Debe hacer esto en varios pasos: primero: elimine la restricción predeterminada en su columna, luego modifique su columna.
podría utilizar Código algo como esto:
-- find out the name of your default constraint -
-- assuming this is the only default constraint on your table
DECLARE @defaultconstraint sysname
SELECT @defaultconstraint = NAME
FROM sys.default_constraints
WHERE parent_object_id = object_ID('dbo.mytable')
-- declare a "DROP" statement to drop that default constraint
SET @DropStmt = 'ALTER TABLE dbo.mytable DROP CONSTRAINT ' + @defaultconstraint
-- drop the constraint
-- alternatively: if you *know* the name of the default constraint - you can do this
-- more easily just by executing this single line of T-SQL code:
-- ALTER TABLE dbo.mytable DROP CONSTRAINT (fill in name of constraint here)
-- modify the column's datatype
ALTER TABLE dbo.mytable
Alter Column myColumn smallint NOT NULL
-- re-apply a default constraint - hint: give it a sensible name!
ALTER TABLE dbo.mytable
ADD CONSTRAINT DF_mytable_myColumn DEFAULT 1 FOR MyColumn
Sí, podría ser una solución, pero si tengo muchos datos, no sería genial – GregM