2011-10-19 21 views


var date = new Date(unix_timestamp*1000); 
var hours = date.getHours(); 
var minutes = date.getMinutes(); 
var seconds = date.getSeconds(); 
// will display time in 21:00:00 format 
var formattedTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; 

Para una completa referencia

getDate() Returns the day of the month (from 1-31) 
getDay() Returns the day of the week (from 0-6) 
getFullYear() Returns the year (four digits) 
getHours() Returns the hour (from 0-23) 
getMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds (from 0-999) 
getMinutes() Returns the minutes (from 0-59) 
getMonth() Returns the month (from 0-11) 
getSeconds() Returns the seconds (from 0-59) 
getTime() Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970 
getTimezoneOffset() Returns the time difference between GMT and local time, in minutes 
getUTCDate() Returns the day of the month, according to universal time (from 1-31) 
getUTCDay() Returns the day of the week, according to universal time (from 0-6) 
getUTCFullYear() Returns the year, according to universal time (four digits) 
getUTCHours() Returns the hour, according to universal time (from 0-23) 
getUTCMilliseconds() Returns the milliseconds, according to universal time (from 0-999) 
getUTCMinutes() Returns the minutes, according to universal time (from 0-59) 
getUTCMonth() Returns the month, according to universal time (from 0-11) 
getUTCSeconds() Returns the seconds, according to universal time (from 0-59) 
getYear() Deprecated. Use the getFullYear() method instead 

Gracias por eso. Marcarlo como la respuesta, ya que da una buena referencia para hacer más que simplemente dar el formato de fecha predeterminado – KallDrexx

alert(new Date(1318305600000)) 

Ok que funciona, pero cuando estoy haciendo esto en una variable (por ejemplo 'new Date (x)') estoy consiguiendo "Fecha no válida". cuando la salida 'x' al cromo co la plantilla muestra '" 1318910400000.00 ''. – KallDrexx


que se parece a un número de coma flotante. Pruebe 'parseInt (x, 10)' para truncarlo en un entero. – SLaks

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