2011-08-21 13 views

Actualmente estoy trabajando en la implementación de un shell Unix. Estoy buscando utilizar GNU Readline para mejorar la interfaz. Sin embargo, mi código genera Segfaults aleatorios, incluso durante la entrada del usuario.Ayuda para implementar GNU Readline en C

I simplificada del código al máximo para facilitar la lectura:


#define MAX_LINE_LEN 256 
#define MAX_ARGS (MAX_LINE_LEN/2) 
#define WHITESPACE " \t\n" 

#define OTHER_CMD 0 
#define EMPTY_CMD 1 
#define EXIT_CMD 2 

#define CMD_NBR  3 

* This structure allows me to handle built-in commands with a switch statement 
* instead of multiple ifs. Since I cannot switch on a string, I associate a 
* command_code to each built-in command. The codes are define as preprocessor 
* instructions. 

typedef struct built_in_commands built_in_commands; 
struct built_in_commands{ 
    char command_name[MAX_LINE_LEN]; 
    int command_code; 

* This structure holds user input. 3 fields: 
* - argv: an array of strings. Each word of the input is a case of the array. 
* - name: the name of the executable called. By default it's argv[0] 
* - argc: the number of words given in input. It's equivalent to the length of argv. 
* Note to self: Some filenames have a space character (" ") in their names. I will have 
* to deal with that properly ... someday. 

typedef struct command_t command_t; 
struct command_t{  
    char* name; 
    int argc; 
    char* argv[MAX_ARGS+1]; 

* These are the functions called by AGROS. These declarations are pretty explicit. 
* More detailed comments can be found in source files. 

void parse_command  (char *cmdline, command_t *cmd); 
void get_prompt   (char** prompt, char* username); 
void change_directory (char* path); 
int  get_cmd_code  (char* cmd_name); 
c har* AG_Readline   (char* prompt); 
void set_homedir   (char** homedir); 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <readline/readline.h> 
#include <readline/history.h> 
#include <pwd.h> 
#include <sys/types.h> 
#include "agros.h" 

* A global array holding the associations between each built-in command 
* and their command_code. More explanations can be found in the declaration 
* of the "built_in_commands" structure. 
* Notice how I "cheat" the dynamic allocation. Maybe there's a better way 
* to do this? 

built_in_commands my_commands[CMD_NBR] = { 
    {"exit" , EXIT_CMD }, 
    {""  , EMPTY_CMD }, 
    {"cd" , CD_CMD } 

/* This variable contains the environment. I use it in my "env" built-in 
    function */ 
extern char** environ; 

* This function parses a string and fills a command_t struct. 
* It uses the strtok() to split the string into tokens. Then it fills the argv 
* array with the tokens. 
* After filling the array, it copies argv[0] as the cmd->name and cmd->argc 
* as the length of the array. 

void parse_command (char *cmdline, command_t *cmd){ 
    int count = 0; 
    char* word; 

    word = strtok (cmdline, WHITESPACE); 

    if (word == NULL) { word = ""; } // Fixes blank line bug 

    while (word) { 
     cmd->argv[count] = word; 
     word = strtok (NULL, WHITESPACE); 
    cmd->argv[count] = NULL; 

    cmd->argc = count; 
    cmd->name = (char *) malloc (strlen (cmd->argv[0])+1); 
    strcpy (cmd->name, cmd->argv[0]); 

* Uses chdir() to change current working directory. Then updates the environement, 
* with the new value of PWD. 
* If path is NULL, the function sends the user to his home directory. It builds the path 
* in the temp string "home" then copies it into "path" before freeing "home". 

void change_directory (char* path){ 

    /* If no arguments are given, go to $HOME directory */ 
    if (path == NULL) 
     set_homedir (&path); 

    if (chdir (path) == 0){ 
     getcwd (path, MAX_LINE_LEN); 
     setenv ("PWD", path, 1); 
    } else { 
     fprintf (stderr, "%s: Could not change to such directory\n", path); 


* This function access the global array variable my_commands 
* and returns the command_code eauivalent to each command. 

int get_cmd_code (char* cmd_name){ 
    int i = 0; 
    for (i=0; i<CMD_NBR; i++){ 
     if (!strcmp (my_commands[i].command_name, cmd_name)) 
      return my_commands[i].command_code; 
    return OTHER_CMD; 

/* A static variable for holding the line. */ 
static char *line = (char *)NULL; 

c har* AG_Readline (char* prompt){ 
    /* If the buffer has already been allocated, 
     return the memory to the free pool. */ 
    if (line){ 
     free (line); 
     line = (char *)NULL; 

    /* Get a line from the user. */ 
    line = readline (prompt); 

    /* If the line has any text in it, 
     save it on the history. */ 
    if (line && *line) 
     add_history (line); 

    return (line); 

* Setting variables using getuid() and getpwuid() 
* More info on these functions can easily be found in man pages. 

void set_homedir (char** phomedir){ 
    struct passwd *pwd = NULL; 
    pwd = getpwuid (getuid()); 
    *phomedir = pwd->pw_dir; 

y finalmente main.c

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <sys/wait.h> 
#include "agros.h" 

int main (int argc, char** argv, char** envp){ 
    int pid = 0; 
    command_t cmd = {NULL, 0, {NULL}}; 
    char* commandline = NULL; 

     while (1){ 
     commandline = AG_Readline ("$ "); 
     parse_command (commandline, &cmd); 

     switch (get_cmd_code (cmd.name)){ 
      case EMPTY_CMD: 

      case CD_CMD: 
       change_directory (cmd.argv[1]); 

      case EXIT_CMD: 
       return 0; 

      case OTHER_CMD: 
       pid = vfork(); 
       if (pid == 0){ 
        printf ("Hello\n"); 
       }else if (pid < 0){ 
        fprintf (stderr, "Error! ... Negative PID. God knows what that means ...\n"); 
       }else { 
        wait (0); 

    return 0; 

espero que sea está bien pegar una porción tan grande de código. Y gracias por quien lo lea. NB: Siéntete libre de comentar sobre otras cosas, como mi torpe declaración de cambio en general. Gracias ^^



Esta matriz se llena NULL:

built_in_commands my_commands[CMD_NBR] = { 
    {"exit" , EXIT_CMD }, 
    {""  , EMPTY_CMD }, 
    {"cd" , CD_CMD } 

medida que el valor de CMD_NBR es 5 es el equivalente off:

my_commands[3] = { NULL, 0 }; 
my_commands[4] = { NULL, 0 }; 

Así, en la función:

int get_cmd_code (char* cmd_name) 

Cuando haces la prueba de comparación:

if (!strcmp (my_commands[i].command_name, cmd_name)) 

Si i> 2, lo anterior se bloqueará.


Gracias, lo he corregido. El código real contiene 6 funciones. – rahmu

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