Modifiqué el complemento para satisfacer sus necesidades. Ahora puede mostrar imágenes personalizadas para cada botón de opción dependiendo de su estado. Comentar si encuentra algún error :)
uso (para las cajas de radio llamado gender
, con la opción de valores male
y female
tick_image_path: {
male: "images/gender/male_checked.jpg",
female: "images/gender/female_checked.jpg"
//"default": "images/gender/default_checked.jpg" //optional default can be used
no_tick_image_path: {
male: "images/gender/male_unchecked.jpg",
female: "images/gender/female_unchecked.jpg"
//"default": "images/gender/default_unchecked.jpg" //optional default can be used
image_tick_class: "gender",
La fuente del plugin:
Image Tick v1.0 for jQuery
Provides an unobtrusive approach to image
based checkboxes and radio buttons
by Jordan Boesch
June 8, 2008
Modified June 25, 2010:
- Radio buttons can have individual images
by Simen Echholt
$.fn.imageTick = function(options) {
var defaults = {
tick_image_path: "images/radio.gif",
no_tick_image_path: "no_images/radio.gif",
image_tick_class: "ticks_" + Math.floor(Math.random()),
hide_radios_checkboxes: false
var opt = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function(){
var obj = $(this);
var type = obj.attr('type'); // radio or checkbox
var tick_image_path = typeof opt.tick_image_path == "object" ?
opt.tick_image_path[this.value] || opt.tick_image_path["default"] :
var no_tick_image_path = function(element_id) {
var element = document.getElementById(element_id) || { value: "default" };
return typeof opt.no_tick_image_path == "object" ?
opt.no_tick_image_path[element.value] || opt.no_tick_image_path["default"]:
// hide them and store an image background
var id = obj.attr('id');
var imgHTML = '<img src="' + no_tick_image_path(id) + '" alt="no_tick" class="' + opt.image_tick_class + '" id="tick_img_' + id + '" />';
// if something has a checked state when the page was loaded
$("#tick_img_" + id).attr('src', tick_image_path);
// if we're deadling with radio buttons
if(type == 'radio'){
// if we click on the image
$("." + opt.image_tick_class).each(function() {
var r ="_");
var radio_id = r.splice(2,r.length-2).join("_");
$(this).attr('src', no_tick_image_path(radio_id))
$("#" + id).trigger("click");
$(this).attr('src', tick_image_path);
// if we click on the label
$("label[for='" + id + "']").click(function(){
$("." + opt.image_tick_class).each(function() {
var r ="_");
var radio_id = r.splice(2,r.length-2).join("_");
$(this).attr('src', no_tick_image_path(radio_id))
$("#" + id).trigger("click");
$("#tick_img_" + id).attr('src', tick_image_path);
// if we're deadling with checkboxes
else if(type == 'checkbox'){
$("#tick_img_" + id).click(function(){
$("#" + id).trigger("click");
if($(this).attr('src') == no_tick_image_path(id)){
$(this).attr('src', tick_image_path);
else {
$(this).attr('src', no_tick_image_path(id));
// if we click on the label
$("label[for='" + id + "']").click(function(){
if($("#tick_img_" + id).attr('src') == no_tick_image_path(id)){
$("#tick_img_" + id).attr('src', tick_image_path);
else {
$("#tick_img_" + id).attr('src', no_tick_image_path(id));
¡Muchas gracias! Funciona perfectamente :) – klavina