2011-12-16 8 views

Si estoy tratando de recuperar la primera matriz usando (String) response.getProperty(0); pero me estaba devolviendo una cadena completa.¿Cómo recuperar una matriz de objetos como resultado del servicio web KSOAP en Android?

**Here is the code of webservice calling** 

public static Object getResponse(String methodName, String actionName, LinkedHashMap<String, String> valueStrings) 
    SoapObject soapObject = new SoapObject(LetUsClickAPIConstants.COMMON_NAMESPACE, methodName); 
    Object response = null; 
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapKeys : valueStrings.entrySet()) 
     soapObject.addProperty(mapKeys.getKey(), mapKeys.getValue()); 
    final SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11); 
    envelope.dotNet = false; 
    final AndroidHttpTransport androidHttpTransport = new AndroidHttpTransport(LetUsClickAPIConstants.COMMON_URL); 
     androidHttpTransport.call(actionName, envelope); 
     response = envelope.getResponse(); 
     Log.d("Response ", response.toString()); 
    } catch (final IOException e) 
     Log.d("Exception", "" + e); 
    } catch (final XmlPullParserException e) 

     Log.d("Exception", "" + e); 
    return response; 


me dieron una respuesta de tipo vectorial

[Client{UserId=93; nickName=ladies; }, Client{UserId=94; nickName=ABCD; }] 

Here is the image of return response

He intentado muchas maneras, pero no estoy éxito para recuperar de alguna manera?



Uso siguiente código ..

Soapresponse = Ksoap.CallService("SOAP_METHOD_NAME); 

     try { 
      if (Soapresponse != null) { 
       SoapObject Soapresult = (SoapObject) Soapresponse 

       if (Soapresult != null) { 
        SoapObject Dataset = (SoapObject) Soapresult 
        if (Dataset != null) { 
         SoapObject Table = (SoapObject) Dataset 
         if (Table != null) { 
          UserId= new String[Table.getPropertyCount()]; 
          nickName= new String[Table 

          for (int i = 0; i < total_News; i++) { 
           SoapObject row = (SoapObject) Table 

           UserId[i] = row.getProperty("UserId") 
           nickName[i] = row.getProperty(

     } catch (NullPointerException f) { 

     } catch (ClassCastException d) { 


analizar la cadena de las partes que desea. Uso de la función regex o subcadena de la clase String.

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