Puede generar un registro de cambios a través de la API REST de TeamCity. Se puede encontrar una secuencia de comandos de PowerShell here:
Generates a project change log file.
Script posted over:
# Where the changelog file will be created
$outputFile = "%system.teamcity.build.tempDir%\releasenotesfile_%teamcity.build.id%.txt"
# the url of teamcity server
$teamcityUrl = "%teamcity.serverUrl%"
# username/password to access Teamcity REST API
# Build id for the release notes
$buildId = %teamcity.build.id%
# Get the commit messages for the specified change id
# Ignore messages containing #ignore
# Ignore empty lines
Function GetCommitMessages($changeid)
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("$teamcityUrl/httpAuth/app/rest/changes/id:$changeid")
$request.Headers.Add("AUTHORIZATION", "$authToken");
$xml = [xml](new-object System.IO.StreamReader $request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Xml $xml -XPath "/change" |
where { ($_.Node["comment"].InnerText.Length -ne 0) -and (-Not $_.Node["comment"].InnerText.Contains('#ignore'))} |
foreach {"+ $($_.Node["user"].name) : $($_.Node["comment"].InnerText.Trim().Replace("`n"," "))`n"}
# Grab all the changes
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("$teamcityUrl/httpAuth/app/rest/changes?build=id:$($buildId)")
$request.Headers.Add("AUTHORIZATION", "$authToken");
$xml = [xml](new-object System.IO.StreamReader $request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd()
# Then get all commit messages for each of them
$changelog = Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Select-Xml $xml -XPath "/changes/change" | Foreach {GetCommitMessages($_.Node.id)}
$changelog > $outputFile
Write-Host "Changelog saved to ${outputFile}:"
¿Puede aclarar de dónde se genera este registro? Normalmente, adjuntar archivos como un artefacto no debería ser un problema. –