2012-07-22 12 views

que estoy tratando de abrir la aplicación remota (bloc de notas) en Windows 7 64. esto es lo que he intentado:aplicación de la máquina remota abierto

object[] theProcessToRun = {"notepad"}; 
ConnectionOptions theConnection = new ConnectionOptions(); 
theConnection.Username = "user"; 
theConnection.Password = "pass"; 
ManagementScope theScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + ip + "\\root\\cimv2", 
ManagementClass theClass = new ManagementClass(theScope, 
       new ManagementPath("Win32_Process"), new ObjectGetOptions()); 
theClass.InvokeMethod("Create", theProcessToRun); 

Este código abre el bloc de notas sólo en el administrador de tareas. cómo puedo hacer que el bloc de notas sea visible.




El proceso que no se muestra es by design for security purposes in WMI. La mejor opción que conozco es usar Win32_ScheduledJob para programar una hora para que la aplicación se inicie de manera interactiva.

El siguiente código no ha sido probado pero creo que debería hacer lo que quiera con algunos ajustes.

using System; 
using System.Management; 
using System.Reflection; 

class ScheduleJob 
    public static uint Create (
string Command, 
uint DaysOfMonth, 
uint DaysOfWeek, 
bool InteractWithDesktop, 
bool RunRepeatedly, 
string StartTime, // in DMTF format ! 
out uint JobId) 
// See: Platform SDK (or WMI SDK) doc's for detailed info about 'Win32_ScheduledJob' class 
     ManagementBaseObject inputArgs = null; 
     ManagementClass classObj = new ManagementClass (null, "Win32_ScheduledJob", null); 
     inputArgs = classObj.GetMethodParameters ("Create"); 
     inputArgs ["Command"] = Command; 
     inputArgs ["DaysOfMonth"] = DaysOfMonth; 
     inputArgs ["DaysOfWeek"] = DaysOfWeek; 
     inputArgs ["InteractWithDesktop"] = InteractWithDesktop; 
     inputArgs ["RunRepeatedly"] = RunRepeatedly; 
     inputArgs ["StartTime"] = StartTime; 
// use late binding to invoke "Create" method on "Win32_ScheduledJob" WMI class 
     ManagementBaseObject outParams = classObj.InvokeMethod ("Create", inputArgs, null); 
     JobId = ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["JobId"].Value)); 
     return ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["ReturnValue"].Value)); 
// Delete the Scheduled (JobID) 

    public static uint Delete (uint JobID) 
     ManagementObject mo; 
     ManagementPath path = ManagementPath.DefaultPath; 
     path.RelativePath = "Win32_ScheduledJob.JobId=" + "\"" + JobID + "\""; 
     mo = new ManagementObject (path); 
     ManagementBaseObject inParams = null; 
// use late binding to invoke "Delete" method on "Win32_ScheduledJob" WMI class 
     ManagementBaseObject outParams = mo.InvokeMethod ("Delete", inParams, null); 
     return ((uint)(outParams.Properties ["ReturnValue"].Value)); 

    public static string ToDMTFTime (DateTime dateParam) 
     string tempString = dateParam.ToString ("********HHmmss.ffffff"); 
     TimeSpan tickOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset (dateParam); 
     tempString += (tickOffset.Ticks >= 0) ? '+' : '-'; 
     tempString += (Math.Abs (tickOffset.Ticks)/System.TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute).ToString ("d3"); 
     return tempString; 

class JobScheduler 
    public static void Main() 
     uint JobID; 
     DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // Get current DateTime 
     dt = dt.AddMinutes (1); //add 1 minute to current time 
     string LocalDateTime = ScheduleJob.ToDMTFTime (dt); // convert to DMTF format 
// Schedule Notepad to run every Sunday and Wednesday 
     uint ret = ScheduleJob.Create (
// @"runas /user:administrator\domain /profile cmd ", 
0, 32, true, true, LocalDateTime, out JobID); 
     if (ret == 0) { // sucess 
      Console.WriteLine ("Wait for Job to be scheduled and Press: <Enter> to delete"); 
      Console.ReadLine(); // For test purposes - Wait for job to be scheduled. 
      ret = ScheduleJob.Delete (JobID); // Get rid of this Job 
     Console.WriteLine (ret); 

/* Days of week 
Sunday 64, 
Monday 1, 
Tuesday 2, 
Wednesday 4, 
Thursday 8, 
Friday 16, 
Saturday 32 

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