2011-07-25 14 views

Desde un almacén de datos vacío, pude generar automáticamente un archivo bulkloader.yaml. Solo contiene el python_preamble, pero la sección transformers estaba vacía.¿Dónde están las páginas de referencia de la transformación del cargador masivo de Google App Engine?

- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform 
- import: google.appengine.ext.bulkload.bulkloader_wizard 
- import: my_own_transformers 
- import: data_models # This is where the SomeData class is defined. 
# some more imports here 

A continuación, sobre la base de los ejemplos en la documentación, que tienen que definir un mapa de la propiedad para cada una de las columnas de mi CSV:

- kind: SomeData 
    connector: csv 
    - property: date 
     import_transform: transform.some_undocumented_function 

dos preguntas:

Mi entendimiento es que la función definida como import_transform transformará la cadena CSV ordinaria en Property Class digna de la base de datos. Quiero entender cómo funcionan las transformaciones, así que creo que tengo dos alternativas.

  1. ¿Dónde está la referencia de la biblioteca para google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform? Quiero saber cómo utilizar transform.some_undocumented_function, así como todos los demás transform.some_other_undocumented_transformers

  2. Se puede ver en mi python_preamble que - import: my_own_transformers. En ese módulo, definí una función transform_date que toma una cadena de fecha ISO como 2001-01-01 y la transforma en un tipo que puede caber en db.DateProperty(). Si mi concepto es correcto, puede usarse:

    - property: date 
    import_transform: my_own_transforms.transform_date 

No transforma los datos en clases de propiedad, o incluso instancias de clase de propiedad. Las clases de propiedad son un detalle de cómo 'db.Model' denota modelos; los tipos de datos que pueden almacenar están completamente separados. –


@Nick, creo que quiere decir que 'db.Model' es un ejemplo de una [Clase de modelo] (http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/datamodeling.html#Model_Classes), una subclase de lo que llamé 'SomeData' en mi pregunta, y' db.DateProperty() 'es un ejemplo de una [Property Class] (http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/typesandpropertyclasses. html). Eso es lo que también quise decir. No estoy seguro de dónde tropecé en mi explicación. – Kit


@Nick, creo que debería haber dicho "transformar la cadena CSV en un tipo de datos requerido por una instancia de la clase de propiedad propiedad de' SomeData' ". ¿Es eso correcto? – Kit



puede comprobar el source code o la concesión a la consola algo interactivo de esta manera:

from google.appengine.ext.bulkload import transform 

se quiere consiga:

Help on module google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform in google.appengine.ext.bulkload: 

    google.appengine.ext.bulkload.transform - Bulkloader Transform Helper functions. 


    A collection of helper functions for bulkloading data, typically referenced 
    from a bulkloader.yaml file. 

    blob_to_file(filename_hint_propertyname=None, directory_hint='') 
     Write the blob contents to a file, and replace them with the filename. 

      filename_hint_propertyname: If present, the filename will begin with 
      the contents of this value in the entity being exported. 
      directory_hint: If present, the files will be stored in this directory. 

      A function which writes the input blob to a file. 

    blobproperty_from_base64 = wrapper(value) 

    bytestring_from_base64 = wrapper(value) 

     Return a value suitable for generating an XML child node on export. 

     The return value is a list of tuples which the simplexml connector will 
     use to build a child node. 

     See also list_from_child_node 

      child_node_name: The name to use for each child node. 

      Transform function which works as described in the args. 

     A method to make multi-level Key objects. 

     Generates multi-level key from multiple fields in the input dictionary. 

     This is typically used for Keys for entities which have variable parent keys, 
     e.g. ones with owned relationships. It can used for both __key__ and 

     Use create_foreign_key as a simpler way to create single level keys. 

      path_info: List of tuples, describing (kind, property, is_id=False). 
      kind: The kind name. 
      property: The external property in the current import dictionary, or 
       transform.CURRENT_PROPERTY for the value passed to the transform. 
      is_id: Converts value to int and treats as numeric ID if True, otherwise 
       the value is a string name. Default is False. 
       create_deep_key(('rootkind', 'rootcolumn'), 
           ('childkind', 'childcolumn', True), 
           ('leafkind', transform.CURRENT_PROPERTY)) 

      Transform method which parses the info from the current neutral dictionary 
      into a Key with parents as described by path_info. 

    create_foreign_key(kind, key_is_id=False) 
     A method to make one-level Key objects. 

     These are typically used in ReferenceProperty in Python, where the reference 
     value is a key with kind (or model) name name. 

     This helper method does not support keys with parents. Use create_deep_key 
     instead to create keys with parents. 

      kind: The kind name of the reference as a string. 
      key_is_id: If true, convert the key into an integer to be used as an id. 
      If false, leave the key in the input format (typically a string). 

      Single argument method which parses a value into a Key of kind entity_kind. 

     A wrapper for a value to return '' if it's None. Useful on export. 

     Can be used in config files (e.g. "transform.empty_if_none(unicode)" or 
     as a decorator. 

      fn: Single argument transform function. 

      Wrapped function. 

     A wrapper around strftime. Also returns '' if the input is None. 

      format: Format string for strftime. 

      Single argument method which convers a datetime into a string using format. 

    import_date_time(format, _strptime=None) 
     A wrapper around strptime. Also returns None if the input is empty. 

      format: Format string for strptime. 

      Single argument method which parses a string into a datetime using format. 

     Join a list into a string using the delimeter. 

     This is just a wrapper for string.join. 

      delimeter: The delimiter to use when joining the string. 

      Method which joins the list into a string with the delimeter. 

    key_id_or_name_as_string = transform_function(key) 

     Pull out the nth (0-based) key id or name from a key which has parents. 

     If a key is present, return its id or name as a string. 

     Note that this loses the distinction between integer IDs and strings 
     which happen to look like integers. Use key_type to distinguish them. 

     This is a useful complement to create_deep_key. 

      index: The depth of the id or name to extract. Zero is the root key. 
       Negative one is the leaf key. 

      Function extracting the name or ID of the key at depth index, as a unicode 
      string. Returns '' if key is empty (unsaved), otherwise raises IndexError 
      if the key is not as deep as described. 

    key_kind = wrapper(value) 

     Pull out the nth (0-based) key kind from a key which has parents. 

     This is a useful complement to create_deep_key. 

      index: The depth of the id or name to extract. Zero is the root key. 
      Negative one is the leaf key. 

      Function returning the kind of the key at depth index, or raising 
      IndexError if the key is not as deep as described. 

    key_type = transform_function(key) 

     Pull out the nth (0-based) key type from a key which has parents. 

     This is most useful when paired with key_id_or_name_as_string_n. 
     This is a useful complement to create_deep_key. 

      index: The depth of the id or name to extract. Zero is the root key. 
       Negative one is the leaf key. 

      Method returning the type ('ID' or 'name') of the key at depth index. 
      Returns '' if key is empty (unsaved), otherwise raises IndexError 
      if the key is not as deep as described. 

    list_from_child_node(xpath, suppress_blank=False) 
     Return a list property from child nodes of the current xml node. 

     This applies only the simplexml helper, as it assumes __node__, the current 
     ElementTree node corresponding to the import record. 

     Sample usage for structure: 

     property: activities 
     external_name: VisitActivities # Ignored on import, used on export. 
     import_transform: list_from_xml_node('VisitActivities/Activity') 
     export_transform: child_node_from_list('Activity') 

      xpath: XPath to run on the current node. 
      suppress_blank: if True, ndoes with no text will be skipped. 

      Transform function which works as described in the args. 

     Create a list from multiple properties. 

      external_names: List of the properties to use. 

      Transform function which returns a list of the properties in external_names. 

     A decorator which returns None if its input is empty else fn(x). 

     Useful on import. Can be used in config files 
     (e.g. "transform.none_if_empty(int)" or as a decorator. 

      fn: Single argument transform function. 

      Wrapped function. 

     Return the Nth item from a list, or '' if the list is shorter. 

      index: Item in the list to return. 

      Function returning the item from a list, or '' if the list is too short. 

    regexp_bool(regexp, flags=0) 
     Return a boolean if the expression matches with re.match. 

     Note that re.match anchors at the start but not end of the string. 

      regexp: String, regular expression. 
      flags: Optional flags to pass to re.match. 

      Method which returns a Boolean if the expression matches. 

    regexp_extract(pattern, method=<function match at 0x336270>, group=1) 
     Return first group in the value matching the pattern using re.match. 

      pattern: A regular expression to match on with at least one group. 
      method: The method to use for matching; normally re.match or re.search. 
      group: The group to use for extracting a value. 

      A single argument method which returns the group_arg group matched, 
      or None if no match was found or the input was empty. 

     Return function that returns a list of objects that match the regex. 

     Useful on import. Uses the provided regex to split a string value into a list 
     of strings. Wrapped by none_if_input_or_result_empty, so returns none if 
     there are no matches for the regex and none if the input is empty. 

      pattern: A regular expression pattern to match against the input string. 

      None if the input was none or no matches were found, otherwise a list of 
      strings matching the input expression. 

     Split a string using the delimeter into a list. 

     This is just a wrapper for string.split. 

      delimeter: The delimiter to split the string on. 

      Method which splits the string into a list along the delimeter. 

    KEY_TYPE_ID = 'ID' 
    KEY_TYPE_NAME = 'name' 
    __loader__ = <google.appengine.tools.dev_appserver.HardenedModulesHook... 

Exactamente, puede usar sus funciones de transformación definidas o, en este caso específico, puede usar directamente transform.import_date_time.

import_date_time(format, _strptime=None) 
    A wrapper around strptime. Also returns None if the input is empty. 

    format: Format string for strptime. 

    Single argument method which parses a string into a datetime using format. 
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