2009-03-13 12 views



Mikhail Arjipov anotaron un explanation and workaround in the ASP.NET forums:

We have finally obtained reliable repro and identified the underlying issue. A trivial repro looks like this:

<% if (true) { %> 
<% } %> 

In order to provide intellisense in <%= %> blocks at design time, ASP.NET generates assignment to a temporary __o variable and language (VB or C#) then provide the intellisense for the variable. That is done when page compiler sees the first <%= ... %> block. But here, the block is inside the if, so after the if closes, the variable goes out of scope. We end up generating something like this:

if (true) { 
    object @__o; 
    @__o = 1; 
@__o = 2; 

The workaround is to add a dummy expression early in the page. E.g. <%="" %>. This will not render anything, and it will make sure that __o is declared top level in the Render method, before any potential ‘if’ (or other scoping) statement.


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