que tiene algo como estopersistentes de columna calculada con subconsulta
create function Answers_Index(@id int, @questionID int)
returns int
as begin
return (select count([ID]) from [Answers] where [ID] < @id and [ID_Question] = @questionID)
create table Answers
[ID] int not null identity(1, 1),
[ID_Question] int not null,
[Text] nvarchar(100) not null,
[Index] as [dbo].[Answers_Index]([ID], [ID_Question]),
insert into Answers ([ID_Question], [Text]) values
(1, '1: first'),
(2, '2: first'),
(1, '1: second'),
(2, '2: second'),
(2, '2: third')
select * from [Answers]
Qué funciona muy bien, sin embargo, tiende a ralentizar las consultas un poco. ¿Cómo puedo hacer que persista la columna Index
? He tratado siguiente:
create table Answers
[ID] int not null identity(1, 1),
[ID_Question] int not null,
[Text] nvarchar(100) not null,
create function Answers_Index(@id int, @questionID int)
returns int
with schemabinding
as begin
return (select count([ID]) from [dbo].[Answers] where [ID] < @id and [ID_Question] = @questionID)
alter table Answers add [Index] as [dbo].[Answers_Index]([ID], [ID_Question]) persisted
insert into Answers ([ID_Question], [Text]) values
(1, '1: first'),
(2, '2: first'),
(1, '1: second'),
(2, '2: second'),
(2, '2: third')
select * from [Answers]
Pero eso arroja siguiente error: Computed column 'Index' in table 'Answers' cannot be persisted because the column does user or system data access.
O debería olvidarse de él y utilizar [Index] int not null default(0)
y llenarlo en on insert
edición: gracias, solución final:
create trigger [TRG_Answers_Insert]
on [Answers]
for insert, update
update [Answers] set [Index] = (select count([ID]) from [Answers] where [ID] < a.[ID] and [ID_Question] = a.[ID_Question])
from [Answers] a
inner join [inserted] i on a.ID = i.ID
Para ser honesto, no estoy del todo seguro de entender lo que está tratando de resolver? - es la consulta de selección Se lenta no toca su columna de "índice", así que no veo cómo es relevante, aunque es posible que desee agregar un índice o dos ... –