2011-08-19 10 views

Estoy trabajando con la vista de mysql y quiero usar la instrucción IF ELSE en esa vista. me facilita error como estemysql ver si no problema

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'if(getUser()="") THEN] 
     select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_u' at line 7 

Este es mi punto de vista

drop view if exists vw_hs_hr_employee; 

CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee as 
select * from hs_hr_employee where 
hie_code_1 in 

    if(getUser()="") THEN 
     select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L 
      select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U 
      where L.emp_number=U.emp_number 
       and L.emp_number=getUser() 
       and (U.def_level=1 or U.def_level=4) 
    END if 


EDITADO aquí mi función

CREATE FUNCTION `getUser`() RETURNS char(50) CHARSET latin1 
RETURN @user 

Si alguno me puede ayudar gracias

actualiza consulta

CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee as 
select * from hs_hr_employee where 
CASE getUser() 
     WHEN '' 
    select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L 
hie_code_1 in (select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and (U.def_level=1 or U.def_level=4) ) 
hie_code_3 in (select hie_code_3 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and U.def_level=2 ) 
    hie_code_4 in (select hie_code_4 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and U.def_level=3) 

error givinign syntax to use near 'select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L END hie_code_1 in (select hie_code_' at line 6


drop view if exists vw_hs_hr_employee; 
CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee as 
select * from hs_hr_employee e where CASE WHEN getUser()='' 
    e.emp_number is not null 
hie_code_1 in (select hie_code_1 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and (U.def_level=1 or U.def_level=4) ) 
hie_code_3 in (select hie_code_3 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and U.def_level=2 ) 
    hie_code_4 in (select hie_code_4 from hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U where L.emp_number=U.emp_number and L.emp_number=getUser() and U.def_level=3) 


es 'getUser () 'se supone que es [CURRENT_USER() o USER()] (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/information-functions.html#function_current-user)? –


pregunta actualizada –


Además, se supone que una vista es una instrucción SELECT normal, y esas no permiten el control de flujo de bloque como lo hacen los procedimientos almacenados. Como tal, querrá usar [IF() o CASE ... WHEN..END] (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/control-flow-functions.html) –



Como se comentó conspicuo, una vista puede contener una declaración simple SELECT.

Se puede utilizar una sola consulta con CASE bloque:

CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee as 
FROM hs_hr_employee 
WHERE CASE WHEN getUser() = '' 
    THEN hie_code_1 IN (
     SELECT hie_code_1 
     FROM hs_hr_emp_level) 
    ELSE hie_code_1 IN (
     SELECT hie_code_1 
     FROM hs_hr_emp_level L,hs_hr_users U 
      WHERE L.emp_number=U.emp_number 
       AND L.emp_number=getUser() 
       AND (U.def_level=1 or U.def_level=4)) 

O utilizar una consulta basada unirse, (la creación de un segundo a fin de solucionar la limitación MySQL):

DROP VIEW IF EXISTS vw_hs_hr_employee_sub; 

CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee_sub AS 
SELECT hie_code_1 
FROM hs_hr_emp_level L 
    LEFT JOIN hs_hr_users U 
     ON L.emp_number = U.emp_number 
     AND L.emp_number = getUser() 
     AND (U.def_level=1 or U.def_level=4) 
WHERE getUser() = '' OR U.emp_number IS NOT NULL 

drop view if exists vw_hs_hr_employee; 

CREATE VIEW vw_hs_hr_employee as 
FROM hs_hr_employee e JOIN vw_hs_hr_employee_sub USING(hie_code_1) 

error al decir SELECT de la vista contiene una subconsulta en la cláusula FROM –


@roshan Actualizado con la solución –


gracias por la respuesta que aún tiene problema actualicé la pregunta, consulte –


Use comillas simples!

if(getUser()='') THEN 

Sin suerte: (..... –


@Bohemian: MySQL [permite que se declaren las constantes de cadena utilizando comillas simples o dobles] (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/es/string-syntax.html), a menos que habilite específicamente la opción que solo permite comillas simples. –

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