2009-11-23 12 views

He buscado en todas partes pero no puedo encontrar la respuesta exacta a mi pregunta. Tomemos por ejemplo el siguiente código:Establecer valores de propiedades anidadas usando Reflections

public class Company 
    private string m_strName; 
    private Customer m_objCustomer; 

    public Company() 
     m_strName = ""; 
     m_objCustomer = new Customer(); 

    public string Name 
     get { return m_strName; } 
     set { m_strName = value; } 

    public Customer CustomerInformaion 
     get { return m_objCustomer; } 
     set { m_objCustomer = value; } 

public class Customer 
    private string m_strName; 
    private Details m_objDetails; 

    public Customer() 
     m_strName = ""; 
     m_objDetails = new Details(); 

    public string Name 
     get { return m_strName; } 
     set { m_strName = value; } 

    public Details CustomerDetails 
     get { return m_objDetails; } 
     set { m_objDetails = value; } 

public class Details 
    private string m_strPhoneNumber; 
    private string m_strEmailAddress; 

    public Details() 
     m_strPhoneNumber = ""; 
     m_strEmailAddress = ""; 

    public string PhoneNumber 
     get { return m_strPhoneNumber; } 
     set { m_strPhoneNumber = value; } 

    public string EmailAddress 
     get { return m_strEmailAddress; } 
     set { m_strEmailAddress = value; } 

Ahora, he fijado un formulario que tiene muchos campos de texto donde el usuario puede introducir información sobre un cliente en una empresa. Uno de esos campos es el campo de texto Dirección de correo electrónico que tiene una propiedad de etiqueta establecida en EmailAddress. Quiero poder mirar la etiqueta del cuadro de texto e iterar por todo el objeto de la compañía para encontrar una propiedad con un nombre coincidente y establecer su valor en la propiedad de texto del cuadro de texto. Puedo localizar la propiedad, pero establecer su valor ha resultado ser bastante difícil. Aquí es lo que tengo hasta ahora:

foreach (PropertyInfo info in m_objCompany.GetType().GetProperties()) 
    if (info.PropertyType != typeof(System.String)) 
     foreach (PropertyInfo info2 in info.PropertyType.GetProperties()) 
      if (objTextBox.Tag.Equals(info2.Name)) 
       if (info2.CanWrite) 
        Object objValue = Convert.ChangeType(objTextBox.Text, info.PropertyType); 
        info2.SetValue(m_objCompany, objValue, null); 


Mi problema es que cuando ejecuto el código recibo un error en changetype y/o FijarValor. El problema es que la Reflexión se detiene en info2 e intenta establecer el valor en el Tipo de Detalles, ya que es el padre de la Dirección de correo electrónico de la propiedad.

Cualquier ayuda para determinar cómo señalar SetValue a la propiedad adecuada sería útil y apreciada. Como estoy seguro, puedes adivinar que mi clase es una GRAN oferta mayor que el ejemplo proporcionado con cerca de 100 propiedades. La mayoría de todos son valores de cadena que se ingresarán manualmente a través de objetos TextBox. Estoy intentando crear una rutina que todos los objetos de TextBox puedan invocar, por lo que la propiedad Tag del objeto podría usarse para indicar qué propiedad de mi clase estoy tratando de establecer. A partir de ahí se va a la tierra de serialización de XML.



su línea más interna

info2.SetValue(m_objCompany, objValue, null); 

está tratando de establecer el valor de la propiedad interior (info2), en el objeto externo. El objeto externo no tiene un objeto interno.

Lo que es probable que desee, es algo como esto:

public void Bar(object m_objCompany) 
     foreach (PropertyInfo info in m_objCompany.GetType().GetProperties()) 
      if (info.PropertyType != typeof(System.String)) 
       // Somehow create the outer property 
       object outerPropertyValue = info.PropertyType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { }); 

       foreach (PropertyInfo info2 in info.PropertyType.GetProperties()) 
        if ("blah" == "blah") 
         if (info2.CanWrite) 
          Object innerPropertyValue = Convert.ChangeType("blah", info2.PropertyType); 
          info2.SetValue(outerPropertyValue, innerPropertyValue, null); 


       info.SetValue(m_objCompany, outerPropertyValue, null); 

Cuando se encuentre con una propiedad que desea establecer, es necesario crear esa propiedad (outerPropertyValue), la configuración de las propiedades de esa propiedad (a través de innerPropertyValue), luego establezca la propiedad externa en el objeto original (m_objCompany).


Sorprendente. Tal velocidad y precisión! ¡¡GRACIAS UNA TONELADA!! Eso funcionó como un encanto. – Jeff


Me alegro de poder ayudar. – McKay


Aquí hay un código que uso para Reflection. En este caso, debería llamar al método SetValue.

Reflector.SetValue(TARGET_OBJECT, "Customer.Details.PhoneNumber", "ValueToSet"); 

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Agregado el ConversionResult falta estructura. Perdón por la omisión.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Reflection; 

namespace YourNamespace 
    public struct ConversionResult 
    public Boolean Success; 
    public object ConvertedValue; 

    public static class Reflector 
    private static BindingFlags DefaultBindings = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic; 
    #region Public Methods 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Execute the "codeToExecute" string on the "source" object 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <returns>The result of execute codeToExecute on source</returns> 
    public static object GetValue(object source, String codeToExecute) 
     ReflectorResult reflectorResult = GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, true, false); 
     if (reflectorResult != null) 
     return reflectorResult.Value; 
     return null; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    public static Boolean SetValue(object source, String codeToExecute, object value) 
     return SetValue(source, codeToExecute, value, false); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    /// <param name="createIfNotExists">Creates items it cannot find</param> 
    public static Boolean SetValue(object source, String codeToExecute, object value, Boolean createIfNotExists) 
     Boolean executed = true; 

     ReflectorResult reflectorResult = GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, false, createIfNotExists); 
     if (reflectorResult != null) 
     TypeConverter typeConverter = null; 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = reflectorResult.MemberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
      if (propertyInfo.CanWrite) 
      typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(propertyInfo); 

      ConversionResult conversionResult = ConvertValue(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType, typeConverter); 
      if (conversionResult.Success) 
       propertyInfo.SetValue(reflectorResult.PreviousValue, conversionResult.ConvertedValue, reflectorResult.MemberInfoParameters); 
       executed = false; 
       PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid value: " + value); 
      FieldInfo fieldInfo = reflectorResult.MemberInfo as FieldInfo; 
      if (fieldInfo != null) 
      typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(fieldInfo); 
      ConversionResult conversionResult = ConvertValue(value, fieldInfo.FieldType, typeConverter); 
      if (conversionResult.Success) 
       fieldInfo.SetValue(reflectorResult.PreviousValue, conversionResult.ConvertedValue); 
       executed = false; 
       PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid value: " + value); 
      // both property and field are invalid 
      executed = false; 
     executed = false; 

     return executed; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Sets the "source" object to the "value" specified in "codeToExecute" 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="codeToExecute">Code that should be executed ex. 'Person.Age'</param> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to set the source+codeToExecute to.</param> 
    public static void RunDynamicCode(object source, String codeToExecute) 
     GetReflectorResult(source, codeToExecute, true, false); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with the passed parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    /// <param name="parameters">Method Parameters</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName, object[] parameters) 
     if (parameters == null) 
     parameters = new object[0]; 

     MethodInfo[] methodInfos = GetMethods(source, methodName); 

     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos) 
     object[] convertedParameters = GetParameters(methodInfo, parameters); 
     if (convertedParameters != null) 
      return methodInfo.Invoke(source, convertedParameters); 
     return null; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with the passed parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    /// <param name="parameter">Method Parameter</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName, object parameter) 
     return ExecuteMethod(source, methodName, new object[] { parameter }); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Executes the method on the "source" object with no parameters 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source">Object the code should be executed against</param> 
    /// <param name="methodName">Method to call</param> 
    public static object ExecuteMethod(object source, String methodName) 
     return ExecuteMethod(source, methodName, null); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Copies all public properties and fields from source to target 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="source"></param> 
    /// <param name="target"></param> 
    public static void CopyObject(object source, object target) 
     if (source != null && target != null) 
     Type targetType = target.GetType(); 
     Type sourceType = source.GetType(); 

     PropertyInfo[] properties = sourceType.GetProperties(DefaultBindings); 
     foreach (PropertyInfo sourceProperty in properties) 
      PropertyInfo targetProperty = targetType.GetProperty(sourceProperty.Name, sourceProperty.PropertyType); 
      if (targetProperty != null && targetProperty.CanRead && targetProperty.CanWrite) 
      object value = sourceProperty.GetValue(source, null); 
      targetProperty.SetValue(target, value, null); 

     FieldInfo[] fields = sourceType.GetFields(DefaultBindings); 
     foreach (FieldInfo sourceField in fields) 
      FieldInfo targetField = targetType.GetField(sourceField.Name); 
      if (targetField != null && targetField.IsPublic) 
      object value = sourceField.GetValue(source); 
      targetField.SetValue(target, value); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Convert the object to the correct type 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="value">Value to convert</param> 
    /// <param name="type">Type to convert to</param> 
    /// <returns>Converted value</returns> 
    public static ConversionResult ConvertValue(object value, Type type, TypeConverter typeConverter) 
     ConversionResult conversionResult = new ConversionResult(); 
     conversionResult.Success = false; 
     if (value != null && type != null) 
     Type objectType = value.GetType(); 
     if (objectType == type) 
      conversionResult.Success = true; 
      conversionResult.ConvertedValue = value; 
      // If there is an explicit type converter use it 
      if (typeConverter != null && typeConverter.CanConvertFrom(objectType)) 
       conversionResult.ConvertedValue = typeConverter.ConvertFrom(value); 
       conversionResult.Success = true; 
      catch (FormatException) { } 
      catch (Exception e) 
       if (!(e.InnerException is FormatException)) 
       conversionResult.ConvertedValue = Convert.ChangeType(value, type, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 
       conversionResult.Success = true; 
      catch (InvalidCastException) { } 
     return conversionResult; 

    public static Boolean CanCreateObect(String classPath, Assembly assembly, params object[] parameters) 
     Boolean canCreate = false; 
     Type type = Type.GetType(classPath); 
     if (type == null) 
     String pathWithAssembly = classPath + ", " + assembly.FullName; 
     type = Type.GetType(pathWithAssembly); 

     if (type != null) 
     foreach (ConstructorInfo ci in type.GetConstructors()) 
      if (ci.IsPublic) 
      ParameterInfo[] constructorParameters = ci.GetParameters(); 
      if (constructorParameters.Length == parameters.Length) 
       for(Int32 i=0; i<constructorParameters.Length; i++) 
       object parameter = parameters[i]; 
       if(parameter == null) 

       ParameterInfo pi = constructorParameters[i]; 
       if (!pi.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(parameter.GetType())) 
       canCreate = true; 
     return canCreate; 

    public static object CreateObject(String classPath, Assembly assembly, params object[] parameters) 
     Type type = Type.GetType(classPath); 
     if (type == null) 
     String pathWithAssembly = classPath + ", " + assembly.FullName; 
     type = Type.GetType(pathWithAssembly); 

     if (type == null) 
     return null; 
     return Activator.CreateInstance(type, parameters); 

    #region Private Methods 
    private static ReflectorResult GetReflectorResult(object source, String codeToExecute, bool getLastValue, bool createIfNotExists) 
     ReflectorResult result = new ReflectorResult(source); 

     // Split the code into usable fragments 
     String[] codeFragments = SplitCodeArray(codeToExecute); 
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < codeFragments.Length; i++) 
      // if the value is null we cannot go any deeper so don't waste your time 
      if (result.Value == null) 
      return result; 

      String codeFragment = codeFragments[i]; 
      result.PreviousValue = result.Value; 

      if (codeFragment.Contains("]")) 
      ProcessArray(result, codeFragment, createIfNotExists); 
      else if (codeFragment.Contains(")")) 
      ProcessMethod(result, codeFragment); 
      // For set properties we do not need the last value 
      bool retrieveValue = getLastValue; 
      if (!retrieveValue) 
       // If this is not the last one in the array, get it anyway 
       retrieveValue = i + 1 != codeFragments.Length; 
      ProcessProperty(result, codeFragment, retrieveValue); 
     catch (InvalidCodeFragmentException ex) 
     PentaLogger.LogVerbose("Invalid Property: '" + codeToExecute + "' Invalid Fragment: '" + ex.Message + "'"); 

     return result; 

    private static String[] SplitCodeArray(String codeToExecute) 
     List<String> items = new List<String>(); 

     Int32 parenAndbracketCount = 0; 
     String buffer = ""; 
     foreach (Char c in codeToExecute.ToCharArray()) 
     if (c == '.') 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = ""; 
     else if (c == '[') 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = c.ToString(); 
     else if (c == ']' || c == ')') 
      buffer += c; 
      if (buffer.Length > 0) 
      buffer = ""; 
     else if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c) || Char.IsControl(c)) 
      if (parenAndbracketCount == 0) 
      // Skip it 
      buffer += c; 
     else if (c == '(') 
      buffer += c; 
      buffer += c; 
     if (buffer.Length > 0) 
     return items.ToArray(); 

    private static object[] GetParameters(String codeFragment, MemberInfo memberInfo) 
     String parameters = SplitParametersFromMethod(codeFragment); 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters)) 
     return new object[0]; 

     object[] parameterArray = parameters.Split(','); 
     return GetParameters(memberInfo, parameterArray); 

    private static object[] GetParameters(MemberInfo memberInfo, object[] parameterArray) 
     ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo = null; 
     TypeConverter typeConverter = null; 

     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
     parameterInfo = propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters(); 
     typeConverter = GetTypeConverter(parameterInfo[0]); 
     MethodInfo methodInfo = memberInfo as MethodInfo; 
     if (methodInfo != null) 
      parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters(); 

     if (parameterInfo == null) 
     return null; 

     object[] returnParameters = new object[parameterInfo.Length]; 
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < parameterArray.Length; i++) 
     ConversionResult converstionResult = ConvertValue(parameterArray[i], parameterInfo[i].ParameterType, typeConverter); 
     if (converstionResult.Success) 
      returnParameters[i] = converstionResult.ConvertedValue; 
      return null; 
     return returnParameters; 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(MemberInfo memberInfo, Type targetType) 
     object[] typeConverters = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TypeConverterAttribute), true); 
     if (typeConverters.Length > 0) 
     TypeConverterAttribute typeConverterAttribute = (TypeConverterAttribute)typeConverters[0]; 
     Type typeFromName = Type.GetType(typeConverterAttribute.ConverterTypeName); 
     if ((typeFromName != null) && typeof(TypeConverter).IsAssignableFrom(typeFromName)) 
      return (TypeConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(typeFromName); 
     return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(targetType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(PropertyInfo propertyInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(propertyInfo, propertyInfo.PropertyType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(FieldInfo fieldInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(fieldInfo, fieldInfo.FieldType); 

    private static TypeConverter GetTypeConverter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo) 
     return GetTypeConverter(parameterInfo.Member, parameterInfo.ParameterType); 

    private static ArrayDefinition GetArrayDefinition(object value, String codeToExecute) 
     // All IList classes have an Item property except for System.Array. 
     List<MemberInfo> retrieveMemberInfos = new List<MemberInfo>(); 
     foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in value.GetType().GetProperties(DefaultBindings)) 
     if (propertyInfo.Name == "Item") 

     if (retrieveMemberInfos.Count == 0) 
     // We didn't find any Item properties so this is probably an Array. Use the GetValue method 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in value.GetType().GetMethods(DefaultBindings)) 
      if (methodInfo.Name == "GetValue") 

     // Some members have overloaded this[] methods. Find the correct method. 
     foreach (MemberInfo memberInfo in retrieveMemberInfos) 
     object[] parameters = GetParameters(codeToExecute, memberInfo); 
     if (parameters != null) 
      ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition = new ArrayDefinition(); 
      arrayDefinition.Parameters = parameters; 
      arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo = memberInfo; 
      return arrayDefinition; 
     return null; 

    private static void ProcessArray(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment, Boolean createIfNotExists) 
     Int32 failCount = 0; 
     ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition = GetArrayDefinition(result.Value, codeFragment); 
     if (arrayDefinition != null) 
     // If this is anything but System.Array we need to call a Property 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo as PropertyInfo; 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
      object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(result.Value, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      catch (TargetInvocationException ex) 
      if (ex.InnerException is ArgumentOutOfRangeException && failCount == 1 && createIfNotExists) 
       if (CreateArrayItem(result, arrayDefinition)) 
       goto SetPropertyInfoValue; 

      // Tried to fix it but failed. Blow up 
      throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 
      // System.Array has a Method to call 
      MethodInfo methodInfo = arrayDefinition.RetrieveMemberInfo as MethodInfo; 
      if (methodInfo != null) 
       // We can't support dynamically creating array items 
       object value = methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
       result.SetResult(value, methodInfo, arrayDefinition.Parameters); 
      catch (TargetInvocationException) 
       throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 
     throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 

    private static Boolean CreateArrayItem(ReflectorResult result, ArrayDefinition arrayDefinition) 
     Type resultType = result.Value.GetType(); 
     Type containedType = null; 
     if (resultType.IsArray) 
     containedType = resultType.GetElementType(); 
     containedType = resultType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; 

     object newInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(containedType); 
     if (!resultType.IsArray) 
     MethodInfo[] methods = GetMethods(result.Value, "Insert"); 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methods) 
      object[] temp = new object[arrayDefinition.Parameters.Length + 1]; 
      arrayDefinition.Parameters.CopyTo(temp, 0); 
      temp[arrayDefinition.Parameters.Length] = newInstance; 

      object[] parameters = GetParameters(methodInfo, temp); 
      if (parameters != null) 
      methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, parameters); 
      return true; 
     return false; 

    private static void ProcessProperty(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment, bool retrieveValue) 
     // This is just a regular property 
     PropertyInfo propertyInfo = result.Value.GetType().GetProperty(codeFragment, DefaultBindings); 
     if (propertyInfo != null) 
     object value = result.Value; 
     if (retrieveValue) 
      value = propertyInfo.GetValue(result.Value, null); 
      result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, null); 
     result.SetResult(value, propertyInfo, null); 
     // Maybe it is a field 
     FieldInfo fieldInfo = result.Value.GetType().GetField(codeFragment, DefaultBindings); 

     if (fieldInfo != null) 
      object value = result.Value; 
      if (retrieveValue) 
      value = fieldInfo.GetValue(result.Value); 
      result.SetResult(value, fieldInfo, null); 
      // This item is missing, log it and set the value to null 
      throw new InvalidCodeFragmentException(codeFragment); 

    private static void ProcessMethod(ReflectorResult result, String codeFragment) 
     // This is just a regular property 
     String methodName = codeFragment.Substring(0, codeFragment.IndexOf('(')); 
     MethodInfo[] methodInfos = GetMethods(result.Value, methodName); 

     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in methodInfos) 
     object[] parameters = GetParameters(codeFragment, methodInfo); 
     if (parameters != null) 
      object value = methodInfo.Invoke(result.Value, parameters); 
      result.SetResult(value, null, null); 

    private static String SplitParametersFromMethod(String codeFragment) 
     char startCharacter = '['; 
     char endCharacter = ']'; 

     if (codeFragment.EndsWith(")", StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) 
     // This is a function 
     startCharacter = '('; 
     endCharacter = ')'; 

     Int32 startParam = codeFragment.IndexOf(startCharacter) + 1; 
     if (startParam < 1) 
     return null; 

     Int32 endParam = codeFragment.IndexOf(endCharacter); 
     if (endParam < 0) 
     return null; 

     return codeFragment.Substring(startParam, endParam - startParam).Trim(); 

    private static MethodInfo[] GetMethods(object value, String methodName) 
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) 
     throw new ArgumentNullException("methodName"); 

     if (value == null) 
     return new MethodInfo[0]; 

     List<MethodInfo> methodInfos = new List<MethodInfo>(); 
     foreach (MethodInfo methodInfo in value.GetType().GetMethods(DefaultBindings)) 
     if (methodInfo.Name == methodName) 
     return methodInfos.ToArray(); 

    #region Helper Classes 
    private class ArrayDefinition 
     public MemberInfo RetrieveMemberInfo { get; set; } 

     public object[] Parameters { get; set; } 

    private class ReflectorResult 
     public ReflectorResult(object startValue) 
     SetResult(startValue, null, null); 
     public MemberInfo MemberInfo { get; private set; } 
     public object[] MemberInfoParameters { get; private set; } 
     public object PreviousValue { get; set; } 
     public object Value { get; private set; } 

     public void SetResult(object value, MemberInfo memberInfo, object[] memberInfoParameters) 
     Value = value; 
     MemberInfo = memberInfo; 
     MemberInfoParameters = memberInfoParameters; 

     public void Clear() 
     MemberInfo = null; 
     Value = null; 
     PreviousValue = null; 

    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1064:ExceptionsShouldBePublic")] 
    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1032:ImplementStandardExceptionConstructors")] 
    private class InvalidCodeFragmentException : Exception 
     public InvalidCodeFragmentException(String invalidFragment) 
     : base(invalidFragment) 


Esto puede haber funcionado, pero no parece compilar en absoluto en .NET 1.1, que es lo que estoy obligado a utilizar en este momento para ser compatible con el resto del proyecto. Aunque parece interesante. – Jeff


@ShaunBowe +1. Pero parece que se olvidó la definición 'ConversionResult' –


@ShaunBowe, debe agregar la clase ConversionResult. – Justin

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