creo que la solución de la mina es mejor que otros
def withReplacements(chars: String, n: Int) {
def internal(path: String, acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (path.length == n) path :: acc else
chars.toList.flatMap {c => internal(path + c, acc)}
val res = internal("", Nil)
println("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations with replacement for " + chars + " = " + res)
} //> withReplacements: (chars: String, n: Int)Unit
def noReplacements(chars: String, n: Int) {
//val set = chars.groupBy(c => c).map {case (c, list) => (c -> list.length)}.toList
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
type Set = Queue[Char]
val set = Queue[Char](chars.toList: _*)
type Result = Queue[String]
// The idea is that recursions will scan the set with one element excluded.
// Queue was chosen to implement the set to enable excluded element to bubble through it.
def internal(set: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path)
set.foldLeft(acc, set.dequeue){case ((acc, (consumed_el, q)), e) =>
(internal(q, consumed_el + path, acc), q.enqueue(consumed_el).dequeue)
}. _1
val res = internal(set, "", Queue.empty)
println("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations without replacement for " + set + " = " + res)
} //> noReplacements: (chars: String, n: Int)Unit
withReplacements("abc", 2) //> there are 9 2-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aa, ab, ac, ba,
//| bb, bc, ca, cb, cc)
noReplacements("abc", 2) //> there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(b
//| a, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
noReplacements("abc", 3) //> there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(c
//| ba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
withReplacements("abc", 3) //> there are 27 3-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaa, aab, aac,
//| aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc,
//| caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc)
// you can run with replacements (3 chars, n = 4) but noReplacements will fail for obvious reason -- you cannont combine 3 chars to produce 4
withReplacements("abc", 4) //> there are 81 4-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaaa, aaab, aaa
//| c, aaba, aabb, aabc, aaca, aacb, aacc, abaa, abab, abac, abba, abbb, abbc,
//| abca, abcb, abcc, acaa, acab, acac, acba, acbb, acbc, acca, accb, accc, baa
//| a, baab, baac, baba, babb, babc, baca, bacb, bacc, bbaa, bbab, bbac, bbba,
//| bbbb, bbbc, bbca, bbcb, bbcc, bcaa, bcab, bcac, bcba, bcbb, bcbc, bcca, bcc
//| b, bccc, caaa, caab, caac, caba, cabb, cabc, caca, cacb, cacc, cbaa, cbab,
//| cbac, cbba, cbbb, cbbc, cbca, cbcb, cbcc, ccaa, ccab, ccac, ccba, ccbb, ccb
//| c, ccca, cccb, cccc)
(1 to 3) foreach (u => noReplacements("aab", u))//> there are 3 1-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| , a, b)
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| a, ba, ba, aa, ab, ab)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(b
//| aa, aba, aba, baa, aab, aab)
Estos son los mismos 3 líneas de código, pero las longitudes de permutación variables son compatibles y de la lista concatenaciones son eliminados.
He hecho que el segundo sea más ideomático (de modo que se eviten las fusiones de acumulador planas de acumulador, lo que también lo hace más recursivo) y extendido en permutaciones multiset, para que pueda decir que "aab", "aba "y" baa "son permutaciones (entre sí). La idea es que la letra "a" es reemplazable dos veces en lugar infinita (con el caso de reemplazo) o disponible una sola vez (sin reemplazos). Por lo tanto, necesita un contador, que le indica cuántas veces puede encontrar cada carta para reemplazarla.
// Rewrite with replacement a bit to eliminate flat-map merges.
def norep2(chars: String, n: Int/* = chars.length*/) {
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
type Set = Queue[Char]
val set = Queue[Char](chars.toList: _*)
type Result = Queue[String]
def siblings(set: (Char, Set), offset: Int, path: String, acc: Result): Result = set match {case (bubble, queue) =>
val children = descend(queue, path + bubble, acc) // bubble was used, it is not available for children that will produce combinations in other positions
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue(bubble).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children) // siblings will produce different chars at the same position, fetch next char for them
def descend(set: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path) else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val res = descend(set, "", Queue.empty)
println("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations without replacement for " + set + " = " + res)
} //> norep2: (chars: String, n: Int)Unit
assert(norep2("abc", 2) == noReplacements("abc", 2))
//> there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(a
//| b, ac, bc, ba, ca, cb)
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(b
//| a, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
assert(norep2("abc", 3) == noReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(a
//| bc, acb, bca, bac, cab, cba)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(c
//| ba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
def multisets(chars: String, n: Int/* = chars.length*/) {
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
type Set = Queue[Bubble]
type Bubble = (Char, Int)
type Result = Queue[String]
def siblings(set: (Bubble, Set), offset: Int, path: String, acc: Result): Result = set match {case ((char, avail), queue) =>
val children = descend(if (avail - 1 == 0) queue else queue.enqueue(char -> {avail-1}), path + char, acc) // childern can reuse the symbol while if it is available
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue((char, avail)).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children)
def descend(set: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path) else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val set = Queue[Bubble]((chars.toList groupBy (c => c) map {case (k, v) => (k, v.length)}).toList: _*)
val res = descend(set, "", Queue.empty)
println("there are " + res.length + " multiset " + n + "-permutations for " + set + " = " + res)
} //> multisets: (chars: String, n: Int)Unit
assert(multisets("abc", 2) == norep2("abc", 2)) //> there are 6 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,1), (c,1)) = Queue(
//| ba, bc, ac, ab, cb, ca)
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(a
//| b, ac, bc, ba, ca, cb)
assert(multisets("abc", 3) == norep2("abc", 3)) //> there are 6 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,1), (c,1)) = Queue(
//| bac, bca, acb, abc, cba, cab)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(a
//| bc, acb, bca, bac, cab, cba)
assert (multisets("aaab", 2) == multisets2("aaab".toList, 2))
//> there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,3)) = Queue(ba, ab,
//| aa)
//| there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,3)) = List(List(a,
//| a), List(b, a), List(a, b))
multisets("aab", 2) //> there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,2)) = Queue(ba, ab,
//| aa)
multisets("aab", 3) //> there are 3 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,2)) = Queue(baa, ab
//| a, aab)
norep2("aab", 3) //> there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| ab, aba, aba, aab, baa, baa)
Como generalización, puede obtener con/sin reemplazos utilizando la función multisec. Por ejemplo,
//take far more letters than resulting permutation length to emulate withReplacements
assert(multisets("aaaaabbbbbccccc", 3) == withReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 27 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,5), (a,5), (c,5)) = Queue
//| (bac, bab, baa, bcb, bca, bcc, bba, bbc, bbb, acb, aca, acc, aba, abc, abb,
//| aac, aab, aaa, cba, cbc, cbb, cac, cab, caa, ccb, cca, ccc)
//| there are 27 3-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaa, aab, aac,
//| aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc,
//| caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc)
//take one letter of each to emulate withoutReplacements
assert(multisets("aaaaabbbbbccccc", 3) == noReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 27 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,5), (a,5), (c,5)) = Queue
//| (bac, bab, baa, bcb, bca, bcc, bba, bbc, bbb, acb, aca, acc, aba, abc, abb,
//| aac, aab, aaa, cba, cbc, cbb, cac, cab, caa, ccb, cca, ccc)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(c
//| ba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
If you are more interested about permutations, you may look at
Esto probablemente debería ser codereview.SE. – Raphael
@Raphael Tuve que googlear ese, así que aquí está para el perezoso – simbo1905
Creo que OP está bien para SO. La gente necesita ver lo que otros podrían hacer con algunos problemas, la permutación aquí, en su camino para mejorar la programación de Scala. – lcn