He leído y entiendo lo que hace un bloque Try/Catch y por qué es importante usar uno. Pero estoy atascado en saber when/where para usarlos. ¿Algún consejo? Publicaré una muestra de mi código a continuación con la esperanza de que alguien tenga tiempo para hacer algunas recomendaciones para mi ejemplo.Cuándo usar bloques try/catch?
public AMPFileEntity(string filename)
transferFileList tfl = new transferFileList();
_AMPFlag = tfl.isAMPFile(filename);
_requiresPGP = tfl.pgpRequired(filename);
_filename = filename.ToUpper();
_fullSourcePathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("sourcePath") + _filename;
_fullDestinationPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("FTPStagePath") + _filename;
_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("originalsWhichHaveBeenPGPdPath");
public int processFile()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(" ");
sb.AppendLine(" --------------------------------");
sb.AppendLine(" Filename: " + _filename);
sb.AppendLine(" AMPFlag: " + _AMPFlag);
sb.AppendLine(" Requires PGP: " + _requiresPGP);
sb.AppendLine(" --------------------------------");
sb.AppendLine(" ");
string str = sb.ToString();
if (_AMPFlag)
if (_requiresPGP == true)
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file does not require encryption. Moving file to FTPStage directory.");
if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + " alreadyexists. Archiving that file.");
if (File.Exists(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(_fullDestinationPathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _fullDestinationPathAndFilename);
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file is not an AMP transfer file. Skipping this file.");
return (0);
private int encryptFile()
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("This file requires encryption. Starting encryption process.");
// first check for an existing PGPd file in the destination dir. if exists, archive it - otherwise this one won't save. it doesn't overwrite.
string pgpdFilename = _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + " already exists in the FTPStage directory. Archiving that file.");
if(File.Exists(pgpdFilename + "_archive"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(pgpdFilename + "_archive already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(pgpdFilename + "_archive");
File.Move(pgpdFilename, pgpdFilename + "_archive");
Process pProc = new Process();
pProc.StartInfo.FileName = "pgp.exe";
string strParams = @"--encrypt " + _fullSourcePathAndFilename + " --recipient infinata --output " + _fullDestinationPathAndFilename + ".PGP";
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("Encrypting file. Params: " + strParams);
pProc.StartInfo.Arguments = strParams;
pProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
pProc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
//now that it's been PGPd, save the orig in 'hasBeenPGPd' dir
UtilityLogger.LogToFile("PGP encryption complete. Moving original unencrypted file to " + _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename);
if(File.Exists(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd"))
UtilityLogger.LogToFile(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd already exists. Overwriting it.");
File.Delete(_hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");
File.Move(_fullSourcePathAndFilename, _hasBeenPGPdPathAndFilename + _filename + "original_which_has_been_pgpd");
return (0);
Busque aquí 'try catch C#': http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523875/where-to-put-try-catch http://stackoverflow.com/questions/751744/thoughts-on- try-catch-blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505471/how-often-should-i-use-try-and-catch-in-c y entonces no ... – Lazarus
Hay toneladas de preguntas sobre el manejo de excepciones en este sitio! –
Sé que hay un millón de lugares donde podría leer sobre el manejo de excepciones. De hecho, mencioné en mi publicación que entendí el concepto. Estoy atascado en la implementación en este momento y el propósito de mi publicación fue tener la esperanza de que alguien me enseñe cómo aplicarlo a mi circunstancia particular, mi ejemplo de código específico. – fieldingmellish