

La forma recomendada para acelerar el procesamiento erb es evitar hacerlo. Intente utilizar el almacenamiento en caché de la página o los encabezados GET condicional para evitar la reproducción de contenido que no ha cambiado.

class ProductsController < ApplicationController 

    def show 
    @product = Product.find(params[:id]) 

    # If the request is stale according to the given timestamp and etag value 
    # (i.e. it needs to be processed again) then execute this block 
    if stale?(:last_modified => @product.updated_at.utc, :etag => @product) 
     respond_to do |wants| 
     # ... normal response processing 

    # If the request is fresh (i.e. it's not modified) then you don't need to do 
    # anything. The default render checks for this using the parameters 
    # used in the previous call to stale? and will automatically send a 
    # :not_modified. So that's it, you're done. 
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