2008-10-08 22 views

Tenemos una aplicación donde las personas pueden escribir múltiples languges. Aunque solo tenemos una base de datos para almacenar todos los datos. Tenemos columnas de texto como nvarchar (suponiendo que solo queremos que los datos de texto estén en varios idiomas y no en todas las fechas, etc.)Múltiples idiomas en una base de datos - SQL Server 2005

¿Cree que es una solución viable y hay otros puntos a considerar además de la clasificación y la búsqueda?




Creo que depende del tipo de datos. Para nombres + direcciones, probablemente sea correcto ... un nombre es un nombre sin importar el idioma en el que se encuentre.

El texto descriptivo (por ejemplo, un campo de notas) puede ser confuso ... al menos es posible que desee registrar el idioma en el que se encuentra el texto para poder filtrarlo más tarde?


Si está utilizando campos Nvarchar, básicamente puede almacenar cada idioma localizado, mientras que los campos de datos almacenan la fecha en un formato que no depende de la localización.

El único problema con el servidor SQL es en las características de clasificación y la característica "ME GUSTA", ya que dependerán de la página de códigos utilizada al instalar el servidor o crear la base de datos. Este es un asunto bastante complejo, sugiero leer los manuales del Servidor SQL.


En primer lugar, usar NVARCHAR es la mejor manera de manejar cualquier idioma que no sea inglés, ya que admite todos los caracteres diacríticos y diéresis que necesite.

Pero ordenar podría ser un problema. Observe cómo se configura la base de datos y determine qué orden de clasificación es mejor. Si nada más parece apropiado, puede usar SQL_MixDiction_CP1253_CS_AS, que permite específicamente diccionarios mixtos. Pero hay problemas al cambiar la intercalación de una base de datos:

Nota: No se puede cambiar la intercalación de una columna que se actualmente referenciado por uno cualquiera de los siguiente:

  • Un computarizada columna
  • Un índice
  • Estadísticas de distribución, ya sea generadas automáticamente o por el sentencia CREATE STATISTICS
  • Una restricción CHECK
  • Una restricción de clave externa

La manera de moverse que es dejar caer realidad y volver a crear la base de datos bajo la intercalación adecuada, ya que todos los objetos se construirán con la intercalación predeterminada de la base de datos a menos que se especifique lo contrario.


pensamientos --Algunos

USE [db] 

    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[CultureInfo] Script Date: 06/23/2009 21:07:38 ******/ 



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CultureInfo](
     [CultureInfoId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
     [CultureName] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, 
     [DisplayName] [varchar](50) NULL, 
     [ISO_639x_Value] [nchar](6) NULL, 
     [CultureCode] [nvarchar](10) NULL, 
     [CollationName] [varchar](50) NULL, 
     [CultureInfoId] ASC 
    ) ON [PRIMARY] 



insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('af-ZA' , 'Afrikaans - South Africa' , '0x0436' , 'AFK') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sq-AL' , 'Albanian - Albania' , '0x041C' , 'SQI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-DZ' , 'Arabic - Algeria' , '0x1401' , 'ARG') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-BH' , 'Arabic - Bahrain' , '0x3C01' , 'ARH') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-EG' , 'Arabic - Egypt' , '0x0C01' , 'ARE') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-IQ' , 'Arabic - Iraq' , '0x0801' , 'ARI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-JO' , 'Arabic - Jordan' , '0x2C01' , 'ARJ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-KW' , 'Arabic - Kuwait' , '0x3401' , 'ARK') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-LB' , 'Arabic - Lebanon' , '0x3001' , 'ARB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-LY' , 'Arabic - Libya' , '0x1001' , 'ARL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-MA' , 'Arabic - Morocco' , '0x1801' , 'ARM') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-OM' , 'Arabic - Oman' , '0x2001' , 'ARO') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-QA' , 'Arabic - Qatar' , '0x4001' , 'ARQ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-SA' , 'Arabic - Saudi Arabia' , '0x0401' , 'ARA') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-SY' , 'Arabic - Syria' , '0x2801' , 'ARS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-TN' , 'Arabic - Tunisia' , '0x1C01' , 'ART') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-AE' , 'Arabic - United Arab Emirates' , '0x3801' , 'ARU') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ar-YE' , 'Arabic - Yemen' , '0x2401' , 'ARY') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('hy-AM' , 'Armenian - Armenia' , '0x042B' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Cy-az-AZ' , 'Azeri (Cyrillic) - Azerbaijan' , '0x082C' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Lt-az-AZ' , 'Azeri (Latin) - Azerbaijan' , '0x042C' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('eu-ES' , 'Basque - Basque' , '0x042D' , 'EUQ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('be-BY' , 'Belarusian - Belarus' , '0x0423' , 'BEL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('bg-BG' , 'Bulgarian - Bulgaria' , '0x0402' , 'BGR') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ca-ES' , 'Catalan - Catalan' , '0x0403' , 'CAT') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-CN' , 'Chinese - China' , '0x0804' , 'CHS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-HK' , 'Chinese - Hong Kong SAR' , '0x0C04' , 'ZHH') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-MO' , 'Chinese - Macau SAR' , '0x1404' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-SG' , 'Chinese - Singapore' , '0x1004' , 'ZHI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-TW' , 'Chinese - Taiwan' , '0x0404' , 'CHT') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-CHS' , 'Chinese (Simplified)' , '0x0004' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('zh-CHT' , 'Chinese (Traditional)' , '0x7C04' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('hr-HR' , 'Croatian - Croatia' , '0x041A' , 'HRV') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('cs-CZ' , 'Czech - Czech Republic' , '0x0405' , 'CSY') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('da-DK' , 'Danish - Denmark' , '0x0406' , 'DAN') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('div-MV' , 'Dhivehi - Maldives' , '0x0465' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('nl-BE' , 'Dutch - Belgium' , '0x0813' , 'NLB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('nl-NL' , 'Dutch - The Netherlands' , '0x0413' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-AU' , 'English - Australia' , '0x0C09' , 'ENA') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-BZ' , 'English - Belize' , '0x2809' , 'ENL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-CA' , 'English - Canada' , '0x1009' , 'ENC') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-CB' , 'English - Caribbean' , '0x2409' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-IE' , 'English - Ireland' , '0x1809' , 'ENI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-JM' , 'English - Jamaica' , '0x2009' , 'ENJ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-NZ' , 'English - New Zealand' , '0x1409' , 'ENZ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-PH' , 'English - Philippines' , '0x3409' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-ZA' , 'English - South Africa' , '0x1C09' , 'ENS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-TT' , 'English - Trinidad and Tobago' , '0x2C09' , 'ENT') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-GB' , 'English - United Kingdom' , '0x0809' , 'ENG') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-US' , 'English - United States' , '0x0409' , 'ENU') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('en-ZW' , 'English - Zimbabwe' , '0x3009' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('et-EE' , 'Estonian - Estonia' , '0x0425' , 'ETI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fo-FO' , 'Faroese - Faroe Islands' , '0x0438' , 'FOS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fa-IR' , 'Farsi - Iran' , '0x0429' , 'FAR') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fi-FI' , 'Finnish - Finland' , '0x040B' , 'FIN') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-BE' , 'French - Belgium' , '0x080C' , 'FRB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-CA' , 'French - Canada' , '0x0C0C' , 'FRC') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-FR' , 'French - France' , '0x040C' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-LU' , 'French - Luxembourg' , '0x140C' , 'FRL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-MC' , 'French - Monaco' , '0x180C' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('fr-CH' , 'French - Switzerland' , '0x100C' , 'FRS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('gl-ES' , 'Galician - Galician' , '0x0456' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ka-GE' , 'Georgian - Georgia' , '0x0437' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('de-AT' , 'German - Austria' , '0x0C07' , 'DEA') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('de-DE' , 'German - Germany' , '0x0407' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('de-LI' , 'German - Liechtenstein' , '0x1407' , 'DEC') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('de-LU' , 'German - Luxembourg' , '0x1007' , 'DEL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('de-CH' , 'German - Switzerland' , '0x0807' , 'DES') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('el-GR' , 'Greek - Greece' , '0x0408' , 'ELL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('gu-IN' , 'Gujarati - India' , '0x0447' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('he-IL' , 'Hebrew - Israel' , '0x040D' , 'HEB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('hi-IN' , 'Hindi - India' , '0x0439' , 'HIN') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('hu-HU' , 'Hungarian - Hungary' , '0x040E' , 'HUN') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('is-IS' , 'Icelandic - Iceland' , '0x040F' , 'ISL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('id-ID' , 'Indonesian - Indonesia' , '0x0421' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('it-IT' , 'Italian - Italy' , '0x0410' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('it-CH' , 'Italian - Switzerland' , '0x0810' , 'ITS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ja-JP' , 'Japanese - Japan' , '0x0411' , 'JPN') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('kn-IN' , 'Kannada - India' , '0x044B' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('kk-KZ' , 'Kazakh - Kazakhstan' , '0x043F' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('kok-IN' , 'Konkani - India' , '0x0457' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ko-KR' , 'Korean - Korea' , '0x0412' , 'KOR') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ky-KZ' , 'Kyrgyz - Kazakhstan' , '0x0440' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('lv-LV' , 'Latvian - Latvia' , '0x0426' , 'LVI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('lt-LT' , 'Lithuanian - Lithuania' , '0x0427' , 'LTH') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('mk-MK' , 'Macedonian (FYROM)' , '0x042F' , 'MKD') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ms-BN' , 'Malay - Brunei' , '0x083E' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ms-MY' , 'Malay - Malaysia' , '0x043E' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('mr-IN' , 'Marathi - India' , '0x044E' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('mn-MN' , 'Mongolian - Mongolia' , '0x0450' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('nb-NO' , 'Norwegian (Bokmål) - Norway' , '0x0414' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('nn-NO' , 'Norwegian (Nynorsk) - Norway' , '0x0814' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('pl-PL' , 'Polish - Poland' , '0x0415' , 'PLK') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('pt-BR' , 'Portuguese - Brazil' , '0x0416' , 'PTB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('pt-PT' , 'Portuguese - Portugal' , '0x0816' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('pa-IN' , 'Punjabi - India' , '0x0446' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ro-RO' , 'Romanian - Romania' , '0x0418' , 'ROM') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ru-RU' , 'Russian - Russia' , '0x0419' , 'RUS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sa-IN' , 'Sanskrit - India' , '0x044F' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Cy-sr-SP' , 'Serbian (Cyrillic) - Serbia' , '0x0C1A' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Lt-sr-SP' , 'Serbian (Latin) - Serbia' , '0x081A' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sk-SK' , 'Slovak - Slovakia' , '0x041B' , 'SKY') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sl-SI' , 'Slovenian - Slovenia' , '0x0424' , 'SLV') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-AR' , 'Spanish - Argentina' , '0x2C0A' , 'ESS') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-BO' , 'Spanish - Bolivia' , '0x400A' , 'ESB') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-CL' , 'Spanish - Chile' , '0x340A' , 'ESL') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-CO' , 'Spanish - Colombia' , '0x240A' , 'ESO') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-CR' , 'Spanish - Costa Rica' , '0x140A' , 'ESC') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-DO' , 'Spanish - Dominican Republic' , '0x1C0A' , 'ESD') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-EC' , 'Spanish - Ecuador' , '0x300A' , 'ESF') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-SV' , 'Spanish - El Salvador' , '0x440A' , 'ESE') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-GT' , 'Spanish - Guatemala' , '0x100A' , 'ESG') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-HN' , 'Spanish - Honduras' , '0x480A' , 'ESH') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-MX' , 'Spanish - Mexico' , '0x080A' , 'ESM') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-NI' , 'Spanish - Nicaragua' , '0x4C0A' , 'ESI') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-PA' , 'Spanish - Panama' , '0x180A' , 'ESA') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-PY' , 'Spanish - Paraguay' , '0x3C0A' , 'ESZ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-PE' , 'Spanish - Peru' , '0x280A' , 'ESR') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-PR' , 'Spanish - Puerto Rico' , '0x500A' , 'ES') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-ES' , 'Spanish - Spain' , '0x0C0A' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-UY' , 'Spanish - Uruguay' , '0x380A' , 'ESY') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('es-VE' , 'Spanish - Venezuela' , '0x200A' , 'ESV') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sw-KE' , 'Swahili - Kenya' , '0x0441' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sv-FI' , 'Swedish - Finland' , '0x081D' , 'SVF') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('sv-SE' , 'Swedish - Sweden' , '0x041D' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('syr-SY' , 'Syriac - Syria' , '0x045A' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ta-IN' , 'Tamil - India' , '0x0449' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('tt-RU' , 'Tatar - Russia' , '0x0444' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('te-IN' , 'Telugu - India' , '0x044A' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('th-TH' , 'Thai - Thailand' , '0x041E' , 'THA') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('tr-TR' , 'Turkish - Turkey' , '0x041F' , 'TRK') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('uk-UA' , 'Ukrainian - Ukraine' , '0x0422' , 'UKR') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('ur-PK' , 'Urdu - Pakistan' , '0x0420' , 'URD') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Cy-uz-UZ' , 'Uzbek (Cyrillic) - Uzbekistan' , '0x0843' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('Lt-uz-UZ' , 'Uzbek (Latin) - Uzbekistan' , '0x0443' , ' ') 
insert into CultureInfo (CultureName , DisplayName , ISO_639x_Value , CultureCode) values ('vi-VN' , 'Vietnamese - Vietnam' , '0x042A' , 'VIT') 
Cuestiones relacionadas