2011-12-03 14 views

Tengo un proyecto de base de datos de SQL Server que se dirige a una base de datos SQL Server 2012 RC0. El proyecto fue creado en Visual Studio 2010 + SQL Server Data Tools CTP4. El tipo de proyecto es diferente a los proyectos de base de datos regulares de Visual Studio 2010 (es la próxima versión de SQL Developer Tools CTP3 Juneau).Implementar proyecto de base de datos de SQL Server (SSDT) ​​a través de la línea de comando

Se implementa correctamente en el IDE. ¿Cómo puedo implementarlo a través de la línea de comando?

Intenté VSDBCMD.exe pero se espera un archivo .deploymanifest que no sea creado por el nuevo tipo de proyecto.



Uso sqlpackage.exe, situada en C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\{version}\DAC\bin o C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\{version}\DAC\bin donde {version} = 110 (SQL Server 2012), 120 (SQL Server 2014), etc.

argumentos de línea de comandos:

/Action:{Extract|Report|Publish|Script} Specifies the action to be performed. 
             (short form /a) 

/Quiet[+|-]        Specifies whether detailed feedback is 
             suppressed. Defaults to False. (short 
             form /q) 

/OverwriteFiles[+|-]      Specifies if sqlpackage.exe should 
             overwrite existing files. Specifying 
             false causes sqlpackage.exe to abort 
             action if an existing file is 
             encountered. Default value is True. 
             (short form /of) 

/SourceServerName:<string>    Defines the name of the server hosting 
             the source database. (short form /ssn) 

/SourceDatabaseName:<string>    Defines the name of the source 
             database. (short form /sdn) 

/SourceUser:<string>      For SQL Server auth scenarios, defines 
             the SQL Server user to use to access 
             the source database. (short form /su) 

/SourcePassword:<string>     For SQL Server auth scenarios, defines 
             the password to use to access the 
             source database. (short form /sp) 

/SourceTimeout:<int>      Specifies the timeout for establishing 
             a connection to the source database in 
             seconds. (short form /st) 

/SourceEncryptConnection[+|-]   Specifies if SQL encryption should be 
             used for the source database 
             connection. (short form /sec) 

/SourceTrustServerCertificate[+|-]  Specifies whether to use SSL to 
             encrypt the source database connection 
             and bypass walking the certificate 
             chain to validate trust. (short form 

/SourceConnectionString:<string>   Specifies a valid SQL Server/Azure 
             connection string to the source 
             database. If this parameter is 
             specified it shall be used exclusively 
             of all other source parameters. (short 
             form /scs) 

/SourceFile:<string>      Specifies a source file to be used as 
             the source of action instead of a 
             database. If this parameter is used, 
             no other source parameter shall be 
             valid. (short form /sf) 

/TargetServerName:<string>    Defines the name of the server hosting 
             the target database. (short form /tsn) 

/TargetDatabaseName:<string>    Specifies an override for the name of 
             the database that is the target of 
             sqlpackage.exe Action. (short form 

/TargetUser:<string>      For SQL Server auth scenarios, defines 
             the SQL Server user to use to access 
             the target database. (short form /tu) 

/TargetPassword:<string>     For SQL Server auth scenarios, defines 
             the password to use to access the 
             target database. (short form /tp) 

/TargetTimeout:<int>      Specifies the timeout for establishing 
             a connection to the target database in 
             seconds. (short form /tt) 

/TargetEncryptConnection[+|-]   Specifies if SQL encryption should be 
             used for the target database 
             connection. (short form /tec) 

/TargetTrustServerCertificate[+|-]  Specifies whether to use SSL to 
             encrypt the target database connection 
             and bypass walking the certificate 
             chain to validate trust. (short form 

/TargetConnectionString:<string>   Specifies a valid SQL Server/Azure 
             connection string to the target 
             database. If this parameter is 
             specified it shall be used exclusively 
             of all other target parameters. (short 
             form /tcs) 

/TargetFile:<string>      Specifies a target file (i.e., a 
             .dacpac files) to be used as the 
             target of action instead of a 
             database. If this parameter is used, 
             no other target parameter shall be 
             valid. This parameter shall be invalid 
             for actions that only support database 
             targets. (short form /tf) 

/Properties:<string>      A name value pair for a Publish 
             property, {PropertyName}={Value}. 
             Refer to the help for the Publish 
             action for valid property names. 
             (short form /p) 

/Variables:<string>      Optional only if /Action:Publish is 
             specified. Valid values for parameter 
             name shall be SQL Command variables 
             specified in the .dacpac file only. 
             Parameter names specified that are not 
             declared in the .dacpac shall result 
             in an error. Valid command variable 
             values shall be context-specific based 
             on the command variable itself (e.g., 
             database name vs. schema names). 
             (short form /v) 

/Profile:<string>      Optional if /Action:Publish is 
             specified. Valid value is a file path 
             to a Publish Profile. A user shall be 
             able to use a Publish Profile to 
             define the collection of Publish 
             Properties to use for a Publish 
             episode. (short form /pr) 

/OutputPath:<string>      Required if /Action:Report or 
             /Action:Script is specified. Valid 
             value is a file path to where the 
             comparison report shall be written. 
             (short form /op) 

@<file>         Read response file for more options. 

sqlpackage.exe /Action:Publish /SourceFile:C:\DbProject\bin\Debug\DbProject.dacpac /TargetServerName:localhost /TargetDatabaseName:TestDb

Con t ARGET detalles db almacenados en un perfil:
sqlpackage.exe /Action:Publish /SourceFile:C:\DbProject\bin\Debug\DbProject.dacpac /Profile:C:\DbProject\LocalDb.publish.xml

Si recibe el error "No se puede conectar al servidor de destino" y luego asegurarse de que está utilizando la versión correcta de sqlpackage.exe (ver here para más detalles).


[documentos en línea] (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh550080%28VS.103%29.aspx) –


También funciona para SSDT en Visual Studio 2013. – Keith


¿Override/ProfileConnectionString/Profile se especifican? @Keith – Json


Si eres un masoquista, Microsoft también proporciona documentation on deploying the DACPAC via SMO, con el pretexto de 'usar PowerShell'.

Por supuesto, puede llamar sqlpackage de PowerShell también ...


Gran artículo vinculado. Pero, por favor, tómese el tiempo para ampliar su respuesta con extractos relevantes del artículo para evitar la posible rotura de enlaces. Gracias. – bPratik

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