2010-11-21 11 views



Yo sugeriría que mira sobre el tutorial de, How to Use Tabbed Panes y vaya a la sección titulada aquí con componentes personalizados.

Además, si observa el enlace example index dentro de esa sección, se proporciona el código de muestra.


De hecho, acabo de crear una implementación de esto yo mismo. :)

Algo como esto:

/* These need to be final so you can reference them in the MouseAdapter subclass 
* later. I personally just passed them to a method to add the tab, with the 
* parameters marked as final. 
* i.e., public void addCloseableTab(final JTabbedPane tabbedPane, ...) 
final Component someComponent = ...; //Whatever component is being added 
final JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); 
//I had my own subclass of AbstractButton, but that's irrelevant in this case 
JButton closeButton = new JButton("x"); 

* titlePanel is initialized containing a JLabel with the tab title, 
* and closeButton. (I don't recall the tabbed pane showing a title itself after 
* setTabComponentAt() is called) 
JPanel titlePanel = ...; 
tabbedPane.setTabComponentAt(tabbedPane.indexOfComponent(someComponent), titlePanel); 

closeButton.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { 
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 

Ah, y un posible inconveniente, setTabComponentAt() sólo está disponible a partir de Java 6 ... así que esto no funcionará en versiones anteriores. – swilliams

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