2011-11-02 21 views



De la documentación CMake:

add_custom_command(TARGET target 
       COMMAND command1 [ARGS] [args1...] 
       [COMMAND command2 [ARGS] [args2...] ...] 
       [COMMENT comment] [VERBATIM]) 

This defines a new command that will be associated with building the specified 
target. When the command will happen is determined by which of the following 
is specified: 

PRE_BUILD - run before all other dependencies 
PRE_LINK - run after other dependencies 
POST_BUILD - run after the target has been built 

Note that the PRE_BUILD option is only supported on Visual Studio 7 or later. 
For all other generators PRE_BUILD will be treated as PRE_LINK. 

Por ejemplo, si su destino se denomina MyProject y desea ejecutar el comando SomeCommand con el argumento -1 -2 después de la construcción, agregue la siguiente línea después su add_executable o add_library llamada, porque el objetivo tiene que ser definido:

add_custom_command(TARGET MyProject 
        COMMAND SomeCommand ARGS "-1 -2" 
        COMMENT "Running SomeCommand") 

Ver https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.8/cmake.html#command:add_custom_command para mo re detalles sobre cómo usar add_custom_command().


Muchas gracias ... –


Respuesta bien estructurada y perfectamente útil. :RE – MABVT

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