2009-07-04 5 views

I've created this regexCómo reemplazar http: // o www con <a href.. in PHP

(www|http://)[^ ]+ 

that match every http://... or www.... but I dont know how to make preg_replace that would work, I've tried

preg_replace('/((www|http://)[^ ]+)/', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

but it doesn't work, the result is empty string.


Dup: http://stackoverflow.com/ questions/507436/how-do-i-linkify-urls-in-a-string-with-php –



You need to escape the slashes in the regex because you are using slashes as the delimiter. You could also use another symbol as the delimiter.

// escaped 
preg_replace('/((www|http:\/\/)[^ ]+)/', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

// another delimiter, '@' 
preg_replace('@((www|http://)[^ ]+)@', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

¡Felicitaciones! Eres el único que no copia la expresión regular incorrecta del caos. – Gumbo


No agrega automáticamente http: // antes de www, por lo que no es del todo correcto: www.google.com se convertirá en ... instead of

preg_replace('!((?:www|http://)[^ ]+)!', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

When you use / as your pattern delimiter, having / inside your pattern will not work out well. I solved this by using ! as the pattern delimiter, but you could escape your slashes with backslashes instead.

I also didn't see any reason why you were doing two paren captures, so I removed one of them.

Part of the trouble in your situation is that you're running with warnings suppressed; if you had error_reporting(E_ALL) on, you'd have seen the messages PHP is trying to generate about your delimiter problem in your regex.


Es curioso que la mayoría haya usado su expresión regular incorrecta para sus ejemplos. – Gumbo


Imagino que todos estábamos copiando OP's. Solucionado ahora, en cualquier caso. – chaos


Your main problem seems to be that you are putting everything in parentheses, so it doesn't know what "\1" is. Also, you need to escape the "/". So try this:

preg_replace('/(www|http:\/\/[^ ]+)/', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str);

Edit: It actually seems the parentheses were not an issue, I misread it. The escaping was still an issue as others also pointed out. Either solution should work.


Me gustaría agregar que las referencias anteriores están numeradas por el paréntesis de apertura. Por ejemplo, en la expresión regular "T (e (st))", \ 1 contiene "est" y \ 2 contiene "st". –


When using the regex codes provided by the other users, be sure to add the "i" flag to enable case-insensitivity, so it'll work with both HTTP:// and http://. For example, using chaos's code:

preg_replace('!(www|http://[^ ]+)!i', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

First of all, you need to escape—or even better, replace—the delimeters as explained in the other answers.

preg_replace('~((www|http://)[^ ]+)~', '<a href="\1">\1</a>', $str); 

Secondly, to further improve the regex, the $n replacement reference syntax is preferred over \\n, as stated in the manual.

preg_replace('~((www|http://)[^ ]+)~', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $str); 

En tercer lugar, utiliza innecesariamente paréntesis de captura, lo que solo ralentiza las cosas. Deshazte de ellos. No se olvide de actualizar $1 a $0. En caso de que se lo pregunte, estos son paréntesis que no capturan: (?:).

preg_replace('~(?:www|http://)[^ ]+~', '<a href="$0">$0</a>', $str); 

Por último, me gustaría sustituir [^ ]+ con el más corto y más preciso \S, que es lo contrario de \s. Tenga en cuenta que [^ ]+ no permite espacios, ¡pero acepta nuevas líneas y pestañas! \S no.

preg_replace('~(?:www|http://)\S+~', '<a href="$0">$0</a>', $str); 

Si hay múltiples URL contenida en una cadena separada por un salto de línea en lugar de un espacio, usted tiene que utilizar el \ S

preg_replace('/((www|http:\/\/)\S+)/', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $val); 
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