Tengo un enfoque para compartir. Desarrollé el envoltorio CR simple que puede ayudar a renderizar Crystal Reports. Use este código como está. Por favor, siéntase libre de modificar, ampliar cualquier parte del código. Enlace de descarga https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlTLBrnU_bLUiaoUxcxNiRCZRQjWng
Y la muestra de cómo utilizar el envoltorio utilizando la clase de envoltorio CR que enter code here
implementa la interfaz IDisposable.Establezca el origen del informe en Page_Init e informe los parámetros en los eventos Page_Load y deseche el documento del informe en el evento Page_Unload.
El segundo método usa una clase estática y representa el informe en unos, descartando el documento de informe al final. El origen del informe debe guardarse en la variable de sesión. Tenga en cuenta que el segundo método no es realmente adecuado en la aplicación web de alto tráfico, porque el uso de la clase estática. La colisión ocurrirá si dos usuarios ejecutan cualquier informe al mismo tiempo.
Método 1
using System;
using System.Linq;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using WebReports.Models.Helpers.CrystalReports; //Reference to CR wrapper
namespace YourNamespace
public partial class ReportForm : System.Web.UI.Page
protected string _serverName;
protected string _databaseName;
protected string _schemaName;
protected string _userId;
protected string _userPassword;
protected bool _integratedSecurity;
protected string _databaseType;
//Wrapper Report Document
protected CReportDocument _reportDocument;
/// <summary>
/// Load report
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Wrapper object
this._reportDocument = new CReportDocument();
//These settings should be initialized from i.e. web.config in Page_PreInit
this._reportDocument.ServerName = this._serverName;
this._reportDocument.DatabaseName = String.Empty;
this._reportDocument.SchemaName = this._schemaName;
this._reportDocument.DatabaseType = CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE;
this._reportDocument.UserId = this._userId;
this._reportDocument.UserPassword = this._userPassword;
this._reportDocument.IntegratedSecurity = false;
//Get report name from query string. Define Your own method to get report name
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parReportName))
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report name is not being provided.";
//Set Report file
this._reportDocument.ReportFile = Server.MapPath("~/ReportFiles/") + parReportName;
//Set Report documant
//Get Report Document
crViewer.ReportSource = this._reportDocument.GetReportDocument();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CReportParameter reportParameter;
//Get parameters Your own method to provide report parameters
var parFimYear = RouteData.Values["par1"];
var parFimCityCode = RouteData.Values["par2"];
if (par1 == null || par2 == null)
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report parameters are not being provided.";
//Define Report Parameter
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parYear";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = parFimYear;
reportParameter.crParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parCityCode";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = parFimCityCode;
reportParameter.crParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
//Set report parameters
protected void Page_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e)
Método 2
using System;
using System.Linq;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using WebReports.Models.Helpers.CrystalReports; //Reference to CR wrapper
namespace YourNamespace
public partial class ReportForm : System.Web.UI.Page
protected string _serverName;
protected string _databaseName;
protected string _schemaName;
protected string _userId;
protected string _userPassword;
protected bool _integratedSecurity;
protected string _databaseType;
/// <summary>
/// Load report
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CReportParameter reportParameter;
//These settings should be initialized from i.e. web.config in Page_PreInit
if (!IsPostBack)
if (this._databaseType == CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE.ToString())
//static wrapper class
CReportDocumentManager.ServerName = this._serverName;
CReportDocumentManager.DatabaseName = String.Empty;
CReportDocumentManager.SchemaName = this._schemaName;
CReportDocumentManager.DatabaseType = CReportDatabaseType.ORACLE;
CReportDocumentManager.UserId = this._userId;
CReportDocumentManager.UserPassword = this._userPassword;
CReportDocumentManager.IntegratedSecurity = false;
//Get report name from query string. Define Your own method to get report name
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parReportName))
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report name is not being provided.";
//get par1. Your own method to provide report parameters. This is from MVC application
var par1 = RouteData.Values["par1"];
//get par2
var par2 = RouteData.Values["par2"];
if (par1 == null || par2 == null)
lblConfigError.Text = "Crystal Report parameters are not being provided.";
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parYear";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = par1;
reportParameter.CReportParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
reportParameter = new CReportParameter();
reportParameter.ParameterName = "@parCityCode";
reportParameter.ParameterValue = par2;
reportParameter.CReportParameterValueKind = ParameterValueKind.StringParameter;
CReportDocumentManager.ReportFile = Server.MapPath("~/ReportFiles/") + parReportName;
ReportDocument doc = CReportDocumentManager.GetCReportDocument();
crViewer.ReportSource = doc;
Session[parReportName] = doc;
var parReportName = Request.QueryString["reportname"];
ReportDocument doc = (ReportDocument)Session[parReportName];
crViewer.ReportSource = doc;
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