2011-11-16 22 views

¿Hay API disponible en cualquier idioma que se pueda ejecutar en una Mac (Perl/Python/Cocoa/etc) o herramientas de línea de comandos que puede usar para cargar un archivo binario (app/bundle/framework/etc) y extraer el código cadenas utilizadas en el código?¿Cómo extraer cadenas codificadas de un binario en Mac?

La razón detrás es que queremos comprobar si hay alguna ruta codificada en nuestro binario compilado.



Sí, sólo puede utilizar la herramienta de línea de comandos strings:

$ man strings 

     strings - find the printable strings in a object, or other binary, file 

     strings [ - ] [ -a ] [ -o ] [ -t format ] [ -number ] [ -n number ] [--] [file ...] 

     Strings looks for ASCII strings in a binary file or standard input. Strings is useful for identifying random object files and many other things. A string 
     is any sequence of 4 (the default) or more printing characters ending with a newline or a null. Unless the - flag is given, strings looks in all sections 
     of the object files except the (__TEXT,__text) section. If no files are specified standard input is read. 

     The file arguments may be of the form libx.a(foo.o), to request information about only that object file and not the entire library. (Typically this argu- 
     ment must be quoted, ``libx.a(foo.o)'', to get it past the shell.) 

     The options to strings(1) are: 

     -a  This option causes strings to look for strings in all sections of the object file (including the (__TEXT,__text) section. 

     -  This option causes strings to look for strings in all bytes of the files (the default for non-object files). 

     --  This option causes strings to treat all the following arguments as files. 

     -o  Preceded each string by its offset in the file (in decimal). 

     -t format 
       Write each string preceded by its byte offset from the start of the file. The format shall be dependent on the single character used as the format 

     d  The offset shall be written in decimal. 

     o  The offset shall be written in octal. 

     x  The offset shall be written in hexadecimal. 

       The decimal number is used as the minimum string length rather than the default of 4. 

     -n number 
       Specify the minimum string length, where the number argument is a positive decimal integer. The default shall be 4. 

     -arch arch_type 
       Specifies the architecture, arch_type, of the file for strings(1) to operate on when the file is a universal file. (See arch(3) for the currently 
       know arch_types.) The arch_type can be "all" to operate on all architectures in the file, which is the default. 


     The algorithm for identifying strings is extremely primitive. 

Apple Computer, Inc.             September 11, 2006                STRINGS(1) 

Will '' strings' encontrar constantes NSString' que son confeccionados de caracteres 'unichar', no caracteres de 8 bits? – trojanfoe


@trojanfoe: buen punto: solo funciona con ASCII, creo, por lo que cualquier cadena que contenga caracteres anchos no se imprimirá –


Eso está bien. ASCII está bien por ahora. ¡Gracias! – radj

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