2010-10-15 16 views

¿Hay una clase o módulo de Python que implemente una estructura que sea similar al BitSet?Python equivalente al BitSet de Java


Para los programadores no Java, ¿qué es un BitSet? ¿Qué está tratando de lograr? Incluso si no existe un equivalente, podría haber una buena manera pitonica de resolver su problema. –


Básicamente, un BitSet es una cadena de bits con operaciones bit a bit que se pueden aplicar a ellos. El conjunto también se puede ampliar añadiendo bits o conjuntos de bits al final del conjunto de bits actual –



Tener un vistazo a este implementation en Python 3.

La aplicación básicamente hace uso de la incorporada en el int tipo, que es arbitraria la precisión de tipo entero en Python 3 (donde long es el equivalente de Python 2).

#! /usr/bin/env python3 


Written by Geremy Condra 

Licensed under GPLv3 

Released 3 May 2009 

This module provides a simple bitset implementation 
for Python. 

from collections import Sequence 
import math 

class Bitset(Sequence): 
    """A very simple bitset implementation for Python. 

    Note that, like with normal numbers, the leftmost 
    index is the MSB, and like normal sequences, that 
    is 0. 

     >>> b = Bitset(5) 
     >>> b 
     >>> b[:] 
     [True, False, True] 
     >>> b[0] = False 
     >>> b 
     >>> b << 1 
     >>> b >> 1 
     >>> b & 1 
     >>> b | 2 
     >>> b^6 
     >>> ~b 

    value = 0 
    length = 0 

    def from_sequence(cls, seq): 
     """Iterates over the sequence to produce a new Bitset. 

     As in integers, the 0 position represents the LSB. 
     n = 0 
     for index, value in enumerate(reversed(seq)): 
      n += 2**index * bool(int(value)) 
     b = Bitset(n) 
     return b 

    def __init__(self, value=0, length=0): 
     """Creates a Bitset with the given integer value.""" 
     self.value = value 
     try: self.length = length or math.floor(math.log(value, 2)) + 1 
     except Exception: self.length = 0 

    def __and__(self, other): 
     b = Bitset(self.value & int(other)) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __or__(self, other): 
     b = Bitset(self.value | int(other)) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __invert__(self): 
     b = Bitset(~self.value) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __xor__(self, value): 
     b = Bitset(self.value^int(value)) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __lshift__(self, value): 
     b = Bitset(self.value << int(value)) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __rshift__(self, value): 
     b = Bitset(self.value >> int(value)) 
     b.length = max((self.length, b.length)) 
     return b 

    def __eq__(self, other): 
      return self.value == other.value 
     except Exception: 
      return self.value == other 

    def __int__(self): 
     return self.value 

    def __str__(self): 
     s = "" 
     for i in self[:]: 
      s += "1" if i else "0" 
     return s 

    def __repr__(self): 
     return "Bitset(%s)" % str(self) 

    def __getitem__(self, s): 
     """Gets the specified position. 

     Like normal integers, 0 represents the MSB. 
      start, stop, step = s.indices(len(self)) 
      results = [] 
      for position in range(start, stop, step): 
       pos = len(self) - position - 1 
       results.append(bool(self.value & (1 << pos))) 
      return results 
      pos = len(self) - s - 1 
      return bool(self.value & (1 << pos)) 

    def __setitem__(self, s, value): 
     """Sets the specified position/s to value. 

     Like normal integers, 0 represents the MSB. 
      start, stop, step = s.indices(len(self)) 
      for position in range(start, stop, step): 
       pos = len(self) - position - 1 
       if value: self.value |= (1 << pos) 
       else: self.value &= ~(1 << pos) 
      maximum_position = max((start + 1, stop, len(self))) 
      self.length = maximum_position 
      pos = len(self) - s - 1 
      if value: self.value |= (1 << pos) 
      else: self.value &= ~(1 << pos) 
      if len(self) < pos: self.length = pos 
     return self 

    def __iter__(self): 
     """Iterates over the values in the bitset.""" 
     for i in self[:]: 
      yield i 

    def __len__(self): 
     """Returns the length of the bitset.""" 
     return self.length