2010-10-16 23 views

Tengo un problema muy directo aquí. Necesito tomar JSON proveniente de la API y convertirlo en objetos que creé para ellos.Análisis JSON a Java POJO utilizando GSON

este momento, se va a deserializar ellos en mi lista pero cada objeto métrica tiene valores nulos

JSON que vendrá en

"metrics": [ 
     "metric": { 
      "type": 1, 
      "name": "slide-11-start", 
      "value": "1287249598295", 
      "sessionID": "" 
     "metric": { 
      "type": 1, 
      "name": "slide-21-start", 
      "value": "1287249601368", 
      "sessionID": "" 
     "metric": { 
      "type": 7, 
      "name": "resolution", 
      "value": "1680x1050", 
      "sessionID": "" 
     "metric": { 
      "type": 6, 
      "name": "OS", 
      "value": "Linux", 
      "sessionID": "" 
     "metric": { 
      "type": 5, 
      "name": "browser", 
      "value": "Netscape", 
      "sessionID": "" 


objeto de indicador

public class Metric { 

    private int type; 
    private String name; 
    private String value; 
    private String sessionID; 

    * @return the type 
    public int getType() { 
     return type; 

    * @param type the type to set 
    public void setType(int type) { 
     this.type = type; 

    * @return the name 
    public String getName() { 
     return name; 

    * @param name the name to set 
    public void setName(String name) { 
     this.name = name; 

    * @return the value 
    public String getValue() { 
     return value; 

    * @param value the value to set 
    public void setValue(String value) { 
     this.value = value; 

    * @return the sessionID 
    public String getSessionID() { 
     return sessionID; 

    * @param sessionID the sessionID to set 
    public void setSessionID(String sessionID) { 
     this.sessionID = sessionID; 


Container Ojbect

import java.util.List; 

* @author joshua 
public class MetricSet { 

    private List<Metric> metrics; 

    * @return the metrics 
    public List<Metric> getMetrics() { 
     return metrics; 

    * @param metrics the metrics to set 
    public void setMetrics(List<Metric> metrics) { 
     this.metrics = metrics; 

CÓDIGO para convertir el JSON

String json = ""; 
    if(request.getParameter("data") != null) { 
     json = request.getParameter("data"); 

    MetricSet metrics = new MetricSet(); 

    try { 
     Gson gson = new Gson(); 
     Type listType = new TypeToken<MetricSet>() {}.getType(); 
     metrics = gson.fromJson(json, MetricSet.class); 
    catch(Exception ex) { 
     String msg = ex.toString(); 



(Sólo han pasado de 7,5 meses.)

El problema es que la estructura de clases que está tratando deserializar a no coincide con la estructura JSON.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo simple que funciona para deserializar el JSON provisto. La salida es

[Metrics: [ 
[MetricContainer: [Metric: type=1, name=slide-11-start, value=1287249598295, sessionID=]], 
[MetricContainer: [Metric: type=1, name=slide-21-start, value=1287249601368, sessionID=]], 
[MetricContainer: [Metric: type=7, name=resolution, value=1680x1050, sessionID=]], 
[MetricContainer: [Metric: type=6, name=OS, value=Linux, sessionID=]], 
[MetricContainer: [Metric: type=5, name=browser, value=Netscape, sessionID=]]]]
public class Foo 
    static String jsonInput = 
    "{" + 
     "\"metrics\":" + 
     "[" + 
     "{" + 
      "\"metric\":" + 
      "{" + 
      "\"type\":1," + 
      "\"name\":\"slide-11-start\"," + 
      "\"value\":\"1287249598295\"," + 
      "\"sessionID\":\"\"" + 
      "}" + 
     "}," + 
     "{" + 
      "\"metric\":" + 
      "{" + 
      "\"type\":1," + 
      "\"name\":\"slide-21-start\"," + 
      "\"value\":\"1287249601368\"," + 
      "\"sessionID\":\"\"" + 
      "}" + 
     "}," + 
     "{" + 
      "\"metric\":" + 
      "{" + 
      "\"type\":7," + 
      "\"name\":\"resolution\"," + 
      "\"value\":\"1680x1050\"," + 
      "\"sessionID\":\"\"" + 
      "}" + 
     "}," + 
     "{" + 
      "\"metric\":" + 
      "{" + 
      "\"type\":6," + 
      "\"name\":\"OS\"," + 
      "\"value\":\"Linux\"," + 
      "\"sessionID\":\"\"" + 
      "}" + 
     "}," + 
     "{" + 
      "\"metric\":" + 
      "{" + 
      "\"type\":5," + 
      "\"name\":\"browser\"," + 
      "\"value\":\"Netscape\"," + 
      "\"sessionID\":\"\"" + 
      "}" + 
     "}" + 
     "]" + 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
    GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); 
    Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); 
    Metrics metrics = gson.fromJson(jsonInput, Metrics.class); 

class Metrics 
    private List<MetricContainer> metrics; 

    public String toString() 
    return String.format(
     "[Metrics: %1$s]", 

class MetricContainer 
    private Metric metric; 

    public String toString() 
    return String.format(
     "[MetricContainer: %1$s]", 

class Metric 
    private int type; 
    private String name; 
    private String value; 
    private String sessionID; 

    public String toString() 
    return String.format(
     "[Metric: type=%1$d, name=%2$s, value=%3$s, sessionID=%4$s]", 
     type, name, value, sessionID); 

Usted puede echar un vistazo en Gson Guide.

de análisis de JSON para Java POJO de usar GSON:

public class Response { 

private List<MetricsBean> metrics; 

public List<MetricsBean> getMetrics() { 
    return metrics; 

public void setMetrics(List<MetricsBean> metrics) { 
    this.metrics = metrics; 

public static class MetricsBean { 
    * metric : {"type":1,"name":"slide-11-start","value":"1287249598295","sessionID":""} 

    private MetricBean metric; 

    public MetricBean getMetric() { 
     return metric; 

    public void setMetric(MetricBean metric) { 
     this.metric = metric; 

    public static class MetricBean { 
     * type : 1 
     * name : slide-11-start 
     * value : 1287249598295 
     * sessionID : 

     private int type; 
     private String name; 
     private String value; 
     private String sessionID; 

     public int getType() { 
      return type; 

     public void setType(int type) { 
      this.type = type; 

     public String getName() { 
      return name; 

     public void setName(String name) { 
      this.name = name; 

     public String getValue() { 
      return value; 

     public void setValue(String value) { 
      this.value = value; 

     public String getSessionID() { 
      return sessionID; 

     public void setSessionID(String sessionID) { 
      this.sessionID = sessionID; 
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