Terminé creando una secuencia de comandos para sincronizar Subversion a Harvest. No tenemos que sincronizar al revés, pero no sería difícil cambiar el script para hacer eso. Puede consultar el script aquí ->http://developerdad.com/2011/03/28/synchronize-subversion-to-ca-allfusion-harvest/
Estamos utilizando este script ahora con nuestro servidor CI de Jenkins (anteriormente Hudson) para que se cree un nuevo paquete Harvest (nombrado por la variable% JOB_NAME% establecido por Jenkins) con cada compilación de producción se ejecuta.
La página web ha estado arriba y abajo, así que aquí está la secuencia de comandos:
@echo off
REM ###########################################################################
REM # Script file to move changes from Subversion to Harvest
REM ###########################################################################
if "%1" == "" goto usage
set PROJECT_STAGE=-b "" -en "" -st ""
set VIEW=-vp ""
set CREDENTIALS=-usr "" -pw ""
set SUBVERSION_REPO=svn:////trunk/
REM Clean up any build artifacts if present
call ant clean
REM Create Harvest package
REM Delete the checked-out Subversion code
REM Note: You will need to remove everything (except this file of course), so more rmdir or del statements may be required below
rmdir /S /Q project
REM Check out the files in Harvest to modify
hco * %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% %VIEW% -p "%1" -pn "Check Out Files for Update" -up -r -s * -op pc -cp %CD%
REM Delete the checked-out Harvest code
REM Note: You will need to remove everything (except this file of course), so more rmdir or del statements may be required below
rmdir /S /Q project
REM Replace with the latest code from Subversion repository
REM Delete the .svn directories
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a:d *svn') do (
rd /s /q "%%i"
REM What are the updates for Harvest? Check them into Harvest
hci * %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% %VIEW% -p "%1" -pn "Check In Modified Files" -s * -ur -de "Added in Subversion" -if ne -op pc -cp %CD%
REM Remove the log files from Harvest
REM Note: You may need to change or remove this statement depending on whether you want the Harvest logs checked in
hdv *.log %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% %VIEW% -pn "Delete Versions"
REM What removals from Harvest do we need to process? (What files were deleted in Subversion?)
hsv %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% %VIEW% -p "%1" -it r -s "*"
REM This will not work if the file path has spaces in it. You can use %%j %%k ... in the -vp switch for one space in your project name (For example, if you have 2 spaces, it should be -vp %%j %%k %%l)
for /f "tokens=1-5 skip=3" %%i in (hsv.log) do (
if not "%%i"=="hsv" (
hci "%%i" %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% -vp "%%j" -p "%1" -pn "Check In Modified Files" -ro -cp %CD%
hri "%%i" %PROJECT_STAGE% %CREDENTIALS% -vp "%%j" -p "%1"
REM remove read-only attribute from all files
attrib -r -h * /s
REM delete all harvest.sig files
del /f /s /q harvest.sig
goto end
echo USAGE:
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "svn2harvest {package_name}"
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
... aparentemente no! – cwash
Si obtiene una buena respuesta, publíquela. :-) –