Tengo un backgroundworker que ejecuta un solo proceso. Quiero poder cancelar el procesamiento mientras está en marcha, pero cuando llamo al método CancelAsync(), en realidad nunca cancela. ¿Dónde estoy equivocado?Backgroundworker.CancelAsync() no funciona
Aquí está el método DoWork():
private void bgw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
BackgroundWorker b = sender as BackgroundWorker;
if (b != null)
if (!b.CancellationPending)
// Let's run the process as a backgroundworker so we have the ability to cancel the search, and/or be able to view results while it's still searching
ProcessParameters pp = e.Argument as ProcessParameters;
if (pp.DoReplace)
results = FindReplace.FindReplace.FindAndReplace(pp.PathToSearch, pp.FindText, pp.ReplaceText, pp.UseRegularExpressions, pp.IncludeList, pp.ExcludeList, pp.RecurseSubdirectories, pp.IgnoreCase);
results = FindReplace.FindReplace.Find(pp.PathToSearch, pp.FindText, pp.UseRegularExpressions, pp.IncludeList, pp.ExcludeList, pp.RecurseSubdirectories, pp.IgnoreCase);
catch (Exception ex)
// Cancel was clicked
e.Cancel = true;
Aquí es el método que se inicia el procesamiento:
private void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (btnGo.Text == "Cancel")
if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to cancel?", "Cancel Requested", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question))
if (tbFind.Text.Length == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Find text is not valid.");
tbFound.Text = String.Empty;
tbFoundInThisFile.Text = String.Empty;
includeList = null;
excludeList = null;
results = null;
if (radDirectory.Checked && !radFile.Checked)
includeList = BuildIncludeExcludeList(tbIncludeFiles.Text);
excludeList = BuildIncludeExcludeList(tbExcludeFiles.Text);
ProcessParameters pp = null;
if (chkReplace.Checked)
pp = new ProcessParameters(tbPath.Text, tbFind.Text, tbReplace.Text, chkUseRegEx.Checked, includeList, excludeList, chkRecursion.Checked, chkIgnoreCase.Checked, true);
pp = new ProcessParameters(tbPath.Text, tbFind.Text, chkUseRegEx.Checked, includeList, excludeList, chkRecursion.Checked, chkIgnoreCase.Checked, false);
// Toggle fields to locked while it's running
btnGo.Text = "Cancel";
y aquí está la WorkerCompleted() evento:
private void bgw_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
btnGo.Text = "Go";
string message = String.Empty;
const string caption = "FindAndReplace is Complete";
if (!e.Cancelled)
if (results != null)
tbFound.Text = results.Found.ToString();
tbSearched.Text = results.FilesSearched.ToString();
tbSkipped.Text = results.FilesSkipped.ToString();
message = String.Format("Search finished resulting in {0} match(es).", results.Found);
message = "The FindAndReplace results were empty. The process was cancelled or there was an error during operation.";
message = "The FindAndReplace process was cancelled.";
if (e.Error != null)
message += String.Format("{0}{0}There was an error during processing: {1}", Environment.NewLine, e.Error);
MessageBox.Show(message, caption);
Solo tiene una ventana muy pequeña que comprueba CancelaciónPending. No lo calentarás. –
OT pero en su manejador Completo el cheque para e.Error debe ir primero. –