2012-04-24 183 views

tengo celdas de Excel que contienen entradas como esta:VBA de Excel: hacer que parte de la cadena negrita


contenido celular se muestran en varias líneas en la misma celda. Me gustaría hacer solo "nombre" en negrita para todas las entradas. He grabado una macro y creo que la solución debe ser algo como esto:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "name/A/date" & Chr(10) & "name/B/date" & Chr(10) & "name/C/date" 
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=25, Length:=4).Font 
    .FontStyle = "Bold" 
End With 

Lo que no sé es cómo obtener el valor de inicio y la duración de cada entrada. Alguien tiene una idea?


posible duplicado de [Excel VBA: cambiar el color de ciertos caracteres en una celda] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7618121/excel-vba-change-color-of-certain-characters-in-a- celda) – brettdj



tenerlo ahora:

lngPos = InStr(ActiveCell.Value, "/") 
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=lngPos - 1).Font 
    .FontStyle = "Bold" 
End With 

Inspirado por diversas investigaciones en los últimos días:

Dim totalVals, startPos(), endPos(), i, j, strLen As Long 
Dim currLine As String 

' Split the cell value (a string) in lines of text 
splitVals = Split(ActiveCell.Value, Chr(10)) 

' This is how many lines you have 
totalVals = UBound(splitVals) 

' For each line, you'll have a character where you want the string to start being BOLD 
ReDim startPos(0 To totalVals) 

' And one character where you'll want it to stop 
ReDim endPos(0 To totalVals) 

' The value of the current line (before we loop on ActiveCell.Value) is empty 
currLine = "" 

For i = 0 To totalVals ' For each line... 

    ' Length of the string currently treated by our code : 0 if no treatment yet... 
    strLen = Len(currLine) 

    ' Here we parse and rewrite the current ActiveCell.Value, line by line, in a string 
    currLine = currLine & IIf(currLine = "", "", Chr(10)) & splitVals(i) 

    ' At each step (= each line), we define the start position of the bold part 
    ' Here, it is the 1st character of the new line, i.e. strLen + 1 
    startPos(i) = strLen + 1 

    ' At each step (= each line), we define the end position of the bold part 
    ' Here, it is just before the 1st "/" in the current line (hence we start from strLen) 
    endPos(i) = InStr(IIf(strLen = 0, 1, strLen), currLine, "/") 

Next i 

' Then we use the calculated positions to get the characters in bold 
For j = 0 To UBound(startPos) 
    ActiveCell.Characters(startPos(j), endPos(j) - startPos(j)).Font.FontStyle = "Bold" 
Next j 

Podría ser un poco exagerado, buti lo he probado y funciona como un encanto. ¡Espero que esto ayude!

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