2009-12-03 38 views

Estoy haciendo mi primer programa utilizando ReportLab, donde no sé de antemano dónde caerán los saltos de página y estoy teniendo problemas. Para mantener las cosas simples, estoy usando SimpleDocTemplate. Mis fluidos tienen el siguiente aspecto:ReportLab LayoutError: demasiado grande en la página

flowables = [Paragraph("Some title", style=headerParagraphStyle), 
      Spacer(0, 10), 
      Paragraph("first paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 
      Paragraph("second paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 
      Paragraph("nth paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 
      Paragraph("Some title", style=headerParagraphStyle), 
      Spacer(0, 10), 
      Paragraph("first paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 
      Paragraph("second paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 
      Paragraph("mth paragraph", style=bodyParagraphStyle), 

Cuando construyo mi PDF todo va bien siempre y cuando mi n o m o sin embargo muchos párrafos del cuerpo caben en una página, pero si se encuentran encima, me sale un error como lo siguiente:

reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError: Flowable <Paragraph at 0xb79800 frame=normal>20th paragraph: too large on page 3 

parece que no puede encontrar una buena razón de por qué esto sigue sucediendo a mí. ¿Alguna sugerencia? Lo hace incluso si elimino las PageBreaks(). Todos los párrafos son relativamente cortos, en su mayoría menos de una oración/línea.

ETA: Estoy publicando todo el código (con identificadores menores despojados) que está generando el error para mí. Lo he convertido para leer un archivo CSV, así que también he publicado su contenido. El error exacto que este código genera para mí cuando corro es:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "./spice_dev.py", line 355, in 
    departmentReportDoc.build(eachDepartment.report, onFirstPage=onReportPage, onLaterPages=onReportPage) 
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 1010, in build 
    BaseDocTemplate.build(self,flowables, canvasmaker=canvasmaker) 
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 777, in build 
    File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 694, in handle_flowable 
    raise LayoutError(ident) 
reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError: Flowable Additional comments and suggestions for improvement: too large on page 3 

Algunos depuración muestra que el error es el resultado de este párrafo (aunque puede haber otros fluidos, dependiendo de la longitud del contenido) tratando de dividir, posponerse y aún no poder dividirse después de la llamada al handle_frameEnd(). Sugerencias?


# vim: set fileencoding=latin-1 

#import csv 
import os 
import os.path 
import time 

import numpy 
import scipy.stats._support 

#for debugging 
import sys 
import traceback 

# imports for reportlab 

from reportlab.platypus import * 
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle 
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import LETTER, landscape, portrait 
from reportlab.lib.units import inch 
from reportlab.lib import colors 
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas 
from reportlab.lib.enums import * 

####### Constants ######## 

kNumberOfQuestions = 4 

####### Reportlab ######## 

def _doNothing(canv, doc): 

headerParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Header", fontName="Helvetica-Bold", fontSize=16, spaceAfter = .05*inch, alignment=TA_CENTER) 
header2ParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Header2", fontName="Helvetica-Bold", fontSize=14, spaceAfter = .1*inch, spaceBefore=.5*inch, alignment=TA_CENTER) 
subheaderInfoParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Subheader Info", fontName="Helvetica-Bold", fontSize=10, alignment=TA_CENTER) 
questionParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Question header", fontName="Helvetica-Bold", fontSize = 10, alignment=TA_LEFT) 
commentParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Comment", fontName="Helvetica", fontSize = 10, alignment=TA_LEFT) 
instructorParagraphStyle = ParagraphStyle("Instructor Header", fontName="Helvetica", fontSize=10, alignment=TA_LEFT) 
basicTableStyle = TableStyle(
     [('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Helvetica-Bold', 9), 
     ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), 
     ('LINEBELOW', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 1, colors.black), 
     ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 1, colors.black), 
     ('FONT', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 'Helvetica', 9), 
     ('ALIGN', (0, 1), (-1, 1), 'LEFT'), 
     ('ALIGN', (1, 1), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), 
     ('LINEAFTER', (0, 1), (0, -1), 1, colors.black), 
     ('LINEBEFORE', (1, 1), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black), 
     ('ROWBACKGROUNDS', (0, 1), (-1, -1), (colors.white, (.9, .9, .9))), 
     ('TOPPADDING', (1, 1), (-1, -1), 8) 
statTableStyle = TableStyle(
     [('FONT', (0, 0), (0, -1), 'Helvetica-Bold', 9), 
     ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (0, -1), 'RIGHT'), 
     ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black), 
     ('FONT', (1, 0), (1, -1), 'Helvetica', 9), 
     ('ALIGN', (1, 0), (1, -1), 'LEFT') 
headerTableStyle = TableStyle(
     [('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Helvetica', 8), 
     ('FONT', (0, 1), (-1, 1), 'Helvetica-Bold', 8), 
     ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), 
     ('LINEBELOW', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 1, colors.black), 
     ('LINEAFTER', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 20, colors.white), 
     ('LEFTPADDING', (0,0), (-1, -1), 15), 
     ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 15) 

######## Classes ######### 

class Course: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.prefix = "" 
     self.number = "" 
     self.section = "" 
     self.instructor = "" 
     self.email = "" 
     self.name = "None Found" 
     self.enrollment = 0 
     self.semester = "" 
     self.report = [] # subreport for the course 
     self.dataFile = [] 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return self.prefix + " " + self.number + " " + self.section + " " + self.instructor 

class Instructor: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.name = "" 
     self.email = "" 
     self.courses = dict([]) 
     self.report = [] 
     self.dataFile = [] 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return self.name + " " + self.email 

class Department: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.name = "" 
     self.instructors = dict([]) #contains Instructor objects 
     self.report = [] #subreport for the department 
     self.dataFile = [] 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return self.name 

class College: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.name = "" 
     self.departments = dict([]) #contains Department objects 
     self.report = [] #subreport for the college 
     self.dataFile = [] 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return self.name + ":" + `self.departments` 

class University: 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.name = "" 
     self.colleges = dict([]) #contains College objects 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return self.name + ":" + `self.colleges` 

### Utility Functions ### 

def onReportPage(canv, doc): 
    #display general info at the top of every page 
    canv.setFont('Courier', 10) 
    canv.drawString(inch, 10.5*inch, "Wassamata U") 
    canv.drawString(inch, 10.35*inch, "Student Comments") 

    canv.drawString(5.75*inch, 10.5*inch, "Year/Term: " + uSemesterYear + "/" + uSemesterTerm) 
    canv.drawString(5.75*inch, 10.35*inch, " Semester: " + `semesterNumber`) 

def xmlify(text): 
    return text.replace('&','&amp;').replace('<','&lt;').replace('>','&gt;') 

def semesterDescription(semesterNumber): 
    # reference semester is Spring 1964, i.e. semester 0 
    semesterNumber = semesterNumber/10 
    year = `1964 + (semesterNumber/3)` 
    term = "Spring" 
    if semesterNumber % 3 == 1: 
     term = "Summer" 
    elif semesterNumber % 3 == 2: 
     term = "Fall" 

    return year, term 

######### Main ########## 

# set up some options 
# should have a ui later 

# ugly, but quick 
# used to get them on the top of every page 
global uSemesterYear 
global uSemesterTerm 

print "\n" 

university = University() 
university.name = "Wassamata U" 

commentsFile = open("spireport2.csv", "rb").read() 
commentRecords = commentsFile.split("ô\r\n") 
commentsArray = [] 
for commentRecord in commentRecords: 

print "Reading in the SPI file" 
#read in data from file 
for row in commentsArray: 
    #print row 
    # college 
    currentCollege = university.colleges.get(row[0]) 
    if currentCollege == None: 
     currentCollege = College() 
     currentCollege.name = row[0].replace("/", " ") 
     university.colleges[row[0]] = currentCollege 

    currentDepartment = currentCollege.departments.get(row[1]) 
    if currentDepartment == None: 
     currentDepartment = Department() 
     currentDepartment.name = row[1].replace("/", " ") 
     currentCollege.departments[row[1]] = currentDepartment 

    currentInstructor = currentDepartment.instructors.get(row[2] + row[3]) 
    if currentInstructor == None: 
     currentInstructor = Instructor() 
     currentInstructor.name = row[3].replace("/", " ") 
     currentInstructor.email = row[2].replace("/", " ") 
     currentDepartment.instructors[row[2] + row[3]] = currentInstructor 

    currentCourse = currentInstructor.courses.get(row[5] + row[6] + row[7]) 
    if currentCourse == None: 
     currentCourse = Course() 
     currentCourse.prefix = row[5][:3] 
     currentCourse.number = row[5][3:] 
     currentCourse.section = row[6] 
     currentCourse.instructor = row[3] 
     currentCourse.email = row[2] 
     currentCourse.name = row[4] 
     currentCourse.semester = row[7] 
     currentCourse.enrollment = int(row[8]) 
     currentInstructor.courses[row[5] + row[6] + row[7]] = currentCourse 

    data = row[9:9+kNumberOfQuestions] 

    currentCollege.dataFile.append(data) #split the data file by college for later 

semesterNumber = int(university.colleges.values()[0].departments.values()[0].instructors.values()[0].courses.values()[0].semester) 
uSemesterYear, uSemesterTerm = semesterDescription(semesterNumber) 

reportDocContent = [] 

print "Processing the SPI comments" 

for eachCollege in university.colleges.values(): 
    print "\tProcessing " + eachCollege.name 
    collegeReportStartingIndex = len(reportDocContent) 

    reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 100)) 
    reportDocContent.append(Paragraph("Student comments for " + eachCollege.name, headerParagraphStyle)) 

    for eachDepartment in eachCollege.departments.values(): 
     print "\t\tProcessing " + eachDepartment.name 
     departmentReportStartingIndex = len(reportDocContent) 

     reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 100)) 
     reportDocContent.append(Paragraph("Student comments for " + eachDepartment.name, headerParagraphStyle)) 

     for eachInstructor in eachDepartment.instructors.values(): 
      print "\t\t\tProcessing " + eachInstructor.name 
      instructorReportStartingIndex = len(reportDocContent) 

      reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 100)) 
      reportDocContent.append(Paragraph("Student comments for " + eachInstructor.name + ", " + eachInstructor.email, headerParagraphStyle)) 

      for eachCourse in eachInstructor.courses.values(): 
       courseReportStartingIndex = len(reportDocContent) 

       reportDocContent.append(Paragraph("<para leftIndent=54><b>Instructor Name:</b> " + eachCourse.instructor + "</para>", instructorParagraphStyle)) 
       reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 10)) 

       headerTableContent1 = [[eachDepartment.name + "/" + eachCollege.name, eachCourse.prefix + eachCourse.number + eachCourse.section, eachCourse.name], ["Department/School", "Course-Section Number", "Course Name"]] 
       headerTableContent2 = [[eachCourse.enrollment if eachCourse.enrollment > 0 else "Unknown", 
             ("%.2f" % (float(len(eachCourse.dataFile))/eachCourse.enrollment*100) if eachCourse.enrollment != 0 else "0.00")], 
             ["Number of Students Enrolled", "Number Responding", "% of Response"]] 
       reportDocContent.append(Table(headerTableContent1, style=headerTableStyle)) 
       reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 10)) 
       reportDocContent.append(Table(headerTableContent2, style=headerTableStyle)) 

       i = 0 
       for i in range(0, kNumberOfQuestions): 
        question = "" 
        if i == 0: 
         question = "The thing(s) I like the MOST about this course:" 
        elif i == 1: 
         question = "The thing(s) I like the LEAST about this course:" 
        elif i == 2: 
         question = "What is your reaction to the method of evaluating your mastery of the course (i.e., testing, grading, out of class assignments (term papers), instructor feedback, etc.):" 
        elif i == 3: 
         question = "Additional comments and suggestions for improvement:" 

        reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 10)) 
        reportDocContent.append(Paragraph(question, style=questionParagraphStyle)) 
        reportDocContent.append(Spacer(0, 5)) 

        commentParagraph = "" 
        for comments in eachCourse.dataFile: 
         if comments[i] != "": 
          commentParagraph += unicode(comments[i], 'latin-1') + "<br/>" 
        reportDocContent.append(Paragraph(commentParagraph, style=commentParagraphStyle)) 

       eachCourse.report = reportDocContent[courseReportStartingIndex:] 

      eachInstructor.report = reportDocContent[instructorReportStartingIndex:] 

     eachDepartment.report = reportDocContent[departmentReportStartingIndex:] 

    eachCollege.report = reportDocContent[collegeReportStartingIndex:] 

# build directory structure to put reports in 
for eachCollege in university.colleges.values(): 
    if (not os.path.exists(eachCollege.name)): 
    for eachDepartment in eachCollege.departments.values(): 
     if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name))): 
      os.mkdir(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name)) 
     for eachInstructor in eachDepartment.instructors.values(): 
      if (not os.path.exists(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name, eachInstructor.name + " - " + eachInstructor.email))): 
       os.mkdir(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name, eachInstructor.name + " - " + eachInstructor.email)) 

print "Building Comments Report PDFs" 
for eachCollege in university.colleges.values(): 
    print "\tBuilding Comments Report for " + eachCollege.name 

    collegeReportDoc = SimpleDocTemplate(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachCollege.name + " SPI Comments Report.pdf"), pagesize=portrait(LETTER), allowSplitting=1) 
    collegeReportDoc.leftMargin = .25*inch 
    collegeReportDoc.rightMargin = .25*inch 
    collegeReportDoc.bottomMargin = .25*inch 

    collegeReportDoc.build(eachCollege.report, onFirstPage=onReportPage, onLaterPages=onReportPage) 

    for eachDepartment in eachCollege.departments.values(): 
     print "\t\tBuilding Comments Report for " + eachDepartment.name 

     departmentReportDoc = SimpleDocTemplate(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name, eachDepartment.name + " SPI Comments Report.pdf"), pagesize=portrait(LETTER), allowSplitting=1) 
     departmentReportDoc.leftMargin = .25*inch 
     departmentReportDoc.rightMargin = .25*inch 
     departmentReportDoc.bottomMargin = .25*inch 

#  import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 
     departmentReportDoc.build(eachDepartment.report, onFirstPage=onReportPage, onLaterPages=onReportPage) 

     print "\t\t\tBuilding Comments Reports for individual instructors" 
     for eachInstructor in eachDepartment.instructors.values(): 
      instructorReportDoc = SimpleDocTemplate(os.path.join(eachCollege.name, eachDepartment.name, eachInstructor.name + " - " + eachInstructor.email, eachInstructor.name + " SPI Comments Report.pdf"), pagesize=portrait(LETTER), allowSplitting=1) 
      instructorReportDoc.leftMargin = .25*inch 
      instructorReportDoc.rightMargin = .25*inch 
      instructorReportDoc.bottomMargin = .25*inch 

      instructorReportDoc.build(eachInstructor.report, onFirstPage=onReportPage, onLaterPages=onReportPage) 
#we do this one last because it's the biggest; otherwise it'd be at the beginning of the pdf report generation process 
print "\tBuilding SPI Report for University" 
reportDoc = SimpleDocTemplate("SPI Comments Report.pdf", pagesize=portrait(LETTER), allowSplitting=1) 
reportDoc.leftMargin = .25*inch 
reportDoc.rightMargin = .25*inch 
reportDoc.bottomMargin = .25*inch 

reportDoc.build(reportDocContent, onFirstPage=onReportPage, onLaterPages=onReportPage) 


College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æsample commentsææi like itæô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205æone with a line break; let's see what happensæææweird charactèrs áÈ-{ô 
College of Health & Public AffæCriminal Justice/Legal Studiesæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræFOUNDATIONS OF LAW ENFORCEMENTæCJE5021æ0001æ1370æ 7ææææô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205ææææô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]ple.comæAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205ææææô 
College of Health & Public AffæHealth Info Mgmtæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMEDICAL TERMINOLOGYæHSC3537æ0M01æ1370æ 205ææææô 
College of Arts & HumanitiesæEnglishæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræHARLEM, HAITI, AND HAVANAæAML3615æ0001æ1370æ 35ææææô 
College of Arts & HumanitiesæEnglishæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræCONT AMERICAN WOMEN S FICTIONæAML3283æ0001æ1370æ 35ææææô 
College of Arts & HumanitiesæEnglishæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræPOST-WORLD WAR II FICTIONæLIT4303æ0M01æ1370æ 32ææææô 
College of Arts & HumanitiesæEnglishæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræMAJOR AMERICAN AUTHORSæAML4300æ0001æ1370æ 33ææææô 
College of Arts & HumanitiesæEnglishæ[email protected]æAn InstructoræPRACTICAL CRITICISMæENG3010æ0001æ1370æ 36ææææô 

fija por favor un ejemplo de todo el archivo para que otros puedan repetir el error. –


trabajando en ello. Tratando de reducirlo a algo que las personas realmente puedan ejecutar (el código real se relaciona con muchas otras cosas para obtener sus datos). Hasta el momento, sin embargo, ninguno de mis cortes causa el error, a pesar de que todo lo que he hecho realmente es cambiar las fuentes de datos con datos estáticos en el código. Hmmmmm ... –


De acuerdo, todo el código publicado. Espero que ayude. Hice más depuración en profundidad, pero todo lo que hizo fue mostrarme cómo está sucediendo el problema, no qué puedo hacer al respecto. –



Encontrado una solución mí mismo. Basado en algunos code changes made in rst2pdf, pude hacer que mi código funcionara de manera confiable. La solución, aunque fea, es envolver todos mis Paragraphs en la sección del código que crea Paragraphs para los comentarios de los estudiantes dentro de KeepTogether. Por ejemplo, he cambiado de una línea correspondiente a:

reportDocContent.append(KeepTogether(Paragraph(commentParagraph, style=commentParagraphStyle))) 

y ahora funciona (al menos, no he sido capaz de romper aún después de probar una gran cantidad de datos de la muestra).


¿Qué era antes? Antes de agregar KeepTogether. Estoy atrapado con el mismo problema, pero no sé cómo exprimir en esta cosa mágica KeepTogether. –


Simplemente envuelva lo que tenga dentro de KeepTogether. Por ejemplo, antes de que mi código fuera 'reportDocContent.append (Párrafo (commentParagraph, style = commentParagraphStyle))'. Esto realmente es un tipo de abuso de KeepTogether, ya que solo estoy planteando una cosa, pero funciona. –


Parece que esta es una vieja pregunta, pero recientemente experimenté este mismo error y vine aquí para encontrar algunos consejos. La solución que hice fue hacer que el espaciador tuviera la mitad del tamaño anterior. Anteriormente era Spacer (1,0.2 * pulgada) y lo cambié a Spacer (1,0.1 * pulgada). Entonces no hay más tales errores.

FYI el mensaje de error que me dieron fue

File "/opt/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reportlab-2.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 1117, in build 
    BaseDocTemplate.build(self,flowables, canvasmaker=canvasmaker) 
    File "/opt/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reportlab-2.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 880, in build 
    File "/opt/python2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/reportlab-2.5-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/reportlab/platypus/doctemplate.py", line 793, in handle_flowable 
    raise LayoutError(ident) 
reportlab.platypus.doctemplate.LayoutError: Flowable <Spacer at 0xf01440 frame=normal>...(1 x 14.4) too large on page 10 in frame 'normal'(439.275590551 x 628.28976378) of template 'Later' 

Tuve el mismo problema otra vez, y cambié el tamaño del espaciador a un tamaño más pequeño. Funcionó. Fui ayudado por mí esta vez. – yoshi

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