hice este tutorial node.js eventEmitter, funcionó muy bien. Agregué un método que usa http.request para obtener datos, que funciona y emite los datos.node.js eventEmitter + http.request
¡El problema es que el oyente no capta el evento!
¿Alguien puede ayudar?
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var http = require('http');
//http request options, it query the twitter api and get the public timeline, works!
var options = {
hostname : 'api.twitter.com',
port : 80,
method : 'get',
path : '/1/statuses/public_timeline.json?count=3&include_entities=true'
// The Thing That Emits Event
Eventer = function(){
//tutorial examples
this.kapow = function(){
var data = "BATMAN"
this.emit('blamo', data);
//tutorial examples
this.bam = function(){
//my method
this.GetTweetList = function(){
var tweets = "";
var req = http.request(options, function(response){
var body = "";
body += data;
response.on('end', function(){
tweets = JSON.parse(body);
this.emit("tweets", tweets);
util.puts('!!!!!!!!!! got some data !!!!!!!!!! \n');
util.inherits(Eventer, events.EventEmitter);
// The thing that listens to, and handles, those events
Listener = function(){
//tutorial examples
this.blamoHandler = function(data){
console.log("** blamo event handled");
//tutorial examples
this.boomHandler = function(data){
console.log("** boom event handled");
//my listener method
this.GetTweetListHandler = function(data){
console.log("** tweets event handled");
util.puts('!!!!!!!!!! got some data in listener !!!!!!!!!! \n');
// The thing that drives the two.
//instanciating the object and liking the methodes
var eventer = new Eventer();
var listener = new Listener(eventer);
eventer.on('blamo', listener.blamoHandler);
eventer.on('boom', listener.boomHandler);
eventer.on('tweets', listener.GetTweetListHandler);
//calling the methodes
setInterval(eventer.GetTweetList, 2000);
//eventer.GetTweetList();// still waiting but the eventer display that he got the data
inded that was it, thanks :) –