
        y.position[k]), xy.null = c(0, 0), color = col.entry.synapse, 
        fontsize = fontsize, ...) 
        grid.circle(x = x.position[k], y = y.position[k], 
        r = radius, gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = col.entry, 
       else { 
        grid.circle(x = x.position[k], y = y.position[k], 
        r = radius, gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = col.hidden, 
     out <- length(neuron.count) 
     for (i in 1:neuron.count[out]) { 
      y.position[out] <- y.position[out] + y.step[out] 
      grid.lines(x = c(x.position[out] + radius, x.position[out] + 
       arrow.length), y = y.position[out], arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, 
       "cm"), type = "closed"), gp = gpar(fill = col.out.synapse, 
       col = col.out.synapse, ...)) 
      draw.text(label = out.label[(neuron.count[out] + 
       1) - i], x = c((x.position[out] + radius), x.position[out] + 
       arrow.length), y = c(y.position[out], y.position[out]), 
       xy.null = c(0, 0), color = col.out.synapse, fontsize = fontsize, 
      grid.circle(x = x.position[out], y = y.position[out], 
       r = radius, gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = col.out, 
     if (intercept) { 
      for (k in 1:length(weights)) { 
       y.tmp <- 0 
       x.intercept <- (x.position[k + 1] - x.position[k]) * 
        intercept.factor + x.position[k] 
       for (i in 1:neuron.count[k + 1]) { 
        y.tmp <- y.tmp + y.step[k + 1] 
        result <- calculate.delta(c(x.intercept, x.position[k + 
        1]), c(y.intercept, y.tmp), radius) 
        x <- c(x.intercept, x.position[k + 1] - result[1]) 
        y <- c(y.intercept, y.tmp + result[2]) 
        grid.lines(x = x, y = y, arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.15, 
        "cm"), type = "closed"), gp = gpar(fill = col.intercept, 
        col = col.intercept, ...)) 
        xy.null <- cbind(x.position[k + 1] - x.intercept - 
        2 * result[1], -(y.tmp - y.intercept + 2 * 
        if (show.weights) 
        draw.text(label = weights[[k]][1, neuron.count[k + 
         1] - i + 1], x = c(x.intercept, x.position[k + 
         1]), y = c(y.intercept, y.tmp), xy.null = xy.null, 
         color = col.intercept, alignment = c("right", 
         "bottom"), fontsize = fontsize - 2, ...) 
       grid.circle(x = x.intercept, y = y.intercept, 
        r = radius, gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = col.intercept, 
       grid.text(1, x = x.intercept, y = y.intercept, 
        gp = gpar(col = col.intercept, ...)) 
     if (information) 
      grid.text(paste("Error: ", round(result.matrix[rep, 
       "error"], 6), " Steps: ", result.matrix[rep, 
       "steps"], sep = ""), x = 0.5, y = information.pos, 
       just = "bottom", gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize + 
        2, ...)) 
     if (!is.null(file)) { 
      weight.plot <- recordPlot() 
      save(weight.plot, file = file) 
calculate.delta <- 
function (x, y, r) 
    delta.x <- x[2] - x[1] 
    delta.y <- y[2] - y[1] 
    x.null <- r/sqrt(delta.x^2 + delta.y^2) * delta.x 
    if (y[1] < y[2]) 
     y.null <- -sqrt(r^2 - x.null^2) 
    else if (y[1] > y[2]) 
     y.null <- sqrt(r^2 - x.null^2) 
    else y.null <- 0 
    c(x.null, y.null) 
draw.text <- 
function (label, x, y, xy.null = c(0, 0), color, alignment = c("left", 
    "bottom"), ...) 
    x.label <- x[1] + xy.null[1] 
    y.label <- y[1] - xy.null[2] 
    x.delta <- x[2] - x[1] 
    y.delta <- y[2] - y[1] 
    angle = atan(y.delta/x.delta) * (180/pi) 
    if (angle < 0) 
     angle <- angle + 0 
    else if (angle > 0) 
     angle <- angle - 0 
    if (is.numeric(label)) 
     label <- round(label, 5) 
    pushViewport(viewport(x = x.label, y = y.label, width = 0, 
     height = , angle = angle, name = "vp1", just = alignment)) 
    grid.text(label, x = 0, y = unit(0.75, "mm"), just = alignment, 
     gp = gpar(col = color, ...)) 

pegar el código anterior en su R modo interactivo, y cuando se desea guardar su parcela haga lo siguiente:


el paquete neuralnet utiliza gráfico reticulado. Esto significa que necesita print sus parcelas en modo no interactivo.

Prueba esto:


No funciona para mí – chutsu


@chutsu Lo siento, debe especificar la extensión del archivo. Respuesta editada. – Andrie


todavía no funciona para mí ... Todavía está saliendo a la pantalla en lugar de al archivo – chutsu

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