Puede obtener las propiedades de la impresora, que incluye las bandejas de papel (bandejas) de la impresora utilizando la API de Windows: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb258176(v=office.12).aspx http://www.thedbcommunity.com/index.php?option=com_content & tarea = vista & id = 218 & Itemid = 56
Se puede utilizar la clase iPaper en ArcObjects SDK 10 Microsoft.NET Framework (no estoy muy seguro de cómo funciona esto) http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/arcobjects_net/conceptualhelp/index.html#//0001000002wn000000
Editar: Sólo tomó una mirada en profundidad sobre uno de los enlaces que te di, esto debería ser la respuesta que está buscando:
// Get Printer Tray Codes for Word Printing using DeviceCapabilities
// By: BB
// Inputs:1)strTrayName - Name of the tray to search for, ie "Tray 1", "Tray 2", "Manual"
/// <summary>
/// Gets the printer code for the specified tray, based on the current printer for the Word Document
/// Printer trays on various HP printers change between models and Word documents
/// will not act the same when printed on different printers. This allows us
/// to get the right code for the tray we want to print to.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="strTrayName">Name of the tray to search for, ie "Tray 1", "Tray 2", "Manual"</param>
/// <param name="iDefaultBin">A default bin to return if not found ie. (int)WdPaperTray.wdPrinterUpperBin</param>
/// <param name="wordDoc">A word document object that we want to check the printer for</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetBinNumber(string strTrayName, int iDefaultBin, Word.Document wordDoc)
//Code adapted from Microsoft KB article Q194789
//HOWTO: Determine Available PaperBins with DeviceCapabilities API
//Get the printer & port names and numbers of the current printer
// Once we have the printer bin we can then use
// InvokeMember on the wordDoc.PageSetup object to set the bin.
// Example call to this method is
// int Tray1Code = GetBinNumber("Tray 1",(int)WdPaperTray.wdPrinterUpperBin);
int BinRes;
BinRes = iDefaultBin; //set up a default bin as the lower
string sPort = wordDoc.Application.ActivePrinter.Substring(wordDoc.Application.ActivePrinter.IndexOf(" on ") + 3).Trim();
string sCurrentPrinter = wordDoc.Application.ActivePrinter.Substring(0, wordDoc.Application.ActivePrinter.IndexOf(" on ")).Trim();
//'Find out how many printer bins there are
Int32 iBinCnt = DeviceCapabilities(sCurrentPrinter, sPort, DC_BINS, null, IntPtr.Zero);
if (iBinCnt > -1)
//'Set the array of bin numbers to the right size
UInt16[] iBinArray = new UInt16[iBinCnt];
//set up a buffer to receive the bin names - each name is up to 24 chars, null terminated
byte[] buffer = new byte[iBinCnt * 24];
// Load the array with the bin numbers
iBinCnt = DeviceCapabilitiesA(sCurrentPrinter, sPort, DC_BINS, iBinArray, IntPtr.Zero);
if (iBinCnt > -1)
// Load the array of bin names
iBinCnt = DeviceCapabilitiesA(sCurrentPrinter, sPort, DC_BINNAMES, buffer, IntPtr.Zero);
if (iBinCnt > -1)
string sBinNames = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
//split the null terminated strings into a string array for searching
while (sBinNames.IndexOf("\0\0") > -1)
sBinNames = sBinNames.Replace("\0\0", "\0");
string[] arrBinNames = sBinNames.Split('\0');
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("prn nams = " + res);
int idx = 0;
foreach (string BinNam in arrBinNames)
BinRes = iBinArray[idx];
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error - " + ex.Message);
return BinRes;
copiado en parte de la página web debido a las restricciones, puede ver el código completo aquí:
¿Es una aplicación web o WPF? – Ankit
Es un proyecto de Winforms – PeteT
Solo pensando ... si solo está buscando la mejor bandeja para el trabajo de impresión, ¿por qué no simplemente usar la bandeja más grande y especificar el tamaño del papel? –