Una alternativa al retroceso de la nueva línea es la definición de su propia función que emula la incorporada en input
función, haciendo eco y añadiendo cada golpe de teclado a una variable response
excepto Introduzca (que devolverá la respuesta), mientras que también manejo Retroceso, del,Inicio, Fin , teclas de flecha, la historia de la línea, KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError, SIGTSTP y pegar desde el portapapeles. Es muy simple.
Tenga en cuenta que en Windows, necesitará instalar pyreadline
si desea utilizar el historial de línea con las teclas de flecha como en la función input
habitual, aunque está incompleto, por lo que la funcionalidad aún no es correcta. Además, si no tiene la versión v1511 o superior de Windows 10, necesitará instalar el módulo colorama
(si está en Linux o macOS, no es necesario hacer nada).
Además, debido a msvcrt.getwch
usando '\ xe0' para indicar caracteres especiales, no podrá escribir 'à'. Usted debería poder pegarlo sin embargo.
A continuación se muestra el código que hace que esto funcione en actualizado Windows 10 systems (al menos v1511), distribuciones Linux basadas en Debian y tal vez macOS y otros sistemas operativos * NIX. También debería funcionar independientemente de si tiene pyreadline
instalado en Windows, aunque le faltará alguna funcionalidad.
En windows_specific.py
"""Windows-specific functions and variables for input_no_newline."""
import ctypes
from msvcrt import getwch # pylint: disable=import-error, unused-import
from shared_stuff import ANSI
import colorama # pylint: disable=import-error
except ImportError:
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
# Enable ANSI support to move the text cursor
kernel32.SetConsoleMode(kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11), 7)
def get_clipboard_data():
"""Return string previously copied from Windows clipboard.
Adapted from <http://stackoverflow.com/a/23285159/6379747>.
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
if user32.IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT):
data = user32.GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT)
data_locked = kernel32.GlobalLock(data)
text = ctypes.c_char_p(data_locked)
return text.value
def sigtstp():
"""Raise EOFError from Ctrl-Z since SIGTSTP doesn't exist on Windows."""
raise EOFError
input_code = {
'CSI': [['\xe0', '\x00'], ''],
'up': 'H',
'down': 'P',
'right': 'M',
'left': 'K',
'end': 'O',
'home': 'G',
'backspace': '\b',
'del': 'S',
En unix_specific.py
"""Functions and variables for Debian-based Linux distros and macOS."""
import sys
import os
import tty
import signal
import termios
from shared_stuff import ANSI
def getwch():
"""Return a single character from user input without echoing.
ActiveState code, adapted from
<http://code.activestate.com/recipes/134892> by Danny Yoo under
the Python Software Foundation license.
file_descriptor = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(file_descriptor)
char = sys.stdin.read(1)
termios.tcsetattr(file_descriptor, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
return char
def get_clipboard_data():
"""Return nothing; *NIX systems automagically change sys.stdin."""
return ''
def sigtstp():
"""Suspend the script."""
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTSTP)
input_code = {
'CSI': ['\x1b', '['],
'backspace': '\x7f',
'del': ['3', '~'],
En readline_available.py
"""Provide functions for up and down arrows if readline is installed.
Basically to prevent duplicate code and make it work on systems without
import readline
except ImportError:
import pyreadline as readline
from shared_stuff import move_cursor
def init_history_index():
"""Return index for last element of readline.get_history_item."""
# readline.get_history_item is one-based
return readline.get_current_history_length() + 1
def restore_history(history_index, replaced, cursor_position):
"""Replace 'replaced' with history and return the replacement."""
replacement = readline.get_history_item(history_index)
except IndexError:
replacement = None
if replacement is not None:
move_cursor('right', len(replaced) - cursor_position)
print('\b \b' * len(replaced), end='', flush=True)
print(replacement, end='', flush=True)
return replacement
return replaced
def store_and_replace_history(history_index, replacement, old_history):
"""Store history and then replace it."""
old_history[history_index] = readline.get_history_item(history_index)
readline.replace_history_item(history_index - 1, replacement)
except AttributeError:
# pyreadline is incomplete
def handle_prev_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Handle some up-arrow logic."""
history = readline.get_history_item(history_index - 1)
except IndexError:
history = None
if history is not None:
if history_index > readline.get_current_history_length():
input_replaced = True
history_index, replaced, old_history)
history_modified = True
history_index -= 1
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def handle_next_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Handle some down-arrow logic."""
history = readline.get_history_item(history_index + 1)
except IndexError:
history = None
if history is not None:
store_and_replace_history(history_index, replaced, old_history)
history_modified = True
history_index += 1
input_replaced = (not history_index
== readline.get_current_history_length())
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def finalise_history(history_index, response, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Change history before the response will be returned elsewhere."""
if input_replaced:
readline.remove_history_item(history_index - 1)
elif history_modified:
readline.remove_history_item(history_index - 1)
readline.add_history(old_history[history_index - 1])
except AttributeError:
# pyreadline is also missing remove_history_item
En readline_unavailable.py
"""Provide dummy functions for if readline isn't available."""
# pylint: disable-msg=unused-argument
def init_history_index():
"""Return an index of 1 which probably won't ever change."""
return 1
def restore_history(history_index, replaced, cursor_position):
"""Return the replaced thing without replacing it."""
return replaced
def store_and_replace_history(history_index, replacement, old_history):
"""Don't store history."""
def handle_prev_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Return 'input_replaced' and 'history_modified' without change."""
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def handle_next_history(history_index, replaced, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Also return 'input_replaced' and 'history_modified'."""
return (history_index, input_replaced, history_modified)
def finalise_history(history_index, response, old_history,
input_replaced, history_modified):
"""Don't change nonexistent history."""
En shared_stuff.py
"""Provide platform-independent functions and variables."""
ANSI = {
'CSI': '\x1b[',
'up': 'A',
'down': 'B',
'right': 'C',
'left': 'D',
'end': 'F',
'home': 'H',
'enter': '\r',
'^C': '\x03',
'^D': '\x04',
'^V': '\x16',
'^Z': '\x1a',
def move_cursor(direction, count=1):
"""Move the text cursor 'count' times in the specified direction."""
if direction not in ['up', 'down', 'right', 'left']:
raise ValueError("direction should be either 'up', 'down', 'right' "
"or 'left'")
# A 'count' of zero still moves the cursor, so this needs to be
# tested for.
if count != 0:
print(ANSI['CSI'] + str(count) + ANSI[direction], end='', flush=True)
def line_insert(text, extra=''):
"""Insert text between terminal line and reposition cursor."""
if not extra:
# It's not guaranteed that the new line will completely overshadow
# the old one if there is no extra. Maybe something was 'deleted'?
move_cursor('right', len(text) + 1)
print('\b \b' * (len(text)+1), end='', flush=True)
print(extra + text, end='', flush=True)
move_cursor('left', len(text))
Y, por último, en input_no_newline.py
"""Provide an input function that doesn't echo a newline."""
from windows_specific import getwch, get_clipboard_data, sigtstp, input_code
except ImportError:
from unix_specific import getwch, get_clipboard_data, sigtstp, input_code
from readline_available import (init_history_index, restore_history,
handle_prev_history, handle_next_history,
except ImportError:
from readline_unavailable import (init_history_index, restore_history,
handle_prev_history, handle_next_history,
from shared_stuff import ANSI, move_cursor, line_insert
def input_no_newline(prompt=''): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
"""Echo and return user input, except for the newline."""
print(prompt, end='', flush=True)
response = ''
position = 0
history_index = init_history_index()
input_replaced = False
history_modified = False
replacements = {}
while True:
char = getwch()
if char in input_code['CSI'][0]:
char = getwch()
# Relevant input codes are made of two to four characters
if char == input_code['CSI'][1]:
# *NIX uses at least three characters, only the third is
# important
char = getwch()
if char == input_code['up']:
(history_index, input_replaced, history_modified) = (
history_index, response, replacements, input_replaced,
response = restore_history(history_index, response, position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['down']:
(history_index, input_replaced, history_modified) = (
history_index, response, replacements, input_replaced,
response = restore_history(history_index, response, position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['right'] and position < len(response):
position += 1
elif char == input_code['left'] and position > 0:
position -= 1
elif char == input_code['end']:
move_cursor('right', len(response) - position)
position = len(response)
elif char == input_code['home']:
move_cursor('left', position)
position = 0
elif char == input_code['del'][0]:
if ''.join(input_code['del']) == '3~':
# *NIX uses '\x1b[3~' as its del key code, but only
# '\x1b[3' has currently been read from sys.stdin
backlog = response[position+1 :]
response = response[:position] + backlog
elif char == input_code['backspace']:
if position > 0:
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[: position-1] + backlog
print('\b', end='', flush=True)
position -= 1
elif char == input_code['^C']:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
elif char == input_code['^D']:
raise EOFError
elif char == input_code['^V']:
paste = get_clipboard_data()
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[:position] + paste + backlog
position += len(paste)
line_insert(backlog, extra=paste)
elif char == input_code['^Z']:
elif char == input_code['enter']:
finalise_history(history_index, response, replacements,
input_replaced, history_modified)
move_cursor('right', len(response) - position)
return response
backlog = response[position:]
response = response[:position] + char + backlog
position += 1
line_insert(backlog, extra=char)
def main():
"""Called if script isn't imported."""
# "print(text, end='')" is equivalent to "print text,", and 'flush'
# forces the text to appear, even if the line isn't terminated with
# a '\n'
print('Hello, ', end='', flush=True)
name = input_no_newline() # pylint: disable=unused-variable
print(', how do you do?')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Como se puede ver, se trata de una gran cantidad de trabajo para no mucho ya que se necesita para hacer frente a los diferentes operativo sistemas y, básicamente, reimplementar una función incorporada en Python en lugar de C. Recomendaría que simplemente use la clase TempHistory
más simple que hice en otra respuesta, lo que deja todo el manejo complicado de la lógica a la función incorporada.
Para el registro, si la nueva línea en 'raw_input' se debe a que el usuario hace clic en la tecla de retorno, entonces eso es lo que esperaba. Todavía necesito una forma de evitarlo :-) – Hubro
¿No sería el primer resultado "Hola, Tomás
Tomás, ¿cómo estás?" ;) – Jacob
Escribí antes de pensar – Hubro