2009-08-30 26 views



Aquí hay una secuencia de comandos que calcula la FFT de cualquier sonido reproducido en la computadora con la API de WASAPI. Utiliza CPuntuacion y su WinformsVisualization ejemplo:

using CSCore; 
using CSCore.SoundIn; 
using CSCore.Codecs.WAV; 
using WinformsVisualization.Visualization; 
using CSCore.DSP; 
using CSCore.Streams; 
using System; 

public class SoundCapture 

    public int numBars = 30; 

    public int minFreq = 5; 
    public int maxFreq = 4500; 
    public int barSpacing = 0; 
    public bool logScale = true; 
    public bool isAverage = false; 

    public float highScaleAverage = 2.0f; 
    public float highScaleNotAverage = 3.0f; 

    LineSpectrum lineSpectrum; 

    WasapiCapture capture; 
    WaveWriter writer; 
    FftSize fftSize; 
    float[] fftBuffer; 

    SingleBlockNotificationStream notificationSource; 

    BasicSpectrumProvider spectrumProvider; 

    IWaveSource finalSource; 

    public SoundCapture() 

     // This uses the wasapi api to get any sound data played by the computer 
     capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(); 


     // Get our capture as a source 
     IWaveSource source = new SoundInSource(capture); 

     // From https://github.com/filoe/cscore/blob/master/Samples/WinformsVisualization/Form1.cs 

     // This is the typical size, you can change this for higher detail as needed 
     fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096; 

     // Actual fft data 
     fftBuffer = new float[(int)fftSize]; 

     // These are the actual classes that give you spectrum data 
     // The specific vars of lineSpectrum here aren't that important because they can be changed by the user 
     spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(capture.WaveFormat.Channels, 
        capture.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize); 

     lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize) 
      SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider, 
      UseAverage = true, 
      BarCount = numBars, 
      BarSpacing = 2, 
      IsXLogScale = false, 
      ScalingStrategy = ScalingStrategy.Linear 

     // Tells us when data is available to send to our spectrum 
     var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source.ToSampleSource()); 

     notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead; 

     // We use this to request data so it actualy flows through (figuring this out took forever...) 
     finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(); 

     capture.DataAvailable += Capture_DataAvailable; 

    private void Capture_DataAvailable(object sender, DataAvailableEventArgs e) 
     finalSource.Read(e.Data, e.Offset, e.ByteCount); 

    private void NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead(object sender, SingleBlockReadEventArgs e) 
     spectrumProvider.Add(e.Left, e.Right); 


    public float[] barData = new float[20]; 

    public float[] GetFFtData() 
     lock (barData) 
      lineSpectrum.BarCount = numBars; 
      if (numBars != barData.Length) 
       barData = new float[numBars]; 

     if (spectrumProvider.IsNewDataAvailable) 
      lineSpectrum.MinimumFrequency = minFreq; 
      lineSpectrum.MaximumFrequency = maxFreq; 
      lineSpectrum.IsXLogScale = logScale; 
      lineSpectrum.BarSpacing = barSpacing; 
      lineSpectrum.SpectrumProvider.GetFftData(fftBuffer, this); 
      return lineSpectrum.GetSpectrumPoints(100.0f, fftBuffer); 
      return null; 

    public void ComputeData() 

     float[] resData = GetFFtData(); 

     int numBars = barData.Length; 

     if (resData == null) 

     lock (barData) 
      for (int i = 0; i < numBars && i < resData.Length; i++) 
       // Make the data between 0.0 and 1.0 
       barData[i] = resData[i]/100.0f; 

      for (int i = 0; i < numBars && i < resData.Length; i++) 
       if (lineSpectrum.UseAverage) 
        // Scale the data because for some reason bass is always loud and treble is soft 
        barData[i] = barData[i] + highScaleAverage * (float)Math.Sqrt(i/(numBars + 0.0f)) * barData[i]; 
        barData[i] = barData[i] + highScaleNotAverage * (float)Math.Sqrt(i/(numBars + 0.0f)) * barData[i]; 


Entonces cuando se recupera la barData de un guión diferente se recomienda para bloquearlo primero desde este se modifica en un hilo separado.

No estoy seguro de dónde obtuve GetSpectrumPoints ya que no parece estar en el Github Repo, pero aquí está. Simplemente pegue esto en ese archivo y mi código debería funcionar.

public float[] GetSpectrumPoints(float height, float[] fftBuffer) 
    SpectrumPointData[] dats = CalculateSpectrumPoints(height, fftBuffer); 
    float[] res = new float[dats.Length]; 
    for (int i = 0; i < dats.Length; i++) 
     res[i] = (float)dats[i].Value; 

    return res; 

He intentado utilizar su código de ejemplo, pero no parece que ['GetSpectrumPoints()' sea una función más] (https://github.com/filoe/cscore/blob/29410b12ae35321c4556b072c0711a8f289c0544/Samples/ WinformsVisualization/Visualization/LineSpectrum.cs # L10), y verificar el historial del repositorio git tampoco lo muestra. ¿Te importaría aclarar/actualizar tu respuesta? (* Estoy tratando de integrar la captura/procesamiento de audio en Windows con una aplicación de consola multiplataforma que maneja luces LED, los valores de datos de frecuencia de 0.0 a 1.0 bar son todo lo que necesita *) – Shane


@Shane ¡Lo siento! Agregué ese código ahora, espero que ayude – Phylliida

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