2010-02-28 720 views

Estoy viendo un comportamiento extraño de caché de nhibernate y no puedo entender el razonamiento. No soy capaz de almacenar en caché las consultas al hacer operaciones de selección comoproblema de caché de nhibernate con consultas de linq


pero puedo almacenar en caché cuando se hace:

var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
var p = query.ToList(); 

Ambos producen la misma consulta SQL y debe ser doign la misma cosa. La siguiente prueba explica el problema.

    public void Can_Use_Cache() 
     ISessionFactory factory = Storage.Application.Get<ISessionFactory>("SessionFactory"); 
     // initial hit on the database and load into cache - all fine 
     using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) 
      Console.WriteLine("First Query"); 
      var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
      var p = query.ToList(); 
     // no hit on the database and retrieved from cache as expected - all fine 
     using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) 
      Console.WriteLine("Second Query"); 
      var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
      var p = query.ToList(); 
     // hits the db - should have come from the cache - not working 
     using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) 
      Console.WriteLine("Third Query"); 
      var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
      var p = query.Select(x=>x).ToList(); 
     // hits the db again - should have come from the cache - again not working 
     using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) 
      Console.WriteLine("Fourth Query"); 
      var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
      var p = query.Select(x => x).ToList(); 

Mis resultados de la prueba que muestran el golpe en la base de datos para la segunda consulta. consultas 3 y 4 no debe golpear la db:

2010-02-28 12:05:23,046 INFO Started Logging 

First Query 
2010-02-28 12:05:23,156 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 

Second Query 

Third Query 
2010-02-28 12:05:23,315 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 

Fourth Query 
2010-02-28 12:05:23,318 DEBUG SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 
NHibernate: SELECT this_.Id as Id11_0_, this_.Version as Version11_0_, this_.Name as Name11_0_ FROM Promoters this_ 

La memoria caché se configura utilizando fluidez:

SessionFactory = Fluently.Configure() 
         .Cache(c => c 

      .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<EventMap>() 



parece ser un problema con el uso .Seleccionar() como en .Seleccionar (x = > x) Por alguna razón, la memoria caché se pasa por alto al usar la selección. Cualquier otra declaración funcionan bien como OrdenarPor(), donde(), etc

código de ejemplo siguiente:

using (var session = factory.OpenSession()) 
       var query = session.Linq<Promoter>(); 
       var p = query.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();// works fine 
       //var p = query.OrderBy(x => x.Name).Select(x=>x).ToList();// will hit the db 
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