En primer lugar se debe utilizar una semilla fija para el generador de números aleatorios, o de lo contrario la prueba puede fallar al azar (es decir, a veces pueden estar en orden - that's the problem with randomness). Entonces podría hacer algunas comprobaciones simples, por ejemplo, que los valores no están en orden, y que en cada ejecución los valores son diferentes.
Aquí hay un ejemplo de pruebas que escribí para mi propia implementación shuffle bag.
import jdave.Specification;
import jdave.junit4.JDaveRunner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* @author Esko Luontola
* @since 25.2.2008
public class ShuffleBagSpec extends Specification<ShuffleBag<?>> {
public class AShuffleBagWithOneOfEachValue {
private ShuffleBag<Integer> bag;
private List<Integer> expectedValues = Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
public ShuffleBag<Integer> create() {
bag = new ShuffleBag<Integer>(new Random(123L));
for (Integer value : expectedValues) {
return bag;
public void onFirstRunAllValuesAreReturnedOnce() {
List<Integer> values = bag.getMany(10);
specify(values, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
public void onFirstRunTheValuesAreInRandomOrder() {
List<Integer> values = bag.getMany(10);
specify(values.get(0), does.not().equal(0));
specify(values.get(0), does.not().equal(1));
specify(values.get(0), does.not().equal(9));
specify(values, does.not().containInOrder(expectedValues));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(1, 2, 3));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(4, 5, 6));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(7, 8, 9));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(3, 2, 1));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(6, 5, 4));
specify(values, does.not().containInPartialOrder(9, 8, 7));
public void onFollowingRunsAllValuesAreReturnedOnce() {
List<Integer> run1 = bag.getMany(10);
List<Integer> run2 = bag.getMany(10);
List<Integer> run3 = bag.getMany(10);
specify(run1, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
specify(run2, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
specify(run3, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
public void onFollowingRunsTheValuesAreInADifferentRandomOrderThanBefore() {
List<Integer> run1 = bag.getMany(10);
List<Integer> run2 = bag.getMany(10);
List<Integer> run3 = bag.getMany(10);
specify(run1, does.not().containInOrder(run2));
specify(run1, does.not().containInOrder(run3));
specify(run2, does.not().containInOrder(run3));
public void valuesAddedDuringARunWillBeIncludedInTheFollowingRun() {
List<Integer> additionalValues = Arrays.asList(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
List<Integer> expectedValues2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> run1 = bag.getMany(5);
for (Integer i : additionalValues) {
List<Integer> run2 = bag.getMany(16);
specify(run1, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
specify(run2, does.containExactly(expectedValues2));
public class AShuffleBagWithManyOfTheSameValue {
private ShuffleBag<Character> bag;
private List<Character> expectedValues = Arrays.asList('a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c');
public ShuffleBag<Character> create() {
bag = new ShuffleBag<Character>(new Random(123L));
bag.addMany('a', 1);
bag.addMany('b', 2);
bag.addMany('c', 3);
return bag;
public void allValuesAreReturnedTheSpecifiedNumberOfTimes() {
List<Character> values = bag.getMany(6);
specify(values, does.containExactly(expectedValues));
public class AnEmptyShuffleBag {
private ShuffleBag<Object> bag;
public ShuffleBag<Object> create() {
bag = new ShuffleBag<Object>();
return bag;
public void canNotBeUsed() {
specify(new jdave.Block() {
public void run() throws Throwable {
}, should.raise(IllegalStateException.class));
Aquí está la aplicación, en caso de que quiera ver también:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
* @author Esko Luontola
* @since 25.2.2008
public class ShuffleBag<T> {
private final Random random;
* Unused values are in the range {@code 0 <= index < cursor}.
* Used values are in the range {@code cursor <= index < values.size()}.
private final List<T> values = new ArrayList<T>();
private int cursor = 0;
public ShuffleBag() {
this(new Random());
public ShuffleBag(Random random) {
this.random = random;
public void add(T value) {
public T get() {
if (values.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("bag is empty");
int grab = randomUnused();
T value = values.get(grab);
return value;
private int randomUnused() {
if (cursor <= 0) {
cursor = values.size();
return random.nextInt(cursor);
private void markAsUsed(int indexOfUsed) {
swap(values, indexOfUsed, cursor);
private static <T> void swap(List<T> list, int x, int y) {
T tmp = list.get(x);
list.set(x, list.get(y));
list.set(y, tmp);
public void addMany(T value, int quantity) {
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
public List<T> getMany(int quantity) {
List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>(quantity);
for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
return results;
Esto es algo similar a http://stackoverflow.com/questions/56411/ how-to-test-randomness-case-in-point-shuffling – Ryan