EDIT: Incorporado la respuesta uv001 cambiada.¿Cómo convertir el archivo WAV/OGG al archivo FLAC en Android?
Solo puedo encontrar que ICS 4.0 admite la decodificación de FLAC, pero codifica. Necesito un codificador para convertir wav en flac, pero actualmente no puedo encontrarlo. Me parece que hay un jFlac disponible, pero no sé cómo usar esta biblioteca, simplemente convierta los archivos.
¿Alguien podría ayudarme?
Hoy, solo tengo una idea por mi cuenta, con el uso de JavaFlacEncoder. y funciona para ciertas velocidades de bits de WAV.
Cambié el valor en un valor de codificación difícil en el que está trabajando ahora.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Preston Lacey http://javaflacencoder.sourceforge.net/
* All Rights Reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package javaFlacEncoder;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
* FLAC_FileEncoder is a class to encode an input wav File to an output Flac
* file. It allows the EncodingConfiguration to be set only once, prior to
* encoding the entire File.
* @author Preston Lacey
* @author Bo Tan (Temple)
public class FLAC_FileEncoder {
/** Maximum number of bytes to read from file at once */
private static final int MAX_READ = 16384;
/** Status enum for encode result */
public enum Status {
/** Unknown State. */
/** Everything went well */
/** Something unspecified went wrong...*/
/** internal error is something that went haywire that was discovered
* due to internal sanity checks. A problem in API. */
/** File given was not able to be read */
/** Generic file IO Error */
/** Sample size unsupported */
/** Error with output file */
/** No errors found. */
FLACEncoder flac = null;
StreamConfiguration sc = null;
EncodingConfiguration ec = null;
File outFile = null;
int lastTotalSamples = 0;
boolean useThreads;
* Constructor creates a FLAC_FileEncoder object with default
* StreamConfiguration configuration and default EncodingConfiguration.
* Thread use defaults to true.
public FLAC_FileEncoder() {
flac = new FLACEncoder();
sc = new StreamConfiguration();
ec = new EncodingConfiguration();
useThreads = true;
* Specify whether to use multiple threads or not.
* @param val true to use threads, false otherwise.
public void useThreads(boolean val) {
useThreads = val;
private void adjustConfigurations(){//(AudioFormat format) {
int sampleRate = 16000;//(int)format.getSampleRate();
int sampleSize = 16; //(int)format.getSampleSizeInBits();
int channels =1;// (int)format.getChannels();
//int blockSize = sc.getMaxBlockSize();
/*sc = new StreamConfiguration(channels, blockSize, blockSize,
sampleRate, sampleSize);*/
* Set the stream configuration for this encoder to use. Note that the audio
* characteristics(number of channels, sample rate, and sample size), will
* be set to match the input file at encode time, so needn't be set in the
* given StreamConfiguration object.
* @param config StreamConfiguration to use for encoding.
public void setStreamConfig(StreamConfiguration config) {sc = config; }
* Set the EncodingConfiguration to use for encoding.
* @param config EncodingConfiguration to use.
public void setEncodingConfig(EncodingConfiguration config){ec = config;}
private Status openStream() {
Status status = Status.OK;
boolean result = flac.setStreamConfiguration(sc);
result = result & flac.setEncodingConfiguration(ec);
status = Status.INTERNAL_ERROR;
else {
FLACFileOutputStream fout = null;
try {
fout = new FLACFileOutputStream(outFile.getPath());
} catch(IOException e) {
status = Status.OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR;
if(status == Status.OK) {
try {
}catch(IOException e) {
status = Status.INTERNAL_ERROR;
status = Status.OUTPUT_FILE_ERROR;
return status;
* Encode the given input wav file to an output file.
* @param inputFile Input wav file to encode.
* @param outputFile Output file to write FLAC stream to. If file exists, it
* will be overwritten without prompting.
* @return Status flag for encode
public Status encode(File inputFile, File outputFile) {
Status status = Status.FULL_ENCODE;
this.outFile = outputFile;
//take file and initial configuration.
//open file
// AudioInputStream sin = null;
// AudioFormat format = null;
// //File inputFile = new File("encoderTest.wav");
// try {
// sin = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(inputFile);
// }catch(IOException e) {
// status = Status.FILE_IO_ERROR;
// }catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) {
// status = Status.UNSUPPORTED_FILE;
// }finally {
// if(status != Status.FULL_ENCODE)
// return status;
// }
FileInputStream sin=null;
try {
sin = new FileInputStream(inputFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
status = Status.FILE_IO_ERROR;
}finally {
if (status != Status.FULL_ENCODE)
return status;
try {
// format = sin.getFormat();
//sanitize and optimize configurations
adjustConfigurations(); //adjustConfigurations(format);
//open stream
int frameSize = 2;//format.getFrameSize();
int sampleSize = 16;//format.getSampleSizeInBits();
int bytesPerSample = sampleSize/8;
if(sampleSize %8 != 0) {
//end processing now
Exception newEx = new Exception(Status.UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_SIZE.name());
throw newEx;
int channels =1;// format.getChannels();
boolean bigEndian =false;// format.isBigEndian();
byte[] samplesIn = new byte[(int)MAX_READ];
int samplesRead;
int framesRead;
int[] sampleData = new int[MAX_READ*channels/frameSize];
int blockSize = sc.getMaxBlockSize();
int unencodedSamples = 0;
int totalSamples = 0;
while((samplesRead = sin.read(samplesIn, 0, MAX_READ)) != -1) {
//System.err.println("Read: " + read);
framesRead = samplesRead/(frameSize);
if(bigEndian) {
for(int i = 0; i < framesRead*channels; i++) {
int lower8Mask = 255;
int temp = 0;
int totalTemp = 0;
for(int x = bytesPerSample-1; x >= 0; x++) {
int upShift = 8*x;
if(x == 0)//don't mask...we want sign
temp = ((samplesIn[bytesPerSample*i+x]) << upShift);
temp = ((samplesIn[bytesPerSample*i+x] & lower8Mask) << upShift);
totalTemp = totalTemp | temp;
sampleData[i] = totalTemp;
else {
for(int i = 0; i < framesRead*channels; i++) {
int lower8Mask = 255;
int temp = 0;
int totalTemp = 0;
for(int x = 0; x < bytesPerSample; x++) {
int upShift = 8*x;
if(x == bytesPerSample-1)//don't mask...we want sign
temp = ((samplesIn[bytesPerSample*i+x]) << upShift);
temp = ((samplesIn[bytesPerSample*i+x] & lower8Mask) << upShift);
totalTemp = totalTemp | temp;
sampleData[i] = totalTemp;
if(framesRead > 0) {
flac.addSamples(sampleData, framesRead);
unencodedSamples += framesRead;
//if(unencodedSamples > blockSize*100) {
unencodedSamples -= flac.t_encodeSamples(unencodedSamples, false, flac.getThreadCount());
unencodedSamples -= flac.encodeSamples(unencodedSamples, false);
totalSamples += unencodedSamples;
//unencodedSamples = 0;
//System.err.println("read : "+ samplesRead);
totalSamples += unencodedSamples;
unencodedSamples -= flac.t_encodeSamples(unencodedSamples, true, flac.getThreadCount());
unencodedSamples -= flac.encodeSamples(unencodedSamples, true);
//unencodedSamples = 0;
lastTotalSamples = totalSamples;
catch(IOException e) {
status = Status.FILE_IO_ERROR;
catch(Exception e) {
status = Status.GENERAL_ERROR;
String message = e.getMessage();
if(message == null) {
else if(message.equals(Status.UNSUPPORTED_SAMPLE_SIZE.name()))
//System.err.print("LastTotalSamples: "+lastTotalSamples);
return status;
* Get the total number of samples encoded in last encode. This is here
* primarily for use as a sanity check during debugging.
* @return Total number of samples encoded in last encode attempt.
public int getLastTotalSamplesEncoded() {
return this.lastTotalSamples;
yo no entiendo muy bien su pregunta; ¿Quieres codificar un archivo de audio con tu Android o quieres "reproducir" algún archivo previamente codificado? – Rob
Quiero usar ASR de google, y deseo usar android para grabar el sonido en wav, y usar algún codificador para convertir de wav a flac, y subirlo a google, y recuperar el texto reconocido. pero actualmente el Android no tiene un codificador para FLAC, solo decodificador para FLAC en 3+/ICS4 + – temple
Aquí hay una biblioteca FLAC en C con makefile para Android: http://github.com/pelya/commandergenius/tree/sdl_android/ project/jni/flac Puede compilar fácilmente una herramienta de línea de comandos "flac" para Android, utilizando esta lib – pelya