2012-03-09 14 views

He encontrado Vimmish: http://dira.ro/2009/05/07/vimmish-vim-translator¿Hay algún servicio en línea para traducir los comandos de VIM a una forma legible por humanos?

Una herramienta que traduce las secuencias de comandos de Vim en forma legible:

de entrada:

iDon't know vim :(.<ESC>^2WBc2wbetter now<ESC><RIGHT>Da.<ESC>II can understan<ESC><RIGHT>~dE 


    i => insert before cursor: 
Don't know vim :(. => type Don't know vim :(. 
      <ESC> => go to normal mode 
       ^=> move to the begining of the line (not blank character) 
       2W => move to the begining of the next space-separated word, 2 times 
       B => move backwards one space-separated-word 
       c2w => change to the begining of the next word, 2 times 
     better now => type better now 
      <ESC> => go to normal mode 
      <RIGHT> => move one character to the right 
       D => delete the rest of the current line 
       a => append after cursor: 
       . => type . 
      <ESC> => go to normal mode 
       I => insert to the begining of the current line: 
    I can understan => type I can understan 
      <ESC> => go to normal mode 
      <RIGHT> => move one character to the right 
       ~ => change character case 
       dE => delete to the end of the next space-separated-word 

Está programado con Ruby .

¿Hay alguna versión en línea, o algo similar?


buena herramienta, parece que será fácil para crear webapp de ella –


Algunos herramienta que funciona a la inversa sería agradable :) – Bernhard


Uso uno de esos todo el tiempo. Me gusta llamarlo "Google". :) –


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