Promise Pattern resolverá este problema de la mejor manera posible me he referido a cuándo.js una biblioteca de código abierto para resolver el problema de toda la carga de imágenes
function loadImage (src) {
var deferred = when.defer(),
img = document.createElement('img');
img.onload = function() {
img.onerror = function() {
deferred.reject(new Error('Image not found: ' + src));
img.src = src;
// Return only the promise, so that the caller cannot
// resolve, reject, or otherwise muck with the original deferred.
return deferred.promise;
function loadImages(srcs) {
// srcs = array of image src urls
// Array to hold deferred for each image being loaded
var deferreds = [];
// Call loadImage for each src, and push the returned deferred
// onto the deferreds array
for(var i = 0, len = srcs.length; i < len; i++) {
// NOTE: We could push only the promise, but since this array never
// leaves the loadImages function, it's ok to push the whole
// deferred. No one can gain access to them.
// However, if this array were exposed (e.g. via return value),
// it would be better to push only the promise.
// Return a new promise that will resolve only when all the
// promises in deferreds have resolved.
// NOTE: when.all returns only a promise, not a deferred, so
// this is safe to expose to the caller.
return when.all(deferreds);
function gotEm(imageArray) {
return imageArray.length;
function doh(err) {
function shout (count) {
// This will happen after gotEm() and count is the value
// returned by gotEm()
alert('see my new ' + count + ' images?');
Publique su código. –
¿Qué quieres lograr? Tal vez haya algo más eficiente que precargar imágenes. – Alp