2012-01-05 17 views


String html = ... // load manually 
// insert the style to <head> 
webview.loadData(html, "text/html", null); 

¿Puede detalles por favor? –


@ An-droid por ejemplo: String html = download ("http://www.stackoverflow.com"); html = html.replaceFirst ("", ""); webview.loadData (html, "text/html", null); – xfx


Usted puede inyectar a medida JS mediante el uso de la capacidad javascript: URL .

Así es como se pueden agregar reglas CSS que utilizan este de Java:

* Creates a CSS element in the <head> section of the Web page and assigns it 
* to a `customSheet` JS variable 
private final static String CREATE_CUSTOM_SHEET = 
    "if (typeof(document.head) != 'undefined' && typeof(customSheet) == 'undefined') {" 
     + "var customSheet = (function() {" 
      + "var style = document.createElement(\"style\");" 
      + "style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\"\"));" 
      + "document.head.appendChild(style);" 
      + "return style.sheet;" 
     + "})();" 
    + "}"; 

* Adds CSS properties to the loaded Web page. A <head> section should exist when this method is called. 
* The Web view should be configured with `.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);` 
* @param webView Web view to inject into 
* @param cssRules CSS rules to inject 
void injectCssIntoWebView(WebView webView, String... cssRules) { 
    StringBuilder jsUrl = new StringBuilder("javascript:"); 
     .append("if (typeof(customSheet) != 'undefined') {"); 
    int cnt = 0; 
    for (String cssRule : cssRules) { 
      .append("', ") 


Y aquí es un ejemplo de uso del método anterior:

public void onPageFinished(WebView webView, String url) { 
    // Several people probably worked hard on the design of this Web page, let's hope they won't see what's next 
     "div { border: 4px solid yellow; }", 
     "p { border: 4px solid green; }", 
     "a { border: 4px solid black; }", 
     "img { border: 4px solid blue; }" 
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